State of Survival
15,05 €uro
Mehrfache Teilnahme?: Ja
Sofortgutschrift?: Nein

Ø Wartezeit: Unbekannt
Bisherige Teilnahmen: 0 (0 offen, 0 bestätigt, 0 storniert)
Cookielifetime: 30 Tage
Veranstalter: -
State of Survival: Zombie War is a strategy game developed by FunPlus International. In this game, humankind has been infected with a severe disease that has turned over half its populace into zombies. The horror has gone on for six months, and there has been no cure. It’s a miracle you and your friends have survived so long. Your mission is to kill as many zombies as possible while saving other survivors: - Build a shelter that would serve as a hideout for you and the survivors from the zombies. - Carefully search for resources that would come in handy as you strategize a plan to survive. - Arm yourself and your friends with the firepower to battle the zombies. - Collect coins and rewards that fall from every kill and use your earnings to get more weapons and resources. - Stay alive for as long as possible and win bigger prizes.
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