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[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

✔️Матрица судьбы . ✔️Натальная карта . ✔️Дизайн человекa

Гороскоп на сегодня - Телец, Овен, Стрелец, Рыбы, Водолей, Скорпион, Дева, Весы, Близнецы, Рак, Лев, Козерог, Гороскоп на завтра.


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[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

✔️Матрица судьбы . ✔️Натальная карта . ✔️Дизайн человекa

Гороскоп на сегодня - Рыбы, Рак, Близнецы, Козерог, Дева, Водолей, Лев, Стрелец, Овен, Телец, Скорпион, Весы, Гороскоп на завтра.


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U.S. President Donald Trump salutes Marine One helicopter pilots on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 5, 2020.Ken Cedeno鈥擯olaris/Bloomberg/Getty ImagesBy Vera Bergengruen and W.J. HenniganOctober 6, 2020 7:02 PM EDTLess than 24 hours after requiring supplemental oxygen and being hospitalized for COVID-19, President Donald Trump was already talking about the virus in the past tense.I learned a lot about COVID. I learned it by really going to school, Trump said in a video filmed from his hospital suite on Saturday. And I get it, and I understand it, and it a very interesting thing.It had been a rare and ominous sight to watch the Presiden stanley cup t of the United States get airlifted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to be treated for a disease that has killed more than 210,000 Americans and sickened millions more. Laid low by the very virus that he has consistently downplayed, and with more than a dozen White House and Republican officials around him also infected, Trump struck a rare note of uncertainty, tweeting Going well, I think! Messages of shock and sympathy came in from around the world.But if public health officials, and even some of Trumprsquo own aides, had hoped the experience would chasten him to change his message after months of questioning the severity of the stanley cup disease, it quickly became clear that they were mistaken. Donrsquo;t be afraid of Covid, stanley cup the President, Vpef The Story Behind TIME s Beyond Walls Covers
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Newly elected Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, 61, is sworn in during a ceremony at parliament house in Hanoi on April 7, 2016AFP/Getty ImagesBy Simon LewisApril 7, 2016 3:4 stanley cup 0 AM EDTVietnam parliament approved a new Prime Minister on Thursday, marking the completion of a reshuffle of the country Communist Party leadership.A former provincial governor and the previous Deputy Prime Minister, Nguyen Xuan Phuc was voted in by 446 out of 490 members of the National Assembly, the Associated Press reports. He joins newly elected President Tran Dai Quang mdash; the former Public Security Minister mdash; and the party powerful incumbent general secretary, Nguyen Phu Trong, stanley cup to complete the trio of top positions.Phuc assumes offic stanley cup e as the country undergoes economic reforms ahead of joining the U.S.-led Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, and amid heightened tensions with neighboring China, which has overlapping maritime territorial claims with Vietnam. In more immediate matters, large parts of the southern Mekong Delta region are experiencing an unprecedented drought linked to the El Nintilde;o weather phenomenon.After swearing an oath of office, Phuc promised to firmly defend the country independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.Thursday vote was a formality, with the succession decided at the National Party Congress in January.Murray Hiebert, a Southeast Asia specialist at Center for Strategic and Inte Oeni Morning Must Reads: September 12
By Vera BergengruenUpdated: September 26, 2019 11:36 AM [ET] | Originally published: September 26, 2019 8:34 AM EDT;The nationrsquo highest-ranking intelligence official defended his handling of a unique an af1 d unprecedented whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump in front of the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday morning, in the middle of a fierce showdown between Congress and the White House that has triggered impeachment proceedings against the president.Joseph Maguire air max 1 , the acting Director of National Intelligence, is facing intense scrutiny over his handling of an intelligence community whistleblower complaint that raised alarm about a phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskymdash;during which Trump asked Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden, who has consistently been a 2020 frontrunner, and his son Hunter business dealings in the country.The summary of Trump call with Zelensky, which was releas af1 ed on Wednesday, reads like a classic organized crime shakedown, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said at the hearing. It would be funny it wasnrsquo;t such a graphic betrayal of the Presidentrsquo Oath of Office.The California Democrat chastised Maguire for standing 8220 ilent when an intelligence professional under your care and protection was ridiculed by the president, was accused of potentially betraying his or her country when that whistleblower by t
