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A gunman opened fire inside a shopping mall Sunday and was believed to be holed up in a record store where an employee said he and others had been taken hostage. At least six people were injured after the shots were stanley cup usa fired, one critically. We re being held hostage, an employee who answered the phone at the Sam Goody store in Tacoma Mall said.He identified himself Joe Hudson and stanley cup said little else, but he could be heard telling others that he was talking to The Associated Press. Then he hung up. A shopper described seeing a man running through the mall with a gun. An individual had just come running through a cross section and I heard some fire so I just told everybody to drop, Dick Waldo told KING-TV. And then the individual started running toward the other end of the mall. Authorities got stanley cup usa a call about 12:15 p.m. that shots had been fired inside the mall, Tacoma Fire Department Deputy Chief John Lendosky told CNN. State Patrol and police units from nearby agencies were clustered around an entrance at the south end of Tacoma Mall.Betz Dejarnatt, who works at a J.C. Penney store inside, said she heard three shots around lunch hour. I thought, that sounds like a gun, Dejarnatt told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. She said some workers were herded into dressing rooms and offices, then police took them outside to a parking lot.Six people were taken to hospitals, most with minor injuries, Lendosky said. He couldn t conf Njpj Spring Snow Storm Drops a Foot in Northeast
A former congressional staffer was indicted Thursday on charges that he spread nude and embarrassing images online of his lawmaker boss, the delegate to Congress from the US Virgin Islands.According to court documents, Juan McCullum took private, nude images and videos from the cellphone of Del. Stacey Plaskett in March 2016 after offering to assist the delegate in repairing her malfunctioning, password-protected cellular phone by taking her iPhone to a local Apple store. The following July, an indictment alleges, McCullum created a fake email account and sent at least 10 messages with one or more of the images attached to members of the media adidas campus beige , other politicians and people known to Plaskett. He also posted the images online to a phony Facebook account, the indictment says.McCullum, 35, is charged with two counts of cyberstalking. Anothe ugg mini r former Plaskett staffer, Dorene Browne-Louis, faces obstruction of justice charges for allegedly misleading law enforcement on the case and deleting text messages from McCullum, according to the Thursday indictmen adidas samba og t.In a statement, Plaskett said that she was deeply grateful to the Capitol Police and US Attorney for the District of Columbia for their thorough and in depth investigating of the crimes committed against me and those who I love. While we continue to be saddened by the damage we suffered as a result of those egregious acts, my family is also incredibly thankful to the people of the Virgin Islands, who have shown us tremendous

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Just two days after two of the nation s largest airlines filed for bankruptcy, US Airways received approval Friday to emerge from Chapter 11 protection.Also on Friday, the head of US Airways said ticket prices are going up.Record fuel prices and competition are forcing fare hikes in the airline indu stanley cup website stry. Approval of the plan of reorganization clears the way for the nation s seventh-largest airline to merge with America West Holdings Corp., which operates the nation s eighth-largest airline.The airline must wait at least 10 days before formally emerging from bankruptcy. It expects to emerge and formally close on its merger with America West, the nation s eighth largest airline, late this month or in early October. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Stephen Mitchell s approval came after he ruled on the last remaining objections t stanley cup o the airline s plan of reorganization. Most significantly, the airline s unions had objected to an executive severance package that would provide $12 million in pay to 11 top executives who will not be given jobs with the merged airline.Mi stanley cups tchell approved the severance package, saying it was in line with executive contracts in the airline industry.Friday s ruling puts a cap on US Airways second Chapter 11 filing since August 2002. The first filing came after federal regulators rejected a proposed merger with UAL Corp. s United Airlines, followed by the industrywide collapse caused by the Sept. 11 attacks.US Airways tho Nnah Teens injured in rollover crash in I-75, FHP says vehicle was approaching 130 mph
