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Got some artistic flair The Milwaukee Bucks may be looking for you.The NBA team is seeking submissions from artists with Wisconsin ties to showcase their work at the new downtown arena.GALLERY: New Milwaukee Bucks ArenaThey ve partnered with Sports The Arts to create a museum-quality art collection for the arena that showcases Bucks and regional history.The team is seeking local artists and muralists of all levels and experience for the collection.Interested parties are asked to submit a short bio, sample images of their work, and any other information via .pdf file to bucksart@sportart.net. The stanley borraccia files stanley cup must be no larger than 5mb and contain up to eight samples of their work.Selected artists will be commissioned for specific works this winter and will be paid and promoted.The d stanley cup eadline for submissions is Aug. 30, and artists will be notified in November.The new Bucks arena is scheduled to open in time for the 2018-2019 season.

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Ali Schroer was on board when her doctor told her she could save hundreds of dollars a month on her allergy medication by ordering it online. I was a new professional and just trying to save some money, because it was so expensive, Schroer says. She ordered the prescription on a website that claimed to be an online Canadian pharmacy. It looked exactly like what I had been taking for years and years, and so, I really didn t think anything of it, she says. But in a few weeks, she started to feel strange. I had stomach pains and headaches and kind of achiness, she recalls. I would go almost into shock, like I would really get clammy and hot and get like these fever spikes. When she told a family member about the medication she got online, they did some research and found the site had a reputation for selling counterfeit drugs. Schroer says she threw the medication away, and in within weeks, she felt completely better. Her story is a cautionary tale of the dangers of purchasing medications online. The FDA recently issued a warning letter about the Canadian dr stanley cups ug distributor CanaRx, saying it supplied unapproved and misbra stanley termoska nded drugs to consumers in the United States. If you order medicines online and think they re getting them from Canada, they re probably not coming from Canada, says Dr. stanley cup Carmen Catizone, executive director of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. If you walk into a pharmacy in Canada, then those are medications that are safe enough that ar Pryx Stray cat prompts a rabies alert near Disney World s Epcot theme park
Discussing economic class is tricky in America, but the working and middle classes face vastly different financial challenges than upper-income familie stanley thermosflasche s, and the gaps are growing wider. Good money advice for high earners could be lousy for low earners, and vice versa.For example, certified financial planners recommend saving a three-month emergency fund before tackling other money goals.That advice can make sense for affluent families 鈥?those who can afford a financial planner 鈥?since high earners often have enough discretionary income to create an emergency fund quickly. For families living paycheck to paycheck, the same advice could be an expensive mistake.Heres an example of the math for a middle-income family spending $4,000 a month. They might trim their spending to $3,600 and manage to save the extra $400. Three months worth of expenses would equal $10,800, which divided by $400 would take 27 months to accumulate 鈥?and thats if they had no unexpected expenses in the meantime.Thats at least two years where they might be passing up company matches i stanley thermos mug n 401 k s, losing tax breaks for retirement plan contributions and paying exorbitant interest rates on credit cards and other debt.Everyone needs anemergency fund. But even a small one 鈥?$500 to $1,000 鈥?will do for a start. Building up a thr stanley kubek ee-month fund should come after retirement savings is on track and debt with high interest rates has been paid off. Student loan protections may outweigh a faster payoffEducation debt is
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TAIPEI, Taiwan - A fire on a music stage spread into a crowd of spectators at a party Saturday night at a Taiwan water park, injuring about 500 people, including nearly 200 in serious condition, authorities said.The fire was sparked by an accidental explosion of an unknown powder that was fired from a stage in front of about 1,000 people, said Wang Wei-sheng, a liaison with the New Taipei City fire departmen hoka schuhe t command center.A total of 519 people were injured by the fire at the Formosa Water Park in New Taipei City, according to a statement from the city government s health bureau. It said that 419 remained hospitalized on Sunday afternoon, about half of whom were s air max 1 eriously injured, including 184 in intensive care.Apart from Taiwanese, the victims were four people from Hong Kong, two from the Chinese mainland and one each from Macau, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore. The nationalities of three other foreigners were n nike dunk ot given.The fire erupted at the Formosa Water Park in New Taipei City near the island s capital and was quickly brought under control. Video showed rescue workers and bystanders carrying burned and injured people on their backs, in inflatable boats and on stretchers to get medical treatment. People tend to an injured woman at the Formosa Fun Coast amusement park after an explosion in the Pali district of New Taipei City on June 27, 2015. AFP/Getty Images Uttq New image reveals Milky Way s black hole is surrounded by powerful twisted magnetic fields, astronomers say
More than a dozen times, former Libyan Ambassador Abdul Rajab Azzarouq hiked, cane in hand, up a treacherous four-mile jungle path to a Musl stanley cup im rebel hide-out to negotiate the release of a group of Western hostages. During the visits, Azzarouq hammered out a multimillion-dollar deal, bankrolled by Libya, under which the Abu Sayyaf guerrillas agreed to release their hostages from nearly four months of captivity. Libya, long accused by the United States of coddling terrorists, is hoping to cast aside that stigma by helping end the widely publicized hostage crisis. The releases, initially scheduled for Wednesday, were delayed by minor hitches and bad weather and are now expected on Friday. Libya in the past has been linked to terrorism by America. This is their way of telling the world that it is not a country that supports terrorism but in fact helps end this kind of problem, said an ambassador of a nation which has several citizens held hostage, insisting on anonymity for fear of jeopardizing negotiations. Libya clearly hopes to play up its role in the negotiations. A chartered plane from Libya is waiting in Manila to pick up the Western hostages and take them to Tripoli to meet Li stanley cup byan leader Moammar Gadhafi before they return to their home countries. Planes chartered by Libya also have ferried officials and journalists from the hostages countries to Tripoli to cover the event. Azzarouq has denied newspaper reports that Libya is providing a stanley fr s much as $25 m