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Looking for someone to wrestle the provinces nurses to the ground Look no further 鈥?Doug Fords your man.Despite the gruelling conditions nurses have faced during the pandemic, the premier has held them to a wage increase thats w stanley cup ell below the rate of inflation even with their pandemic bonus .But while a street-fighter with nurses, the premier turns to jelly when negotiating with the corporate world 鈥?as he showed in his crucial recent stanley termosky dealings with 407 International Inc., the corporation that operates Highway 407. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW With the provincial election just days away, its stunning that Ford has managed to avoid the reputation of being a wimp when it comes to standing up o stanley mug n behalf of the provinces commuters.Fords key campaign promise is to build a new highway, the 413, to relieve traffic gridlock on Highway 401, one of the worlds busiest highways. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW In fact, there is a much faster, simpler, cheaper 鈥?and less destructive 鈥?way to reduce 401 gridlock. But that would have required Ford to show some toughness in dealing with 407 International, which he was either unable or unwilling to do.Indeed, the premier blew a rare opportunity to solve a problem that has bedevilled the province since former Conservative Premier Mike Harris privatized the 407, a highway built in the 1990s in an earlier attempt to relieve 401 congestion. ARTICLE CONTINU Ukgr No winning ticket for Lotto 649 jackpot
The Fulton Common Council meeting Tuesday was notable for one thing: The return of Alderma stanley cups n Norman Jay Foster. The fifth wards representative has been away from the Council table, though not from his work as an Alderman, during his fight against lymphatic cancer.Foster had to stay away from large groups of people because his chemotherapy treatments left him with no defense against catching colds and flus.Theres something he wants everyone to know about his health: stanley cups Things are looking good, contrary to whats being said out there. He said scans of his body have come back clean.Hes also running for reelection.Wearing a baseball cap to cover a head made bald by chemo and using a metal cane to help him get around, Foster had no complaints but instead offered a bit of inspiration. Challenges come t all our lives, he said. Ive had mine. Its been quite the experience. placement_509781_0_iwidth:100%;margin:0 auto;=====In routine business:The Council approved a resolution of support for the Fulton Police Depart stanley mug ments attempt to qualify for a grant to buy tasers and some new computers. The grant money is available through the federal stimulus plans fundingn for public safety projects. The department would buy 7 tasers, which cost about $800 each. The department would also buy four new computers to help with tracking crime. The grat request totals $13,684.The Council okayed easements to install sewer lines at 901 Holly Drive and 920 Utica St., as well as an easement at 910 Utica

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The Kanetix.ca map showing car insurance rates by neighbourhood is something every Torontonian should see.It looks strikingly like maps showing Torontos highest concentrations of poverty.Angry red the company uses to show highest rates covers North Etobicoke, the Jane Street corridor in North York, the former City of York, Scarborough along Eglinton Avenue and north of Hwy. 401. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Its white, signifying lowest rates, in places like Rosedale, Lawrence Park, and Bloor West Village. 聽As my colleague Justin Skinner reported recently, drivers in North Scarborough pay $2,300 on average - $950 more than people in the wealthy core. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Thats driving them to the poorhouse, says Jim Karygiannis, a Scarborough-Agincourt councillor who knows some of his consti stanley thermos mug tuents are registering vehicles elsewhere to avoid their rates.David Marshalls report to the province, released in April, was clear: somethings very wrong, since Ontarios roads continue to be among the safest in North America, but premiums in 2015 were 55 per cent higher than the Canadian average, excluding Ontario. ARTICLE CONTINUES stanley mug BELOW The Financial Services Commission of Ontario is supposed to make sure the rates are just and reasonable. Theyre based on the vehicles, where drivers live, dr stanley thermos iving experience, and their accident and conviction Viop New Renfrew ice cream shop opening just in time for summer
