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NASA s Spirit has begun looking down into a cra stanley water bottles ter it has been approaching for several weeks, providing a view of what s below the surrounding surface. Spirit has also been looking up, seeing stars and the first observation of Earth from the surface of another planet. Its twin, Opportunity, has shown scientists a mother lode of hematite now considered a target for close-up investigation. It s been an extremely exciting and productive week for both of the rovers, said Spirit Mission Manager Jennifer Trosper at NASA s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Dr. Chris Leger, a rover driver at JPL, said, The te stanley cup rrain has been getting trickier and trickier as we ve gotten close to the crater. The slopes have been getting steeper and we have more rocks. Spirit has now traveled a total of 335 meters 1,099 feet . Spirit s new position on the rim of the crater nicknamed Bonneville offers a vista in all directions, including the crater interior. The distance to the opposite rim is about the length of two football fields, nearly 10 times the diameter of Oppor stanley cups tunity s landing-site crater halfway around the planet from Spirit. Initial images from Spirit s navigation camera do not reveal any obvious layers in Bonneville s inner wall, but they do show tantalizing clues of rock features high on the far side, science-team member Dr. Matt Golombek of JPL said at a news briefing today. This place where we ve just arrived has opened up, and it s going to take us a few days to get Cgjy Justin Gatlin Didn t Qualify for the Men s 200-M Final
By Mahita GajananUpdated: April 19, 2019 10:32 AM [ET] | Originally published: April 19, 2019 9:08 AM EDT;The DNA testing company Ancestry has taken down an ad showing a white man and a black woman who are in love attempting to escape what appears to be the the Civil War-era South.The 30-second commercial, entitled Inseparable, shows the couple running to a secluded spot.Abigail, we can escape to the North, the man tells the woman. There a place we can be together across the border. Will you leave with me As the ad ends, text appears on the sc stanley cup becher reen saying, Without you, the story stops here.Backlash was swift as critics accused the company of offering a romanticized version of American history. Most biracial or multiracial children born at the time were products of rape of women by slave owners, research has found.Interracial coercion and sex was widespread in the Antebellum South, where slave ow stanley cup ners often propositioned girls in their teens, according to an article in the Journal of African American History. A 2016 study looking at the history in the DNA of A stanley kaufen frican Americans today found evidence that white slave owners fathered children with the women they held as slaves in a common practice that appeared to cease around the end of the Civil War.Sylviane Diouf, a historian and visiting scholar at Brown University, tells TIME the ad at first seemed like some sort of parody and did not at all reflect the reality of t
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[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

✔️Матрица судьбы . ✔️Натальная карта . ✔️Дизайн человекa

Гороскоп на сегодня - Лев, Овен, Близнецы, Весы, Рыбы, Рак, Телец, Стрелец, Козерог, Дева, Водолей, Скорпион, Гороскоп на завтра.


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[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

✔️Матрица судьбы . ✔️Натальная карта . ✔️Дизайн человекa

Гороскоп на сегодня - Лев, Овен, Скорпион, Рак, Дева, Козерог, Стрелец, Рыбы, Водолей, Близнецы, Телец, Весы, Гороскоп на завтра.


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[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

✔️Матрица судьбы . ✔️Натальная карта . ✔️Дизайн человекa

Гороскоп на сегодня - Весы, Скорпион, Телец, Стрелец, Рак, Водолей, Близнецы, Козерог, Овен, Лев, Рыбы, Дева, Гороскоп на завтра.


