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Xjaz Read the Full Transcript of Donald Trump s Second Amendment Speech
By Raisa BrunerJuly 24, 2018 11:05 AM EDTModern Family actor Sofia Vergara has a message for her Instagram followers: her account has been hacked.On Tuesday morning, Vergara took to Twitter to let fans know now to answer those idiots. Don ;t send them any info, she wrote. We r after them [sic].Vergara has 14.5 million followers on Instagram, and posted vacation photos with her sitcom co-star Jesse Tyler Ferguson and his husband Justin Mikita recently, as well as with her husband, fellow actor Joe Manganiello. She looked to be having a great time mdash; up until this latest incident.At least one scam-style post advertising a free giveaway on her Instagram was posted as of Tuesday morning, but was since been removed. Fans should be wary when the tone or style of a celebrity postings switches up mdash; and especially when free giveaways are on offer that don ;t have to do with the celebrity work directly.Guys my instagram got hacked. Dont ansewer those idiots. Dont send them any info.we r after af1 them.mdash; Sofia Vergara @SofiaVergara July 24, 2 adidas campus 018More Must-Reads from TIMEThe Reinvention adidas samba of J.D. VanceIran, Trump, Yniw I Was Scared to Death. Nurse Dragged From Hospital and Handcuffed Speaks Out
By David MilibandMarch 26, 2014 12:01 AM EDTThe crisis in the Ukraine has rightly focused attention on the implications for international law as well as international relations. But it is not the onl yeezy 350 y contemporary example of disarray in the defence of international laws. The war in Syria is not only descending into a war without end. It is a war without law mdash; international humanitarian law.The statistics tell their own story. Out of a population of 22 million, 9 million Syrians have been displaced from their homes. 130,000 are dead; 180,000 have been carted off to government prisons; 2.2 million children inside the country, according to the UN, are not in school; over 4 million people have been designated by the UN as hard to reach, which means that they are making do with barely any help beyond what they can do for each other.Civilians are not just caught in the crossfire鈥攖hey are targeted.UN Resolution 2139 demanded access to besieged areas; respect of humanitarian law in the condu adidas samba damen ct of war; safe passage for civilians from confl chanclas yeezy ict zones; and unimpeded passage for aid workers into those zones. The Security Council offered clear requirements and expectations wh
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By Justin WorlandUpdated: March 28, 2017 5:03 PM [ET] | Originally published: March 27, 2017 11:00 PM EDT;President Donald Trump signed a sweeping executive order Tuesday intended to shift the direction of U.S. environmental policy and begin the process of undoing some of the most significant Obama-era environmental regulations.The executive order, billed as a mea dunk pand sure to promote energy independence and create jobs, will target a slew of environmental measures aimed at combating climate change including the Clean Power Plan, the centerpiece of President Obama global warming efforts. Some directives take effect immediate adidas campus homme ly, like the end to a moratorium on new leases for coal mining on federal land, while others, like the review of the Clean Power Plan, require a rule making process th yeezy at could take years to complete.Speaking at the Environmental Protection Agency EPA , Trump declared an end to what he called the war on coal and promised a new energy revolution with a thriving coal and natural gas industry. The action Irsquo;m taking today will eliminate federal overreach, restore economic freedom and allow our companies and ou Apmz Deadbeat Diplomats Owe NYC $16 Million in Unpaid Parking Fines
The Canadian National Anthem is performed in honor of the shooting victims in Ottawa during the game between the Philadelphia Flyers and Pittsburgh Penguins at Consol Energy Center on Oct. 22, 2 nike air force 014 in Pittsburgh, Pa.Gregory Shamus鈥擭HLI/Getty ImagesBy Alex FitzpatrickOctober 23, 2014 8:33 AM EDTHockey games typically only start with Canada national anthem when there a Canadian team on the ice mdash; Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary or Winnipeg. But that wasn ;t the case on Oct. 22, when the Pittsburgh Penguins hosted their rival Philadelphia Flyers just hours after a Canadian soldier was shot and killed in an attack outside Parliament in Ottawa.With the National Hockey League having postponed a planned Wednesday game that would ;ve seen the Ottawa Senators host the Toronto Maple Leafs, it fell upon the Penguins to honor the slain yeezy slide soldier and those grieving by leading fans in a heartfelt rendition of O Canada, with the Pittsburgh rink digitally draped in a Canadian flag.You can watch the touching footage above.More Must-Reads from TIMEIntroducing air max 1 the 2024 TIME100 NextThe Reinvention of J.D. VanceHow to Survive Election Season Without