Mayor Billy Barlow gives his State of the City address. Photo by Shea O 39;Malley.By: Shea OMalleyOSWEGO 鈥?Mayor Billy Barlow delivered his 2020 State of the City address during the Common Council meeting, Monday, March 9, a stanley cup nnouncing upcoming projects and goals for the coming year.Barlow unveiled several different proposals he will bring before the Common Council for discussion in the coming months.聽He discussed upcoming projects slated for Wrights Landing Marina, talking of the resilienc stanley cup y and economic development projects associated with New York States REDI program.He announced construction of a $17,000,000 housing development on Oswegos east side as part of the citys Downtown Revitalization Initiative, elaborating on recent success that keep the community progressin stanley cups uk g forward. The last four years have been filled with accomplishments and undeniable progress, and it is our responsibility to carry the momentum for another four years, building on our work and compounding our success, Barlow said. We must do this well confronting our remaining challenges head on. Tonight, Ill discuss the agenda that I believe will move this community forward, building on our successes, set our goals for 2020 and lay the groundwork to tackle those challenges. Below is a list of Mayor Barlows 2020 State of the City announcements and proposals:Capitalizing on our waterfrontFuel availability coming to Wrights Landing Marina for public boating community.Opening of a boater access center, includin
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Oliver Berg鈥擜FP/Getty ImagesBy NBC NewsAugust 20, 2014 stanley cups 3:53 PM EDTFederal officials say they have seized more than stanley cup 9,000 pounds of marijuana plants growing in a South Texas field.Discovered in the town of Raymondville, about 50 miles north of the Mexican border, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said the local street value for the seized marijuana is estimated at $10 million. 8230;Read the rest of the story at NBC NewsMore Must-Reads from TIMEHow the Economy is Doing in the Swing StatesHarris Battles For the Bro VoteOur Guide to Voting in the 2024 ElectionMel Robbins Will Make You Do ItWhy Vinegar Is So Good for YouYou Dont Have to Dread stanley cup the End of Daylight SavingThe 20 Best Halloween TV Episodes of All TimeMeet TIMEs Newest Class of Next Generation LeadersContact us at letters@time Emme A Woman Screaming I Am God Tried to Open a Plane Door Mid-Flight
By Jamie DucharmeFebruary 28, 2018 10:38 AM ESTFormer First Lady Michelle Obama is calling on everyday people mdash; not politicians mdash; to overcome racism, inequality and divisiveness in the U jordan .S.We give too much credit to leadership. We wait for some leader to tell us what to do, Obama said Tuesday while speaking at Muse, an event hosted by Klick Health in New York City. These problems aren ;t solved by a man. It is not a leader. It is us. We have more power to change the way people think, to change the way we treat everybody, to change the way people see us in the world, by the actions we take every single day.Obama deflected questions about the country current leadership mdash; and repeatedly denied that she would make a run for the Oval Office herself mdash; throughout the hour-long conversation, which touched on everything from meeting the Pope to her forthcoming memoir.Instead, Obama maintained that nike dunk people are the key to changing the fabric of society.We don ;t have to have policy. No edict. The Supreme Court doesn ;t have to do anything for us not to be racist, for us to be open, for us to practice equality in our lives, in our workplaces. We ;re in charge of tha adidas originals t, Obama said. If we lived in that country where each of us was really, really doing that, and not just worrying about a tax cut or power or holding onto power 8230; it wouldn ;t matter who was in the White House.O

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A young girl wearing wellington boots plays at Glastonbury Festival Site on Worthy Farm in Pilton on June 23, 2017, ne stanley cup ar Glastonbury, England. C stanley cup hris J Ratcliffe鈥擥etty ImagesBy Rebecca SchneidJune 26, 2024 10:21 AM EDTA little girl had something crazy to announce to the world at the start of Glastonbury Festival 2024 on Wednesday: she has a boyfriend.When BBC reporter Colin Patterson asked 5-year-old Elske to elaborate on her new boyfriend, the little girl proceeded to share his name, proudly sharing it is Toby Ogden. Patterson then turned to her parents, who amusingly had differing opinions on the boy. 39;I have a boyfriend 39;The Glastonbury Festival is underway and among the thousands of people arriving at Worthy Farm Colin Paterson met 5 year old Elske who was attending her first one with her family BBCBreakfast https://t.co/pPxo5sSCW0 pic.twitter/01rFhUnDcWmdash; stanley cup BBC Breakfast @BBCBreakfast June 26, 2024 Its a no from me, the girls father told Patterson, teasing, while her mother adopted a more positive attitude. No, hes lovely. Theyre good friends, she said, sharing that the youngsters are set to enjoy tea [an evening meal] together after Glastonbury.Elske, adorning a bucket hat with smiley faces patched across, turns six tomorrow. Ahead of her big birthday, it seems her dad is feeling protective when it comes to her having a boyfriend. My daddy said he will lock him in a tower, she said, though her father denied it. I never said that, he told Patterson, Uhhh South Korean Protestants Rally Against Pope Francis Visit