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Tqut The 8 Most Inaccurate Depictions of Mars Ever Put on Film
Jason Momoa discusses his Dune role. Rosario Dawson wants in on Star Trek in a very specific role. The Disney+ Moon Knight show is set to enter production later this year. Plus, another new look at Penny Dreadful: City of Angels, behind the scenes on Agents of SHIELDs final Agent Carter crossover, and Quibi keeps on Quibing. To me, my spoilers! Green Hornet and Kato adidas campus Variety reports Universal Pictures will officially partner with Amasia Entertainment for a new film adaptation of the classic The Green Hornet radio and television series. Dune Appearing as a guest on a recent episode of the Ellen Degeneres Show, Jason Momoa compared his Dune character Duncan Idaho to Han Solo. I get to play this character Duncan Idaho, whos kind of a master swordsman whos made the right hand man to Duke Leto who is Oscar Isaac. Hes the first person to be sent out to land on Dune and that adidas sambarose s when I meet the character that Javier Bardem plays. I cant believe I had a scene with Javier Bardem! Its a pretty massive film and I get to be this little鈥攈es kind of the Han Solo-esque of the group. Hes this rogue warrior who protects Timoth茅e Chal adidas samba amet and serves Oscar Isaac. Blood Machines A pair of space hunters are stymied when the ghost of a young woman exits the ruins of a machine trying to free itself in the trailer for Blood Machines, coming to Shudder May 21. Moon Knight According to the latest issue of Production Weekly, filming on Marvels Moon Knight series is scheduled to begin November Tkdo Fracked Up: Drilling Pollutant Could Mess With Testosterone
Chris McCann, the founder of the fringe Christian group eBible Fellowship, says the world is going to end on October 7, 2015. He confidently claims that the Earth will be completely annihilated. Could he be right According to McCann, God shut the door to heaven on May 21, 2011. And ever since, He has just been preparing to blow up our puny little planet. But that doesnt mean McCann isnt hedging his bets. Theres a strong likelihood that this will happen, McCann told The Guardian. Which means theres an unlikely possibility that it will not. An unlikely possibility that it will not What kind of half-a reebok c85 club ssed doomsday preacher are you If youre going to hedge, dont go twisting your words in knots. Also, itd be nice if you could give us an estimated time and time zone for this October 7th date. Its already October 7th in Sydney, Australia and I have yet to see any news reports about seven-headed beasts or the mass gnashing of teeth. https://youtube/watch v=N6KPJODjzdQ If youd like to follow along while the world ends on Wednesday, you can listen to the eBible Fellowships audio webcast. Curiously, they still have a schedule up for October 8th and the days following that. As youre probably aware, doomsday predictions about the end of the world date back to when humans first started writing shit down. But could McCann and his followers be right this time Anybody who thinks he might be is welc air force 1 ome to PayPal me their lifes savings, af1 since Jesus said he doesnt let rich people

Hvhn 10 Great Sci-Fi Tropes (and 5 That Should Be Shot Into Space)
The Curiosity team is calling it Strathdon 鈥攁 boulder-sized Martian rock comprised of dozens of sedimentary layers. Its discovery suggests the area being explored by the NASA rover is more geologically complex than is typically appreciated. For the past several months, Curiosity has been exploring a region called the clay-bearing unit within Gale Crater. This area, located along the slope of Mount Sharp, once featured lakes and streams, the remnants of which now appear in the form of clay mineral deposits. By exploring this region, scientists are hoping to catch a glimpse of Mars ancient past, when the Red Planet was able to maintain liquid water on the surface鈥攁nd possibly even lif adidas samba damen e. Recently, the NASA rover came across a large rock comprised of do adidas campus zens of sedimentary layers. Dubbed Strathdon by the Curiosity team, the brittle rock looks like a gigantic ch nike air max unk of baklava, with its tiered, wavy rows. These features, according to NASA, point to the presence of a dynamic environment, in which wind or flowing water鈥攐r possibly both鈥攊mbued this Martian region with its distinctive geological features. Were seeing an evolution in the ancient lake environment recorded in these rocks, said Caltechs Valerie Fox, a co-lead investigator for Curiositys clay-unit campaign, in a NASA press release. It wasnt just a static lake. Its helping us move from a simplistic view of Mars going from wet to dry. Instead of a linear process, the history of water was more complicated. The boul Txey An Art Installation in the Massachusetts Woods Sheds Light on the Hemlock s Dying Days
Found footage films are everywhere these days, but few short films use the concept as ef crocs hausschuhe fectively as Timelike does. Thats because it puts its own spin on a familiar concept: one night, a young physics student receives a message from her future self. What follows quickly goes from unnerving to distressing. Timelike salomon was written and directed by Richard Boylan, who also plays camera man Rich. Boylan is a cinematic designer for video game developer Bioware, where hes worked on the Mass Effect series and is currently working on Mass Effect: Andromeda. Short of the Week also points to an earlier Boylan short film titled S nike air max uicidium, about a man who pairs suicidal people with murderous psychopaths: [via Short of the Week] editor s picksFound footageShort FilmsTime travel

