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KARACHI:The Constitution of Pakistan guarantees the religious freedom to all communities, said the president of Sindh High Court adidas yeezys Bar Association (SHCBA), Mustafa Lakhani, in a meeting on Monday while condemning the torching of聽 Joseph Colony in Lahore.Quoting from the speech delivered by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinn adidas yeezys ah, on September 11, 1947, he added that people shouldn t discriminate against each other on the basis of religion. The government s inability to save the properties of the residents of Joseph Colony sends a negative message about o adidas campus herren ur country to the world, he added.Published in The Express Tribune, March 12th, 2013. LOS ANGELES:Movies that skip the big screen will be allowed to contend for Oscars this year, the Academy said Tuesday in a significant rule change forc chucks converse ed by the coronavirus pandemic.Traditionally the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences requires at lea airmaxplus st a seven-day run in Los Angeles theatres for movies to be eligible for Hollywood s biggest prize.Bu stanley products t picture houses in America s second city have been closed since mid-March, with no date set for them to reopen. Photo: REUTERS

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FAISALABAD:Eight workers of a textile mill received severe burn injuries when a part of the factory caught fire on Tuesday. The Khurarianwala station house officer (SHO) said a fire broke out in adidas yeezys the packin adidas samba schuhe g area of Masood Textile Mills early in the morning. T air max 720 he fire quickly spread and eight persons, including Owais Nabbar, Usman Islam, Ali Raza, Saghufta, Sehrish, Ghazala, Irfan and Mehnaz Bibi, were injured.Published in The Express Tribune, April 16th, 2014. ISLAMABAD:The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has newbalance 530 disqualified for life Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Faisal Vawda from parliament for submitting a false affidavit.According to the decision announced on Wednesday, Vawda, who resigned from his MNA seat to become a senator in elections last year, was also told to return all the perks and privileges he received as a member of t nike air max plus he National Assembly.The PTI senator was disqualified by the election watchdog for violating Article 62(1)(f) which pertains to being quot;sadiq (truthful) and quot;amin quot; nb 550 (honest). The article provision sets the precondition for a member of parliament and is the same provision under which former prime minister Nawaz Sharif was disqualified by Supreme Court on July 28, 2017, in the Panama Papers case.Similarly, PTI leader Jahangir Tareen was disqualified on Dec 15, 2017, by a separate bench of the apex court under the same provision.In its decision, the ECP said the PTI leader through his conduct

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Entering the softly lit space with sitar harmonies delicately wafting through the air, one is apprehensive that the Mughal India: Art, Culture and Empire exhibit may present a narrow, clich茅d, gift-shop approach to the Mughal dynasty.Exhilaratingly, it turns out to be a spectacular treasure tro stanley cups ve of imperial life, unearthed by curator Malini Roy, from the vaults of the British Library. The knowledge of Mughals that exists around the edges of one s memory comes to life in the exhibit, pulsati yeezys 350 ng tangibly adidas samba damen with the excellence and the grandeur of the legendary empire. The poets, scholars, statesmen, warriors and kings that the Mughals were, is highlighted beautifully as the exhibit unfolds through three centuries of achievements in architecture, literature, astronomy, science and the unparalleled patronage of the arts.Descendants of Genghis Khan and Timur, the Mughals ruled over South Asia from 1526 to 1858. At its peak, the empire encompassed most of present day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh KA air max95 RACHI:On Saturday stanley website morning, the gentle rays of dawn hit upon Yasmeen, nudging away the remnants of sleep. She tossed and turned, desperate to catch a few more winks, but it was to no avail. There wasn t enough shade at her usual spot on the pavement near Abdullah Shah Ghazi s nb 550 shrine.With gnarled fingers, she rubbed her eyes open, and joints cracking, lifted her body off the footpath. Some of her neighbours followed suit but the addicts among them remained unperturbed - the substances they used last night had not yet worn off. A few grubby children played at their feet.Yasmeen rolled up her belongings in the sheet that sufficed as her bedding. Neither soap nor sanitiser were among her possessions. She made her way to work - another spot on the dusty road, some blocks away from the pavement.There she sat, a few hours later, the sun scorching down on her back.聽But the sun was the least of her worries. It s the police. They used to ask us to leave [before] but it wasn t as often as it has
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