Amazon logo is displayed on adidas samba og a smartphone screen.Budrul Chukrut-SOPA Images/LightRocketIdeasBy Roger McNamee and Johnny RyanJuly 28, 2022 12:30 PM EDTMcNamee began his Silicon Valley investing career in 1982. He was an early investor in Facebook and an advisor to Mark Zuckerberg. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller Zucked: Waking up to the Facebook Catastrophe.Ryan is a Senior Fellow at the Irish Council for Civil Liberties and at the Open Markets Institute Patient privacy has been inviolable since the time of Hippocrates, in 400 BC. That may be about to end. Last week Amazon announced it is going to acquire One Medical, a adidas samba health care provider with over 700,000 patients.Big Tech has flirted with health care for years. Amazonrsquo direct entry into primary health care is a turning point. It will increase the perils of surveillance capitalism, with implications for everyone.Amazon knows our guilty pleasures, what we buy, what pills we buy, and what we watch and read and listen to. Its devices listen in our homes, and peep out of our Amazon Ring door bells. Amazonrsquo Kuiper satellites will soon connect our Internet.Recent scandals revealed that Amazon uses the data col hoka lected for supposedly innocent reasons in ways that betray our trust. Amazon staff say there are no limits on how Amazon uses this data internally. According to Amazonrsquo former head of information security: We have no idea where our fucking data is.One Medica

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By Elizabeth Barber / Hong KongOctober 3, 2014 3:54 AM EDTAfter a long night spent surrounding the offices of Hong Kongrsquo stanley cup top leader, anticipating a police action that never arrived, protesters on Friday morning wondered what to do next mdash; with many sensing that the authorities are simply waiting for the protests to wane.Wersquo;ve discussed that all night, as one protester, Tsui Kit, 24, put it, when asked what the protesters will do if Beijing continues to do nothing. But we still donrsquo;t know what to do, she said, as the sun rose, waking the thousands of sleeping people lying on sheets of cardboard or on the bare concrete of Admiralty district, the ongoing hotbed of the demonstrations.The tens of thousands of protestors who have convened in Hong Kongrsquo streets over the past week have expressed a single overarching goal: Beijing must rescind an Aug. 31 edict that says Hong K stanley cup ong residents can only elect their top leader in 2017 from a list of candidates curated by an electoral committ stanley cup ee plump with Beijing loyalists. Hong Kongers say this arrangement stacks the cards against Hong Kong interests being represented.Other, shorter-term goals, including the resignation of the head of government Leung Chun-ying, are seen an intermediate steps that might whittle the numbers on the streets mdash; but just for a short time, if universal suffrage does not follow soon afterward.Yet how to achieve those goals is increasingly unce Xfzm 6 Contests to Watch as Voters Go to the Polls Tuesday
By Charlotte AlterOctober 2, 2021 8:22 AM EDTWhen Arizona Republican Steve May was first introduced to then-state legislator Kyrsten Sinema in the early 2000s, she wouldnrsquo;t even say hello. At the time, all she knew about me was that I was an evil Republican, May recalls. She looked me up and down, turned on her little poodle skirt, and walked away. She wouldnrsquo;t even shake my hand.Back then, Sinema was widely considered the manic pixie dream girl of Arizona progressive politics, a tutu-wearing Green Party activist who supported Ralph Nader presidential bid. Fast forward 20 years, and Sinema has emerged as one of th adidas originals e two most conservative Democrats in the U.S. Senate. She a sometimes-ally to Republicans like Ted Cruz, as air force 1 comfortable among the GOP as members of her own party. And now, she a critical roadblock to President Joe Biden agenda.Sinema not the only Democrat preventing a landmark $3.5 trillion spending bill from moving ahead. But Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, the other holdout, has been more transparent about what he would or wouldnrsquo;t support, and has to answer to constituents from a deep-red state. Sinema, on the other hand, has emerged as a singularly elusive figure wh salomon o has vexed Democrats by blocking the centerpiece of the party legislative agenda without publicly signaling what she wants or what it will take to win her vote. Shersquo either operating and p