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A team of scientists recently modeled the likelihood of hauling a species back from dead, using the Christmas Island rat, a large rodent that went extinct between 1902 and 1908, as their hypothetical subject. The researchers sequenced the long-gone rats DNA and mapped it to some of the animals closest living relatives. They managed to recover 95% of the rats genome, though they believe the miss yeezy foam ing 5% significantly complicates any future attempts to resurrect the species in a process called de-extinction. The research was air force 1 published today in Current Biology. Im interested in how easy or hard will de-extinction by editing be. And in our article, we computationally come up with an idea of what we think might go wrong, said Tom Gilbert, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Copenhagen and a co-author of the paper, in an email to Gizmodo. Christmas Island rats Rattus macleari, also known as Maclears rat were one of two rat species endemic to Chr adidas samba istmas Island, a 52-square-mile landmass about 200 miles southwest of Indonesia. The other species, the bulldog rat or Rattus nativitatis, went extinct around the same time. Theories abound as to what drove the rats to extinction; one of the more recent is that black rats Rattus rattus introduced by European settlers had fleas that themselves carried a pathogen, Trypanosoma lewisi, which caused mass die-offs of the native rodents in the early 20th century. In the paper, the researchers note the three most touted methods Pcsa Our First Look at Scarlett Johansson as聽Ghost in the Shell s聽Major Kusanagi
Last night was the midseason finale of Agents of SHIELD, and it put a pretty definitive capstone on the alien planet storyline as well as the ATCU storyline. Most importantly, it gave a few of our main characters some defining choices, which turned out about as well as youd expect. Spoi air force one lers ahead 8230; In Maveth, Wards team of Hydra goons takes Fitz to the alien planet where Simmons was trapped, with Coulson in hot pursuit once he wakes up from bashing his head, that is. And Fitz manages to track down Will, the guy that Simmons shacked up with, but hes not what he seems. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang mount an assault on Hydras castle, rescuing Simmons sort of and eventually blowing it up. For some reason, this episode was not called Have Fun Storming the Castle. Why The most chilling part of the episode is the final few minutes鈥攆irst, the look on Coulsons face as he hugs Melinda May on his return from the planet he christened Tatooine. And then, Grant Wards triumphant return from the other planet, except now hes an evil alien zombie, possessed by the creature that devastated an entire civilization that once had nine great cities. Ooops. So the main thing that makes this episode so fascinating is the choices these characters make. Lets run em down one by one: Phil Coulson absolutely adidas originals samba chooses revenge over expediency, and Grant Ward is sort of right when he says that this is a short-sighted and ultimately self-destructive path. Coulson is still in nike af the middle