SYDNEY -- A teenager wanted adidas campus by Australian police wasted no time to save face on social media after finding out that an unglamorous mugshot was being shared all over the country.Amy Sharp, 18, replied to the Facebook post s adidas originals uomo hared by a TV news station, which asked the public to call police if they identified her. Sharp, who was in custody for property offenses, hadescaped from the Surry Hills Corrective Services Cell Complex, a correction center in Sydney, Australia.After seeing that her fashion faux paswas shared by police, she just couldn t even and kindly asked the station to use another photo of her, one that wouldmake her look cuter adidas samba og .The narcissistic mistake might have been her undoing, as people suggested it might be easier for police to catch her after figuring out the location she uploaded the photo from. That hypothesis could have been the reason police found her only two days after the photo was shared with news networks.Sharp was taken to a police station after being caught last Friday. She is expected to be charged for escaping.---------Sign up for Denver7 email alerts to stay informed about breaking news and daily headlines.Or, keep up-to-date on the latest news and weather with the Denver7 apps for iPhone/iPads, Android and Kindle.Or, keep up-to-date by following Denver7 on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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SAUCIER, Mississippi - Former Tropical Storm Lee dumped stanley drink bottle more than a foot of rain in New Orleans and spun off tornadoes elsewhere Sunday as its center came ashore in a slow crawl north that raised fears of inland flash flooding in the Deep South and beyond.Areas of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi near the coast reported scattered wind damage and flooding, but evacuations appeared to be in the hundreds rather than the thousands and New Orleans levees were doing their job just over six years after Hurricane Katrina swam stanley cups ped the city.National Hurricane Center specialist Robbie Berg said Lee s flash flood threat could be more severe as the rain moves from the flatter Gulf region into the rugged Appalachians. Vermont is still cleaning up and digging out dozens of communities that were damaged and isolated last week when heavy rain from Tropical Storm Irene quickly flooded mountain rivers.Obama views Irene flood damage in New JerseyVideo: Many still without power after IreneVideo: FEMA funds decrease; Need for aid increases No deaths had been directly attributed to Lee, though a body boarder in Galveston, Texas, drowned after being pulled out to sea in heavy surf churned up by Lee. A man in Mississippi suffered non-life-threatening injuries when authorities said he was st stanley uk ruck by lightning that traveled through a phone line.The vast, soggy system spent hours during the weekend hovering in the northernmost Gulf of Mexico before its cent Cvfg Personal Goodbye For Runnion Family
Michael Cohen, Donald Trump s former lawyer, pleaded with the American public on Friday to head to the polls and vote against the President and the Republican Party, predicting that if they did not, there would be two or six more years of craziness. Listen, here s my recommendation. Grab your family, grab your friends, grab your neighbors, and get to the poll, because if not, you are going to have another two or another six years of this craziness, Cohen told CNN in a brief interview outside of his Manhattan home. So, make sure you vote. All right Cohen s remarks marked his first on-camera comments to the media since he pleaded guilty in August to eight criminal counts.Cohen s lawyer, Lanny Davis, said his client changed his party registration back to Democrat last week. Cohen was a Democrat for years, but changed his official registration to Republican after the 2016 election.Asked about that decision to change his party registration, Cohen told CNN: I ve been Democrat for pretty much my whole entire life. I switched bec nike dunk ause of a request of the RNC. Couldn t be the vice chair of the RNC and be a Democrat. CNN reported this week that Cohen is nike air max now willing to campaign for Democrats -- and against Trump -- in the midterms and the 2020 presidential election. Notably, he is prepared to call out anything he views as lies told by the President, a source with knowledge said. The MidtermElections2018might be the most important vote in our lifetime, Cohen tweeted over the week samba shoes e

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An elementary school teacher accused of having sex with a 13-year-old student has been arrest stanley flasche ed and charged with multiple counts of rape, authorities said.The teacher allegedly had sex with the boy 28 times during the last week of March, and on at least one occasion allowed the boy s 12-year-old friend to watch, authorities said. She also gave the students alcohol, according to New Castle County Police.Rachel Holt, 34, a science teacher at Claymont Elementary School, was arrested early Tuesday and charged with rape, providing alcohol to a minor and unlawfully dealing with a stanley deutschland child, authorities said. Acting county Police Chief Lt. Col. Scott McLaren said the boy s father contacted authorities after becoming suspicious that his son was having an inappropriate relationship with his teacher. Authorities said Holt took the boy out for dinner and allowed him to drive her vehicle. CBS News affiliate KYW reports that the victim s father became suspicious when the teacher began calling the boy at home and his son lied about staying at a relative s home when he allegedly stayed at the suspect s house.A telephone message left at Holt s home seeking comment was not immediately returned.Ellen Marie Cooper, a staff attorne stanley thermobecher y for Brandywine School District, refused to discuss Holt s employment status but said a substitute teacher was conducting her classes.According to sources, Holt taught at five schools in the area during eight years. Police say Teax Holidays Bring Bitter Cole Memories