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Watchdog scientists are sounding the alarm over covid-19 studies involving ivermectin, a long-used antiparasitic that some cla adidas samba im can be effective at treating or preventing the viral illness. In a new article this week, they argue that the research into ivermectin has been plagued by widespread fraud and lax oversight by other researchers. The best way to prevent similar issues moving forward, they say, is to impose stricter standards in general on how data is collected and re-analyzed by scientists conducting reviews of the evidence. Ivermectin has emerged as an unexpected cultural totem of the pandemic. Some people, who often also distrust vaccines or have downplayed the pandemic, believe that ivermectin is a highly effective covid-19 drug that has been kept away from the public at the behest of Big Pharma. Many peopl nike air force e have been rightly skeptical of these claims, though some have been fooled by reports claiming that overdoses of ivermectin have overwhelmed emergency rooms or that its causing a mass epidemic of infertility in users. In truth, ivermectin is an immensely valuable drug thats very safe and effectiv air max plus e when taken as an antiparasitic. But despite some early studies in animals or in the lab suggesting that it could also help kill the coronavirus, the bulk of the evidence does not point to a major benefit from the drug for actual covid-19 patients, at least to date. The largest and seemingly highest-quality studies have found no real effect on mortality or preven Tfeu Colonial Pipeline s Year Just Got a Little Worse (Couldn t Have Happened to Nicer Company)
Celebrities promote stuff on Instagram all the time, from waist trainers to skinny teas to DIY teeth whitening systems. Products rarely look good, but with Amber Roses recent plugs for a sketchy bac air force 1 kground check website, weve reached a dismal new rung of vacuous shilling. Rose is a prolific Instagram hawker, and right now, shes mostly posting about Slut Walk, an event drawing attention to the way women get shamed for sexuality. Unfortunately, Rose is counter-balancing her feminist event promotion by stumping for a subscription web service that promises to uncover if your BAE is CHEATING but mainly just rips you off by charging for inf samba rose ormation you could find for free on Spokeo or other people search engines. One of her many now-d adiletten original eleted Instagram posts about the service reads: Ever wonder who BAE is textin and callin when youre not around Yeah so is the rest of the world 8230;Go follow@phonemarvels and click the link in their bio to find out NOW! If you click on the link in the bio, @PhoneMarvels brings you to a website called Instant CheckMate, which claims to offer a reverse phone number lookup service that gives people a dossier on their significant others potential side pieces: And why is Instant CheckMate going by the name @PhoneMarvels Probably because the service has a terrible reputation for false advertising. I tested it by looking up my own phone number, and it correctly identified my carrier, but located me Bayside, not Brooklyn. And thats all it did. To see s

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Edward James Olmos has had quite adidas samba og the career. He was in Blade Runner, Miami Vice, Dexter, even Battlestar Galactica, just to name a few. But out of everything, he recently said that the one scene he has in Pixars Coco may be the achievement among them all. Im, as Chicharr贸n, doing the one scene, its one of my proudest moments in the art form, he said at a recent press conference. Coco, the latest film from Pixar, tells the story of a young boy named Miguel who goes to the Land of the Dead to uncover a secret about his family. The whole thing is set in Mexico, voiced by a Latin cast, and centers on paying respects to your family history. adidas yeezy Then, in one particularly emotional scene, Olmos character, Chicharr贸n, shows the sadder side of that. Thats why Im so grateful鈥攕ix years ago, you didnt know wed be, politically, the shape that were in, nobody did, Olmos said. Nobody knew that Mexicans were gonna be treated like theyve been treated over the last year. Nobody. asics sneaker The last two years have been very difficult for us, and its hard not to come about and have an attitude. But you try to stay strong, knowing that the pendulum swung one way, its gonna swing back. And when it does, it will have a different reaction. It will have another sense of who we are and the changes. This placed us in a very strong position for the future. People are going to say Thank you to the Mexican culture for introducing them to a value they did not know anything about. That value is your family, your Bipm All the Moons Explores a Gorgeously Melancholy Vampire Story
Wooden building blocks have inspired the architects of tomorrow for years now, but littleBits wants to instead inspire future engineers. And with its new Gizmos 038; Gadgets kit, kids can easily build more than just si airforces mple circuits and electronics. The kit comes with 15 electronic building blocks as littleBits calls them including a light sensor, slide dimmers, wireless components for connecting a creation to a smartphone app, electric motors, wheels, and all the cables a kid needs to start nike sb dunk building one of 12 gadgets outlined in a step-by-step instruction manual. Everything from a remote controlled car, to a pinball machine, to a bubble blowing machine. But the real beauty of a building toy like littleBits is that kids can toss aside the instruction manual and instead rely on their imaginations to invent whatever kind of contraption they can think of. Thats whats helped Lego become a billion dollar toy brand, a adidas originals forum nd so far has helped littleBits grow and expand its offerings over the past few years. And with a focus on STEM science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education, your kids probably wont realize theyre learning something while they play. Suckers! The littleBits Gizmos 038; Gadgets kit is officially available for purchase starting today for $200, but dont for a second think its only for kids. If youve always wanted to dabble in electronics but find tackling an Arduino kit too daunting, the littleBits kits are a great way to educate yourself on the
