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LOS ANGELES, Calif. 鈥?Vanessa Bryant released her first public statement Wednesday following the death of her husband, Kobe, and their 13-year-old daughter, Gianna G jordan3 igi .Kobe and Gigi were among the nine people killed when the helicopter they were in crashed in Southern Califo adidas samba og rnia on Sunday. The group was reportedly on their way to a basketball game. The Los Angeles County coroner has identified the other seven victims as 13-year-old Payton Chester, 45-year-old Sarah Chester, 14-year-old Alyssa Altobelli, 46-year-old Keri Altobelli, 56-year-old John Altobelli, 38-year-old Christina Mauser, and 50-year-old Ara Zobayan. The cause of the crash remains under investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board. Investigator Jennifer Homendy said Tuesday that the NTSB could release its initial findings as soon as next week, but its full report could take as much as 18 months.Wednesday, Vanessa took to Instagram to address the tragedy for the first dunks time. My girls and I want to thank t
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