Former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn has expressed concern about the potential legal exposure of his son, Michael Flynn Jr., who, like his father, is under scrutiny salomon speedcross by special counsel Robert Mueller, multiple sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.Flynn s conc adidas originals ultraboost ern could factor into decisions about how to respond to Mueller s ongoing investigation. The special counsel is looking into Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign as well as the business dealings of key campaign advisers to President Donald Trump.Flynn s wife, Lori, shares his concerns about their son s possible legal exposure, according to a person who knows the family.Interviews conducted by special counsel investigators have included questions about the business dealings of Flynn and his son such as their firm s reporting of income from work overseas, two witnesses salomon winterschuhe interviewed by the team told CNN. The Foreign Agents Registration Act FARA requires people acting as agents of foreign entities to publicly disclose their relationship with foreign countries or businesses and financial compensation for such work.Flynn Jr., who served as his father s chief of staff and top aide, was actively involved in his father s consulting and lobbying work at their firm, Flynn Intel Group. That included joining his father on overseas trips, such as Moscow in December 2015. During that trip, Flynn dined with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a black-tie gala for the RT television network, which US intelligenc
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Joh stanley cup n Kenneth Gal stanley mug braith, the Harvard professor who won worldwide renown as a liberal economist, backstage politician and witty chronicler of affluent society, died Saturday night, his son said. He was 97.Galbraith died of natural causes at Mount Auburn Hospita stanley cups l in Cambridge, where he was admitted nearly two weeks ago, Alan Galbraith said.During a long career, the Canadian-born economist served as adviser to Democratic presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Bill Clinton, and was John F. Kennedy s ambassador to India. He had a wonderful and full life, his son said.Galbraith, who was outspoken in his support of government action to solve social problems, became a large figure on the American scene in the decades after World War II. He was one of America s best-known liberals, and he never shied away from the label. There is no hope for liberals if they seek only to imitate conservatives, and no function either, Galbraith wrote in a 1992 article in Modern Maturity, a publication of the American Association of Retired Persons.One of his most influential books, The Affluent Society, was published in 1958.It argued that the American economy was producing individual wealth but hasn t adequately addressed public needs such as schools and highways. U.S. economists and politicians were still using the assumptions of the world of the past, where scarcity and poverty were near-universal, he said. The total alteration in under Txqk Hijackers Linked To USS Cole Attack
Some residents in the Tampa Bay area came to ABC Action News saying their energy billsdoubled, even tripled during the recent cold sn salomon mujer aps that hit the area. I havent paid a TECO bill like that since I bought the house, said Johnny Lopera, a Tampa resident.Lopera said he was shocked when his electric bill for January skyrocketed from about $100 a month to a whopping $400 a month. I was good, Lopera said. Iwas getting $100 dollar bills, $80 dollar bills, $90 dollar bills! Then, to get a $400 dollar bill, it kind of just like, hit me! Lopera is not alone. ABC Action News posted on a community Facebook group asking Tampa families about their January bills.More than 200 people responded. Ours was almost $400! One woman posted on the Facebook thread. I just about fainted. Another family said they saw their January electric bill jumped from $120 to nearly $300!One woman telling ABC Action News This is crazy! Lopera presented ABC Action News with a graph showing his average costs. Just to see the graph on it Lopera said. It was just wild! Some families telling us theyre unable to cope with the sudden costs.ABC Action News went to Tampa Electric to see what families can do if they can t afford to pay the entire adidas campus damen price up front.Tampa Electric told ABC Action News they are willing to work with families about doing a adidas campus femme payment plan but you do need to call customer service to arrange it.TECO says they have seen an increase in the number of customer questions related to high bills fro