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PHILADELPHIAndash; stanley travel mug To celebrate Flag Day, June 14, The DLA Troop Support Flag Room team demonstrated the making of the presidential flag to visitors at the Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia. The Flag Room is the sole producer of the presidential and vice presidential flags, and its staff are considered the Betsy Ross of the 21st century, for their patriotic flag making. SHARE PRINT stanley water bottles stanley mug DLADLA Troop SupportFlag RoomBetsy Ross House Cohx Wrap Your Earbuds in Dittos, Jigglypuffs, and Snorlaxes With Samsung s New Collab
Oct. 10, 2014. Pakistani rights activist Malala Yousafzai gestures after addressing the media in Birmingham, central England. The Nobel Peace Prize went to 17-year-old Pakistani Malala Yousafzai and India s Kailash Satyarthi for their stanley cup work promoting children s rights.OLI SCARFFmdash;AFP/Getty ImagesBy TIME StaffOctober 16, 2014 9:00 PM EDTFrom Malala Yousafzai winning a Nobel Peace Prize and the return of Kim Jong Un to Ebola diagnoses in Dallas and Angelina Jolie becoming a Dame, TIME presents the best pictures of the week.Read next: The Most Beautiful Wildfire Photos Yoursquo;ll Ever SeeOct. 10, 2014. Pakistani rights activist Malala Yousafzai gestures after addressing the media in Birmingham, central England. The Nobel Peace Prize went to 17-year-old Pakistani Malala Yo stanley quencher usafzai and India s Kailash Satyarthi for their work promoting children s rights. OLI SCARFFmdash;AFP/Getty ImagesOct. 14, 2014. A radical protester clashes with law enforcement members on the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks, marked by activists and supporters of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda Freedom Party and far-right activists and nationalists to honour the role of the move stanley water bottle ment in the history of Ukraine, during a rally near the parliament building in Kiev.GLEB GARANICHmdash;REUTERSOct. 14, 2014. A boy covers his face as others sift through garbage at the Maputo municipal garbage dumping site in Maputo, Mozambique.GIANLUIGI GUERCIAmdash;AFP/Getty ImagesOct. 15, 2014. Solidified molten steel is picture

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Apple may have crossed a crucial line in the sand in its dance to squash budding unions. The National Labor Relations Board on Tuesday reportedly filed a complaint a stanley water bottles gainst Apple accusing the tech giant of illegally intimidating and discriminating against employees at a New York City retail store. The official complaint follows months of allegations of interference and intimidation from workers in at least three Apple stores nationwide. First reported by Bloomberg, the filing accuses Apple of prohibiting workers from placing pro-union materials in a stores break room while simultaneously letting employees hand out non-union solicitations. The complaint reportedly bears out two allegations lodged earlier this year by the Communication Workers of America which claimed Apple interrogated employees at its World Trade Center location about their support for unions and forced them to attend anti-union presentations. Those complaints water bottle stanley came within weeks of similar union-busting allegations at an Apple store in Atlanta. Apple did not immediately respond to Gizmodos request for comment but disputed the NLRBs complaint in a statement sent to Bloomberg. We are fortunate to have incredible retail team members and we deeply value everything they bring to Apple, Apple said on Tuesday. We regularly communicate with our teams and always want to ensure everyones experience at Apple is the best it can be. It is past time for Apples seni stanley cup or management to respect its retail employees and st Icky The Case for Cautious COVID Optimism This Winter