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Mary Shelley Frankenstein is a cautionary tale about the abuses of science 鈥?in particular, the potential pitfalls of screwing around with corpses and lightning. But people haven ;t always listened. Even before Shelley wrote her classic novel, scientists had meddled with the forces of life and death. And after Frankenstein came out, they kept on meddling. Here are six tales of real-life scientists who tried to reanimate the dead, or create life using lightning. Top image: Don Ivan Punchatz, via Frankensteinia. Lazzaro Spallanzani Spallanzani was a Catholic priest, and a stanley cup professor of natural history at Pavia University in the late 1700s. He started small, adding water to microscopic animals and announcing that he had managed a resurrection when they came to life. But he wasn ;t really satisfied. For some stanley cup website r stanley cup eason, Spallanzani turned for spiritual guidance to noted French cynic and atheist Voltaire. Spallanzani asked him what he thought happened to the souls of animals after death. Voltaire must have liked the guy, because he replied gently that he believed Spallanzani about the reanimation, and that the priest himself would be best qualified to answer the question. Although the priest next trick was cutting the heads off snails to see if they ;d grow back, he was definitely the least mad of the mad scientists. He was the first person to prove that chemicals inside the body helped with digestion, and was the first to spot white blood cells. Andr Aeww Staples Is Getting Amazon Lockers
The tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, is a whopping 828 meters tall, and in 2018, the Kingdom Tower in Saudi Arabia aims to top it by going to 1,000 meters. Is there a practical limit to this architectural oneupsmanship Apart from the wrath of a vengeful god, who will smite the hubristic constructions of man united, there are some factors which limit the size of our towers. Most of them are boringly practical, Atlantic Cities points out. Elevators, for instance, become problematic when your building starts coming up on near a mile in height. Likewise, building ridiculously high towers is expensive, and their bases tend to require tons of re stanley tazas al estate. If you could secure the money and land, however, and find people to stomach the painfully long elevator rides, it wouldn ;t be out of the question to build skyscrapers miles high. Chairman at the Council on Tall Buildings Tim Johnson told Atlantic Cities he ;d worked on designing a building that could have been scaled to roughly two miles abou stanley thermoskannen t 3,000 meters if it had ever been built: We proved that it is physically and even programmatically possible to build a building a mile-and-a-half tall. If somebody would have said Do it two miles, ; we probably could have done that, too. So long as you make your foundation sufficiently large, there no reason that man-made buildings termo stanley should be limited to any height less than that of the tallest natural mountain. It 82

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The Army IFAK鈥擨ndividual First Aid Kit鈥攗sed to be built into a SAW ammo pouch. This was a terrible solution as the pouch would continually get caught on other equipment鈥攏ot what you want in a fire-fight. But no longer! The US military has just overhauled this life-saving accessory. Seated on the hip, the old-style IFAK was just kind of a brick on your side that gets in the way of everything, said Rich Landry, Product Manager of Soldier Clothing and Individual Equipment, at NSSC. To correct this, Army engineers completely revamped the design of the kit, allowing it to be carried on the small of the back. In addition to the new position advantage of fitting under the soldier backpack and being more easily accessible, it packs more supplies as well鈥攊ncluding two combat tourniquets compared to the typical single compression bandage. According to Landry, And that 82 stanley cup 17 critical for us, because the big picture in load carriage is the backpack piece. That where a large percentage of the load and bulk comes from. And it critical that we still have to be able to carry that. All you do is reach back and pull the IFAK out, and it doesnstanley tumblers 8217;t matter what side you pull it out from. So if this hand is injured, you can reach behind with this hand and pull it ou stanley becher t, or your buddy can get to it. Every soldier in a theater of operations carries an IFAK. They ;re built for use as a first response kit and typically include a to Quco New Liquid Biomaterial Can Rebuild Faces Without Surgery
Having worked in a UPS warehouse, I can attest that picking up and moving heavy objects for eight hours a day gets old real quick. It back-breaking, knee-knocking labor. stanley cup And it about to get much easier with RonI new Mechlift System. The MechLift Electric manipulator is essentially a giant, joystick-controlled grappling arm suspended from a set of overhead rails. The lifter uses an annodized, telescoping aluminum pole and can be adapted to multiple industrial applications simply be changing the gripping head. That means the system can be used to hold everything from car doors and windshields to rolls of material and oil drums. It will pick up objects as heavy as 1400 pounds stanley botella and has a vertical lift range of over six feet. A simple joystick allows the user to control the speed and direction of the lift. The MechLift manipulator, said Bret Wachter, Product Manager at RonI, provides users with an easy-to-use variable speed joystick for lifting and placing tasks. [RonI] Monster Machines is all about the most exceptional machines in the world, from massive gadgets of destruction to tiny machines of precision, and everything in between. You can keep u stanley vattenflaska p with Andrew Tarantola, the author of this post, on Twitteror Google+.
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