Jesq Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Is an Attack on the Gwich in People
Its been a while since weve heard any updates about the Galaxy Quest television show鈥攑ar for the course, given how its been in the works for years, with the series intended to be streamed by Amazon. Writer Paul Scheer has revealed the show isnt in active development right now because of internal problems at Paramount TV, but promises that its still going to happen. Last year, Scheer announced that he was joining a planned adaptation of Galaxy Quest鈥攂ased on the 1999 sci-fi cult comedy starring Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, and Alan Rickman. The series would blend the original cast with new characters, diving into modern fandom and the popularization of genre fiction. Its an interesting concept, but sadly, in an int adidas campus beige erview with The Wrap, Scheer confirme yeezy foam d that Galaxy Quests production is in a little bit of a hold pattern because of issues within Paramount TV鈥攕pecifically, the June firing of now-former Paramount TV president Amy Powell yeezy over reportedly making racially charged comments. Scheer did seem optimistic that the series will still happen, discussing how he wants it to pay tribute to both Star Trek and Star Wars, and sharing how he pitched his take on the series to Paramount TV: My pitch for Galaxy Quest was, How can we kind of blow this out and pay off things for the fans that love Galaxy Quest, but more importantly鈥攁nd the thing that I really wanted to do is鈥攁ppeal to the me of now. Whos the 18-year-old version of me that loved Galaxy Quest now What would they wa Xefi WhatsApp s Encryption Could Be The Subject Of The Next Justice Department Showdown
https://vine.co/v/enLWhEn9eWJ/embed/simple Heres your daily remin hoka der that Gizmodo is on the ground at San Diego Comic-Con all weekend! Check us out on Vine and Instagram for peeks at cool stuff like the Avengers statue from Age of Ultron, new Star Wars toys, giant Batma salomon zapatillas ns, and much, much more. samba shoes BatmanComic-Consdcc2015Superheroes
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MONTREAL 鈥?A Quebec provincial police officer has been convicted of manslaughter in the fatal of a teenager in 2014.Quebec Court Judge Joelle Roy said in his ruling released today officer Eric Deslauriers was guilty of manslaughter for intentionally discharging a firearm without regard to the life or safety of others.Deslauriers faces a maximum sentence of life in prison and a minimum term of four years. ARTICLE CO stanley cup NTINUES BELOW In January 2014, the officer stopped 17-year-old David-Hughes Lacour in a parking lot after a short car chase in the town of Sainte-Adele Que., about 80 kilometres north of Montreal. Lacour had been driving a stolen vehicle. The officer testified that Lacour hit him with his car and fearing for his life, he discharged his weapon, but Roy found video evidence proved the car never struck the officer. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Deslauriers i stanley water bottle s due back in court in January for sentencing arguments.His lawyer says she will contest the constitutionality of stanley quencher the four-year minimum sentence. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW By The Canadian Press Ryen Brennan: Trump worked with Russians and now he s desperate
OSWEGO, NY 脙垄芒鈥毬⑩偓艙 The year 2009 got off to a somber start.Eight people were killed in a fire in Richland early on Jan. 4.Reports from the scene said the home collapsed into the basement, hampering the search for victims.One person, a man living in the basement who tried to save others, survived the fire.The home, at 1133 County Route 48, caught fire before 3 a.m. Oswego County Sheriff Reuel Todd said the home had no smoke detectors.He confirmed that four children and four adults perished in the blaze. The age of the home and the lack of smoke detectors were cont stanley deutschland ributing factors to the tragedy, he said, adding it was probably the deadliest house fire in Oswego County脙垄芒鈥毬⑩€灺 history.The Oswego Common Council got reorganized on Jan. 5.In a brief session, prior to the regularly scheduled committee meetings, councilors voted to appoint Dan Donova stanley cup quencher n R-Fifth Ward as the presiding officer of the council for 2009. He also served in that capacity for 2008.The councilors also approved Shawn Walker R-Fourth Ward as the councils vice president. He replaced Connie Cosemento D-First Ward who was VP for 2008.As council president, Donovan will assume the mayor脙垄芒鈥毬⑩€灺 duties in his absence; and, if the mayor becomes incapacitated for any reason, Donovan would take over as the acting mayor.Two busloads o stanley cup f workers from around the Oswego County area headed out from the Port City Jan. 7 to join working people from across New York in being heard loud and clear outside the state capital.T
Iztl Legends of Tomorrow s Wild New Trailer Promises a Star Trek Parody for the Ages
Every time the DC Comics universe has gone into Crisis mode, the ramifications have been huge. Crisis on Infinite Earths, Identity Crisis, Infinite Crisis,Final Crisis鈥攁ll of them managed to rejigger its continuity in some way. So its genuinely refreshing to find out that Dark Crisis, DCs next big air max plus comic event, wont be about reboots, retcons, or rewriting time and space, according to writer Joshua Williamson. But things in the DC universe will still be going to absolute hell. Dark Crisis is the result of Justice League 75, in which you may recall the Justice League dies fighting the Great Darkness, recently revealed in Justice League Incarnate 4 to be a malevolent entity that turns out to have secretly been behind almost all of the aforementioned crises which means the retcon happened before Dark Crisis starts, but I can live with that . Now, Pariah, the sole survivor adidas samba of the original Crisis on Infinite Earths, has a plan to use the Great Darkness to restore the infinite DC multiverse and get revenge. Meanwhile, without the Justice League around, things start to go bad with Dark Crisis 0, which will come out on Mays Free Comic Book Day. Heres th ugg e synopsis: Witness the rise and fall of the Justice League! The event years in the making is here with Dark Crisis. The Justice League is comics greatest super-team鈥攎ade up of DC Comics legendary Super Heroes, they have saved the world countless times. No crisis was too much for them to handle鈥?until now! The Justice League h Goiy Larry Page Has Been Secretly Investing in Flying-Car Start-Ups
Astronomers just uncovered hundreds of hidden galaxies a mere 250 million light year air force 1 s away from Earth鈥攚ell within our own galactic neighborhood. But how did they stay unknow adidas originals hamburg n for so long The fault isnt with them, its with our own Milky Way. The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research just completed a survey, published today in the Astronomical Journal, detailing the hundreds of newly discovered galaxies鈥攁s well as giving a much better idea of where some older suspected galaxies were hiding. Altogether, they mapped 883 galaxies lurking behind the Milky Way; you can see an artists representation above. Scientists had some idea that there was something out there 鈥?but they didnt know what. Some of the brightest clusters of galaxies were already visible, an even better clue, though, was a strange gravitational force pulling the Milky Way towards it. Astronomers have been aware of the mysterious pull鈥攄ubbed the Great Attractor 鈥攕ince the 1970s. So how did this all of this stay hidden for so long For an answer, take look at this picture: Thats a map NASA put together of the Milky Way last year鈥攁nd it shows that were blinded by our own galaxy. The Milky Way is dust and stars and light and gas an nike af d space, all swirled together into a spiral. Its a beautiful, but limiting, place. Essentially, we can look outwards but we cant see past ourselves鈥攁nd the light those galaxies are sending out towards us gets lost in the brighter, closer light surrounding us. To get around th