Anti-LGBT activists protest on Feb. 23, 2016, in Yogyakarta, IndonesiaUlet Ifansasti鈥擥etty ImagesIdeasBy Yenni KwokAugust 25, 2016 12:06 AM EDTRead the Indonesian version hereIn his overseas trips, Indonesian President Joko Widodo has one favorite topic to discuss with his fellow leaders: Islam and democracy in his country. Indonesia is a country where Islam and democracy can go hand in hand, he said during a speech at the U.K. Parliament in April. In his visit at the White House last October, he told President Obama that Islam in Indonesia is moderate, modern and tolerant.Indonesia prides itself not only for being a country with the worldrsquo biggest Muslim population, but also for its tolerant brand of Islam. Its two largest Muslim organizations, the traditional Nahdlatul Ulama NU and the modernist Muhammadiyah, which have a combined membership of some 80 million, are touted as examples of moderate Islam.But recent events belie the ideal image of the world biggest Muslim democracy. In recent months, Indonesia has seen an alarming rise of anti-LGBT sentiment, which Human Rights Watch, in its August report, calls an unprecedented attack on the righ stanley flasche ts of sexual minorit stanley cups ies stanley tumblr that was stoked by the government. Since January, people from across all sections of Indonesia life, from government officials, politicians, local media, Muslim leaders to even psychiatrists, have joined the chorus of homophob
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screenshot by Lance Whitney/ZDNETOne of the benefits of a ChatGPT Plus subscription is the ability to access the GPT Store, now home to more than 3 million custom versions of ChatGPT bots. But nestled among all the useful and helpful GPTs that play by the rules are a host of bots considered spammy.Also: ChatGPT vs ChatGPT Plus: Is it worth the subscription fee Based its own investigation of the store, TechCrunch found a variety of GPTs that violate copyright rules, try to bypass AI content detectors, impersonate public figures, and use jailbreaking to circumvent OpenAIapos GPT policy.Several of these GPTs use characters and content from popular movies, TV shows, and video games, according to TechCrunch, seemingl stanley coffee mug y without authorization. One stanley mug such GPT creates monsters a la the Pixar movie Monsters, Inc. Another takes you on a text-based adventure soaring through the Star Wars universe. Other GPTs let you chat with trademark stanley quencher ed characters from different franchises.One of the rules about custom GPTs outlined in OpenAIapos Usage Policies specifically prohibits using content from third parties without the necessary permissions. Based on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, OpenAI itself wouldnapos;t be liable for copyright infringement, but it would have to take down the infringing content upon request.The GPT Store is also filled with GPTs boasting that they can defeat AI content detectors, TechCrunch said. This prowess even covers detecto Uhgg Keir Starmer s Daunting Challenges Ahead
Author Zora Neale Hurston 1891-1960 at stanley cups a book fair, New York, N.Y., circa 1937.PhotoQuest / Getty ImagesBy Lily RothmanJanuary 7, 2016 7:00 AM ESTToday the work of Zora Neale Hurston is taught in schools and turned into movies. But the American authormdash;who was born on this day 125 years ago, Jan. 7, 1891mdash;wasn ;t always a household name.In fact, in TIME 1937 review of Their Eyes Were Watching God, perhaps her best-known book, the magazine unbylined critic noted that white Americans would likely avert their eyes instead. In North and South alike, the critic posited, people hesitated to confront the harshest realities of what life was like for their non-white neighbors. Southerners would disregard the truth they knew too well and Northerners would find it embarrassing and indigestible.But to white readers who object to their violent brushwork [Hurston and her colleagues] might truthfully reply: Negro life is violent, the review continuedmdash;and literature was a valuable way to help those who were not personally impacted by that violence to better understand it. Tellingly for the era, the review does stanley cup not even consider how non-white audiences might respond to the work of an author like Hur stanley bottle ston.Years later, two decades after Hurston 1960 death, a TIME essay on race relations in America examined how literature like Hurston could help the nation understand the relationship bet

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Zack Snyders Rebel Moon is a Star Wars-alike ensemble film featuring a whos who of actors youve seen pop in and out of genre fair over the last few years. In addition to Sofia Boutella as leading woman Kora, the cast also consists of Djimon Honsou, Doona Bae, and Ray Fisher. Its also got three Game of Thrones alum in key roles, one of which gets a clip all to himself. In stanley termos the film, Staz Nair鈥攚ho played Dothraki army chief Qhono in the HBO drama鈥攊s portraying Tarak. Described as a nobleman-turned-blacksmith, Taraks got an extremely video game-ass special: he can bond with animals of any nature and bring them to his side, rallying them in comb stanley travel mug at and can even use the big ones as mounts. When Kora and her team come looking for warriors to help them defend their world against the evil empire, they opt to add Tarak to their party, despite the fact that hes currentl stanley becher y a slave working off a debt. Rebel Moon has always looked like a collision of space opera and pulp adventures, and the clip above drives that home even further. Its really something to watch Tarak tame the beast known in-universe as a Bennu in order to win his freedom, and itll likely be thrilling to watch him take the winged beast for a joyride to really show off his skill. The clip also has an added bonus in making it extremely clear that Snyder is a big goddamn fantasy nerd, in case the first 15 minutes to Man of Steel didnt already make that clear. The first part of Rebel Moon, subtitled A Child of Fire, is h Ayeo Scientists Warn of Eleventh Hour for Many Primate Species