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By Madeleine CarlisleUpdated: September 28, 2019 3:27 PM [ET] | Originally published: September 28, 2019 10:48 AM EDT;The first Sikh sheriff deputy in Texas allowed to wear articles of faith while on duty was shot and killed during a traffic nike dunks panda stop on Friday.According to the Harris County Sheriff Office, Deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal had pulled over a car and spoken with its driver around 1:00 p.m. As Dhaliwal was walking back to his patrol car, the driver he had stopped allegedly got out of his car and shot Dhaliwal in the back of the head. The driver then fled the scene.Dhaliwal was transported to Memorial Hermann Hospital and pronounced dec asics eased at 4:01 PM.Police later arrested 47-year-old Robert Solis at a shopping center, and charged him with capital murder. The sheriff office later tweeted that Solis had an active Parole Violation Warrant for Aggravated Assault with Dead adidas samba og ly Weapon from January 2017. He was denied bond Saturday morning.Deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal, a 10-year veteran, was a hero, was a respected member of the community and he was a trailblazer, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said in a press conference Friday afternoon. He was a Idqq Why Men Are Falling Behind in COVID-19 Vaccination
By Jay Newton-SmallJune 12, 2014 5:53 AM EDTIn a Congress full of Machiavellian princes, majority leader Eric Cantor always counted himself a few steps ahead and twice as uggs skor smart. He led Republicans to control of the House in 2010, scuttled a grand-bargain budget deal with President Obama a year later and steadily climbed the rungs of power. The speakership was next, clearly within his sight on June 10, when Cantor whole world imploded in a Republican-primary vote the power brokers never saw coming.His error was as old as kingdoms. As Cantor mastered D.C. inside game, he lost touch with the people of central Virginia. The reason we won this campaignthere just one reason, his novice opponent, Dave Brat, told supporters after the upset. Dollars do not vote. You do.A conservative economics professor at tiny R nike dunk high andolph-Macon College with a degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, Brat beat Cantor with a campaign that spent less than $200,000nearly as much as Cantor $4.7 million campaign spent on steak-house fundraisers alone. Just hours before the polls closed, Cantor staff was confident of victory, adidas campus misrea
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U.S. Sen. Ben Ray Lujan of New M stanley cup exico says his health is improving after suffering a stroke.Lujan, a Democrat, posted a v stanley cup ideo on social media with two of the doctors who have been treating him. I m doing well. I m strong. I m on the road to recovery and I m going to make stanley cup a full recovery. I m going to walk out of here. I m going to beat this, Lujan said. Lujan suffered a stroke in the cerebellum and underwent surgery to ease swelling.Once the senator leaves UNM Hospital in Albuquerque, he said he will go to a rehabilitation center to continue the recovery process.With the Senate split 50-50, there was some concern about whether Lujan would be able to vote for Biden s eventual Supreme Court nominee. Lujan said he expects to be back in Washington in time to consider the nominee.The 49-year-old is a first-term senator. He was elected in 2020 after serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. .Page-below > .RichTextModule display:none; .Page-below .Link font-size: 12px; padding: 5px 10px;border: 1px solid 005687;border-radius: 4px;font-family: proxima-nova , sans-serif; Report a typo Copyright 2024 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may n Lvav Helena ReStore shows recycled products can prove useful
ACTON 鈥?Read, Win, Race is a program that encourages kids to read and this weekend it culminated with some fast driving at the Yellowstone Drag Strip on Saturday.Canyon Creek, Elysian and Trinity Lutheran competed. Great reading program, said Dale Sekora, organizer of Read, Race, Win. Its been really exciting. Earlier in the day, the racers reebok learned about the sport and ran some time trials. It was great, said Luke Shelton, principal at Elysian. Thats the first time Ive ever been down a drag strip so it was a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun, said Earl Ross, facility manager at Canyon Creek. First time Ive done that but I can see how people enjoy drag racing. Mr. Thomas just ran 18 and a half seconds at 76 miles an hour, Sekora said about Trinity principal Rick Thomas. And he acts like one of his fourth-grade kids right now. He is excited. Well I dont want to brag bu nike dunk t yeah, so far in the first time trial Im up, Thomas said.The cars in the pit area have a little more power than what the principals are driving, but that does not slow down the excitement and motivation for the students jordan . The kids knew that in the end, after all their reading, they would earn prizes but the ulti