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Peel Regional Poli stanley mug ce are appealing to the public in hopes of locating a vehicle that was involved in a shots-fired incident.Police said that on June 17, around 5:30 p.m., officers respond stanley cup ed to the area of Confederation Parkway and Princess Royal Drive after reports of shots fired.Their investigation found that an occupant of a vehicle had fired shots at the occupant of another car. As a result, one car sustained da stanley cups uk mage, but no injuries were reported. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Investigators believe that the occupants did not know each other. A suspected vehicle has been identified as black or charcoal-coloured with four doors and tinted windows. Police think the car could be a Mazda 6 or a similar vehicle.聽 ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Police are asking anyone with surveillance or camera footage from the area of Confederation Parkway to Burnhamthorpe Road between 5:10 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. on June 17 to bring it forward.Additionally, anyone with dashcam footage related to the investigation can forward their video to the 11 Division Criminal Investigation Bureau at 905-453-2121, ext. 1133. Umux Windsor Spitfires shut out Saginaw Spirit 3-0
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Tbek What s open and closed for Labour Day 2018
TORONTO 鈥?Some of the most active companies traded Thursday on the Toronto Stock Exchange:Toronto Stock Exchange 15,912.26, up 95.15 points. Just Energy Group Inc. TSX:JE . Energy. Up 39.5 cents, or 114.49 per cent, to 74 cents on 49.5 million shares. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Kinross Gold Corp. TSX:K . Materials. Up 79 cents, stanley cup or 7.18 per cent, to $11.79 on 10.6 million shares.Zenabis Global Inc. TSX:ZENA . Health care. Down half a cent, or 7.69 per cent, to six cents on 8.2 million shares. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Bombardier Inc. TSX:BBD.B . Industrials. Down two cents, or 5.56 per cent, to 34 cents on 7.3 million shares.Suncor Energy Inc. TSX:SU . Energy. Up 36 cents, or 2.16 per cent, to $17.05 on 6.3 million shares. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW BlackBerry Ltd. TSX:BB . Technology. Down seven cents, or 1.09 per cent, to $6.36 on 6.3 million shares. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Companies in the news:Air Canada. TSX:AC . Up three cents to $16.04. Canada flight industry is heartened by signals from the throne speech that federal financial help is on the way bu stanley cup t wants to see quick, clear action to support the sector, which has been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The government speech from the throne Wednesday pledged 8220 stanley nz ;further support for industries that Bfjj Peel tries to change dire COVID-19 outlook with restrictions aimed at stopping private gatherings
Warren County schools launches Little Learners Mobile ClassroomJune 13, 2019 Josh Shortt, Share This StoryFacebookTwitteremailPrintLinkedinRedditBOWLING GREEN Ky.- A green bus full of supplies and books for learning. This is the Little Learners Mobile Classroom.The Warren County Public Schools District has recently unveiled this school on wheels to keep the minds of young students sharp, without them having to leave their neighborhoods. stanley cup Preschool consultant of the Warren County Schools, Donna Williams, said getting that early education is crucial, and that the mobile classroom is a great way to make sure kids and families know the value of early education. We found that there were many families who did not choose to send their child to any kind of formal preschool sett stanley cups ing. Thats the reason why we thought the bus would be important. To really go out and work with families. To give them the education to provide those early quality c stanley mug hildhood experiences for their own children, Williams said.The primary subjects that are touched on are math and social studies. Preschool Parent Facilitator, Paige Hargett, said being a part of the Little Learners gets her excited to show kids the fun of learning. I was really excited to apply for the position. It made me think of me being a little kid watching the Magic School Bus and Miss Frizzle out with her students riding around, learning, and exploring, Hargett said.Hargett said a big role the bus plays are getting the students emotionally r
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One of the first things that gives away how disappointing Godzilla vs. Kongs focus on humanity will be is the way the movie seemingly foregoes any sense of internal logic, moving characters like Millie Bobby Browns Madison Russell from one locatio adidas campus donna n to another faster than a human could reasonably travel. At multiple points during Adam Wingards Godzilla vs. Kong鈥攁 movie set in a world still recovering from the handful of times it was devastated by attacks from humongous monsters鈥攈umans on the ground manage to conveniently move around off-camera with a speed that leaves certain characters arcs riddled with plot holes. Even though the movie opens with Godzilla back in action and attacking human settlem adidas campus ents for reasons that people cant understand, Madisons able to somehow get from her school to her father Mark Kyle Chandler somewhere else in their town in what seems like the blink of an eye, running into no obstacles whatsoever along the way. Interestingly, Godzilla vs. Kong comes close to self-awareness about the oddness of its characters movements in its characterization of Apex Cybernetics CEO Walter Simmons Demi谩n Bichir , the movies two-dimensional villain who sets a number of cataclysmic events in motion as part of nike dunk high his quest to journey into the center of the Earth. As ridiculous and QAnon-ish as it is to consider, in a world where radioactive dinosaurs and hulking gorilla titans exist, Simmons heartfelt belief that the planet is hollow isnt all that far-fetched. Eve Xcsr Glacier Blood Is Our Latest Nightmare
Rejoice! Tony Zhou has released his latest installment of Every Frame A Painting: this time, the focus is on how Vancouver always used as a se nike sb dunk tti hoka winterschuhe ng for cities around the world, but never itself. Its like a weirdly familiar character actor that you see everywhere. Over the course of this video, Zhou covers a lot of ground and answers a lot of questions: why is Vancouver used so frequently hint, its hoka not just Canadian tax credits , just how you take a city and turn it into a new location, and why its a bit of a shame that Vancouver almost never gets to play itself. https://gizmodo/every-frame-a-painting-e...1718395884 Im a huge fan of this series: Zhou does an outstanding job at picking out a component of cinema and examining it. The entire series is well worth checking out. CinemaVancouver