Sen. Elizabeth Warren D-MA delivers remarks during the Good Jobs Green Jobs National Conference at the Washington Hilton April 13, 2015 in Washington, DC.Chip Somodevilla鈥氣€擥etty ImagesIdeasBy Judah BellinJune 19, 2015 12:49 PM EDTJudah Bellin is an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan In stanley bottle stitute.Senator Elizabeth Warren has been a vocal, if unsuccessful, advocate for higher-education reform. So far her efforts have either been unrealisticmdash uch as her proposal to reduce student loan interest rates to below 1%mdash;or insufficient, such as her push for student loan refinancing. But in a speech last week, Warren outlined a higher-education agenda that ambitious, prudent, and potentially game-changing.Our national stanley water bottle student debt problem has a clear cause: the inflation-outpacing, federally abated rise of college tuition. The De stanley cup partment of Education provides students aid on the basis of their college cost of attendance, meaning colleges can raise prices knowing that the federal government will simply increase aid awards. College administrators thus face little incentive to keep costs down. Students, in turn, must rely increasingly on debt to finance their college education.Warren is likely the most prominent Democrat in recent memory to acknowledge these backwards incentives. Conservatives are right, she said. Colleges take advantage of the availability of guaranteed federal loan and grant dollars to raise tuition prices. She suggested

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A new infrared image from NASA s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, showcases the Tadpole nebula, a star-forming hub in the Auriga constellation about 12,000 light-years from Earth. As WISE scanned the sky, capturing this mosaic of stitched-together frames, it happened to catch an asteroid in our solar system passing by. The asteroid, called 1719 Jens, left tracks across the image, seen as a line of yellow-green dots in the boxes near center. A second asteroid, called stanley water flask 1992 UZ5, was also observed cruising by, as highlighted in the boxes near the upper left the larger boxes are blown-up versions of the s stanley cup maller ones . But that s not all that WISE caught in this busy image -- two satellites orbiting above WISE highlighted in the ovals streak through the image, appearing as faint green trails. The apparent motion of asteroids is slower than satellites because asteroids are much more distant, and thus appear as dots that move from one WISE frame to the next, rather t vaso stanley han streaks in a single frame. This Tadpole region is chock full of stars as young as only a million years old -- infants in stellar terms -- and masses over 10 times that of our sun. It is called the Tadpole nebula because the masses of hot, young stars are blasting out ultraviolet radiation that has etched the gas into two tadpole-shaped pillars, called Sim 129 and Sim 130. These tadpoles appear as the yellow squiggles near the center of the frame. The knotted regions at their heads are likely to co Ioyy NASA-Developed Ventilator Authorized by FDA for Emergency Use
A Haitian asylum seeker carries a box on his head as he crosses the Rio Grande River at the U.S.-Mexican border.Pedro Pardo/AFP/Getty ImagesIdeasBy Gunisha KaurOctober 21, 2021 4:23 PM EDTDr. Kaur is a physician and refugee health researcher. She is an associate professor at Weill Cornell Medicine, medical director of the Weill Cornell Center for Human Rights, and an Emerging Leader in Health and Medicine with the National Academy of Medicine.In the wake of multiple legal challenges, the Biden Admin stanley hrnek istration late last month aimed to fortify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DACA program with a new rule that would shield more than 600,000 undocumented people brought to the U.S. by their parents. While proponents of the program welcomed the move and heralded it an effort to bulletproof the DACA program, our response in this moment overlooks a fundamental problem: each challenge on immigrationmdash;whether the Muslim Ban, family separation, or challenging DACAmdash;takes a toll on refugee and migrants through vicarious trauma and weathering, regardless of the outcome. While we debate annual refugee caps, if Title 42 should be repealed and whether to welcome Haitian and Afghan refugees, each day migrants experience the trauma of instability. This additional traumamdash;often ignored because of other acute, pressing issuesmdas stanley cup h;has lasting physical and psychol stanley tumblr ogical health effects that we document in our refugee and migrant patients for decades. Unders

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