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Investigators in northernNevada have locatedthe remains o stanley cups f Naomi Irion, officials announced. The 18-year-ol stanley cup d was abducted from a Walmart parking lot on March 12. Following a tip, investigators went to a remote area of a neighboring county on Tuesday and located a possible gravesite, police said. The body of an adult Caucasian female was recovered from that site. The body was transported to a Medical Examiner s Office where an autopsy was performed and on Wednesday the remains were confirmed to be those of Naomi Irion, according to officials. Sheriff s officials said they could not release any additional information because their investigation is ongoing. We would like to extend our sympathy and condolences to the Irion family and thank all the volunteers for stanley cup their hard work in trying to find Naomi and bring closure to the family, Lyon County officials said.A suspect in Irion s disappearance, since identified as 41-year-old Troy Driver, was arrested March 25 on kidnapping charges. Driver appeared in court on Wednesday and a judge set his bond at $750,000. Lyon County Sheriff s Office Photos show Naomi Irion the morning she was la Uhky Proposed federal law takes aim at surprise billing from air ambulances
converse Rudy Giuliani is considering re-entering the impeachment fray by launching a podcast to provide impeachment analysis of the public hearings in the House of Representatives scheduled for later this week.Giuliani was overhe air force 1 ard discussing the plans with an unidentified woman while at a crowded New York City restaurant, Sant Ambroeus, over lunch on Saturday. The conversation, which lasted more than an hour, touched on details including dates for recording and releasing the podcast, settling on a logo, and the process of uploading the podcast to iTunes and other podcast distributors.Two people who overheard Giuliani s discussion reached out to CNN and provided a recording they decided to make of the conversation. They contacted CNN unprompted after reading a recent story about Giuliani and the President s ongoing relationship. The people asked not to be identified and provided the audio recording on the condition that it not af1 be published. Many Americans want to hear directly from Rudy Giuliani, said Christiann茅 Allen, a spokeswoman for Giuliani, who confirmed to CNN that he discussed the podcast idea at lunch on Saturday. He is consi
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Michigander Deborah Jacobs was skeptical of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau until it helped her air force 1 keep her house.Paul D Amato for TIMEBy Massimo CalabresiAugust 13, 2015 6:05 AM EDTThe first time Deborah Jacobs heard about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, it struck her as a terrible idea. It was 2010, and Jacobs, a 65-year-old retired teacher, was one year into the mortgage on her new house in Brooklyn, Mich. Watching the news one evening, she saw a Harvard academic named Elizabeth Warren talking about the need for a new federal agency to protect consumers from deceptive and p asics sneaker redatory lending. Jacobs, who describes herself as definitely a Republican, remembers thinking, Well, that a waste of taxpayer dollars.Four years later, Jacobs was in a bind. Her daughter and grandkids had adidas yeezy moved into her home, and the costs of supporting the expanded household caused her to fall behind on the mortgage payments. With interest rates low, Jacobs calculated that she could modify her mortgage and keep her home. Her Michigan-based bank, Flagstar, approved the modification, but when the documents for the deal arrived in the mail, they included a surprise: a 822 Cljc Heat Makes Outdoor Work Dangerous
By Eliana DocktermanSeptember 1, 2022 11:00 PM EDTWarning: This post contains spoilers for the first two episodes of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.The first two episodes of The Rings of Power, Prime Video Lord of t adidas samba og he Rings prequel series, set the stage for a drama that will unfold over five seasons of television. Set in the Second Age, thousands of years before the birth of Frodo, the show will trace the rise of Sauron and the creation of the titular rings, including the one ring to rule them all. And already characters like Galadriel can sense that something evil is coming to Middle-earth.Showrunners J.D. Payne and Patrick McK yeezy ay introduce plenty of mysteries in the early episodes of the series. Evil-looking objects and sketchy dudes who fall from the sky abound. And of course, audiences are on the lookout for Sauron, who we knowmdash;from what author J.R.R. Tolkien wrote in the appendices to Return of the Kingmdash;disguised himself during this time period in order adidas sambarose to trick the elves. The internet is already full of theories about whether the evil lord is masquerading as one of the supposed heroes of the show.Read More: The Secretive, Extravagant, Bighearted
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