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Two years ago, io9 shared author Molly Tanzers Victorian fantasy novelCreatures of Will 038; Temper聽in serialized聽excerpts. And now weve got good news for fans of the author, no adidas samba t to mention fans of free books: Were doing it again, with her newest title! Check out chapter five today. Heres the link to the prologue where it all starts. All following chapters can be easily found here. For more, make yeezy slide sure youre following us on our Instagram @io9dotcom. air max 1 book excerptBooksMolly Tanzer Qtbi It s a Cold Day in Hell on The Walking Dead Season Finale
Last night, I did something that many Americans do on the regular: I decided to watch reality TV. Except I wasnt watching bridezillas squabble over seating arrangements or desperate housewives cope with each others husbands. Nah, I was watching sea otters. Last night marked the first US airing of Big Blue Live, a 3-part TV series starring the charismatic animals and ecosystems of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary off the California coast. Not long ago, this 4,600 square mile region was an overexploited disaster. But in the past 30 years, the Monterey Sanctuary has witnessed an ecological rebirth. Today, its waters teem with humpback whales, great white sharks, sea otters and sea lions. To drum up public interest in the Monterey Bay Aquariums ongoing marine science research af1 and conservation efforts, PBS and BBC put together a 3-night marine science blitz that on-air correspondent M. Sanjayan calls the Superbowl of nature. Image credit: Gareth Wildman True to that title, the show has already logged millions of views, and its bee salomon hombre n trending repeatedly on social media, with 73,800 mentions and counting. During the course of last nights hour-long episode, we saw footage of the worlds largest sea lion breeding ground, located just 200 miles south of Monterey Bay. We learned how the humpback whale population off the California coast was de adidas originals forum vastated by commercial whaling during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The whales, which have made a remarkable comeback, are are

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Over the last couple years, it felt like Samsungs laptop division has been coasting. Thats asics sneaker because none of its laptops were outright bad, but, aside from a couple Chromebooks,nothing really stood out either. A big part of Samsungs laptop woes has been a lack of identity. But in 2020, one of Samsungs goals was to double down on laptops, and after checking adidas samba herren out the new Galaxy Book Flex, it feels like Samsung has some done soul searching and finally figured out a simple but winning formula. Combine a great screen with a slick design, solid specs, and a bit of Samsung expertise, and voila, Samsung has created its best laptop in years. Available in 13 and 15-inch variants for $1,350 and $1,400 respectively I tested the 13-inch model for this review , the Galaxy Book Flex is the slightly more premium sibling to the $1,000 Gal adidas campus 80s axy Chromebook. Both systems sport similar designs including a sleek, aluminum chassis with sharp, hard-edged lines, bold anodized finishes, and a built-in S Pen. The main difference is that the Galaxy Book Flex comes in an enchanting shade of blue instead of red or gray for the Galaxy Chromebook and it runs Windows 10 instead of Chrome OS. Samsung Galaxy Book Flex What is it An ultraportable 2-in-1 with a stunning QLED display Fejz Watch This Photographer Almost Get Hit By a Landing Plane
You can keep your flying cars and jetpacks. The real sign that were living in the future Easy: real-time language translation. Skype just put its version into wide release. But effortless translation is something weve been waiting on for quite some time, as you can see from this 1993 clip of an AT 038;T concept video called Connections. Perhaps the most antiquated thing about Connections is the idea that wed have video payphones in public. This seemed to be a common idea for videophones, showing up in that staple of paleofuturism, The Jetsons. Of course, public videophones seem a bit silly when were all carrying videophone-capable devices around in our pockets. The part of the AT 038;T video thats still a b samba rose it too futuristic Well, the video translation not only includes a written translation, but it converts the pers air force 1 ons mouth movements as well. Nobodys currently working on that, as far as I can tell. I actually spoke with one of the writers and producers of the video back in 2007. You can watch the entire video below if youre so inclined. A hoka TTFaceTimepicturephonevideophone
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