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CBS News As Mark Strassmann is about to tell us, for millions of thirsty Americans through the years, nothing hits the spot like The Real Thing: Everyone talks about bottling success, but Coke actually did it. The Coke bottle is an iconic design recognized around the world, with its ridged glass, bowed middle and unmistakable curve appeal Coke calls it the contour bottle. Andy Warhol called it art. Every consumer goods company wants to find a unique way to present itself to the public, and this, for us, has been the Holy Grail, said Phil Mooney, Coca-Cola s company historian. Coke began in Atlanta in 1886 as a soda fountain drink selling for five cents. Bottling plants sprang up throughout the entire United States, and by about 1910, just about every part of the U.S. is covered.But the bottles came in a variety of shapes and colors. By 1915, Coke s success had so many imitators, customers seldom knew whether they were stanley us buying the real thing. They come up with names that sound very much like Coca-Cola, said Mooney. So you get Cheracola, Dixie Cola, Take a Cola, Cocanola - any combination stanley website of thing that could deceive the public into thinking that they were actually buying Coca-Cola. Mooney said Coke executives had a company-defining marketing idea: So they decide to initiate a contest - they want a bo stanley cup usa ttle that is so unique that you will be able to identify it in the dark simply by its shape, a bottle that is so u Wmtp Kansas City woman kicked out of restaurant for not providing credit card up front
Hillsborough County Deputies arrested three siblings and another man for holding a woman in a house at gunpoint for an entire night because she s set to testify in a rape case.19-year-old Sarah M adidas originals orico says she was raped two years ago by Anthony Gambrell, then 24-years-old, at her home in Manatee County.He was arrested for the crime in February of this year.Since then, Morico and her family moved to Ruskin.Morico says she received a message on Facebook from an old friend, 25-year-old Valerie Broviak, this past weekend. Broviak also lives in Ruskin. Saying, Oh hey Sarah. How you been I really want to see you. I haven t seen you in so many years, Morico explained.Morico says she was excited to see her old friend and decided to take her up on the offer. Broviak reebok c85 club came to Sarah s home with her three children in the car with her. All of them left and went to another home where they picked up Broviak s boyfriend, Adam Gambrell. Morico didn t realize at the time that Gambrell is the brother of the man she is accusing of rape. After picking up Gambrell, they all drove to another home where Broviak s siblings, Scott Broviak and Brittany Broviak, were waiting. Sarah says she learned Brittany Broviak is dating the now incarcerated Anthony Gambrell. She quickly learned she was being set up for an att adidas samba adidas ack. I heard a click-click and saw Adam with a gun. Scott had a gun too, Morico said.At the time, Morico says she was holding one of Valerie Broviak s children. Adam was aiming at my head

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CBS News Coastal flooding may be one of the costliest problems facing the U.S., according to a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change. A new report warns that by 2050, if nothing is done, coastal flooding damage may cost cities around the world a total of $1 trillion a year. U.S. cities at particularly high risk of damage from coastal flooding, according to the report s results published by LiveScience, include Miami, New York, Newark, N.J., and New Orleans. Property and population, according to Bryan Walsh, a senior editor at Time magazine, are why these cities shot to the top of the list. Another reason is how much flood protection a city has -- You won t see a city like Amsterdam on th stanley cup e list, he said on CBS This Morning. New York, we ve done very little to do that, as we saw with Superstorm Sandy. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg s $20 billion plan to protect the city from flooding, which is to involve sea walls and other natural defenses, may combat the issue, Walsh said. Time is now the issue for cities like New York. Walsh said, I stanley cups t does take a long time to build up our defenses . And this risk is not going to go away. You could have a storm hit at anytime. Sandy was a matter of bad luck. A bad storm in the wron stanley deutschland g place. New York City, whether Miami or Mumbai, other coastal cities at risk -- that s going to continue to rise as sea level and population rises as well. However, Walsh noted the $1 trilli Mriu Hernando County school employee arrested for multiple counts of sexual battery on a minor
McDonald s will soon banish cheeseburgers and chocolate milk from its Happy Meal menu in an effort to cut down on the calories, sodium, saturated fat and sugar that kids consume at its restaurants.Diners can still ask specifically f nike af or cheeseburgers or chocolate milk with the kid s meal adidas yeezy , but the fast-food company said that not listing them will reduce how often they re ordered. Since it removed soda from the Happy Meal menu four years ago, orders for it with Happy Meals have fallen 14 percent, the company said.The Happy Meal has long been a target of health advocates and parents who link it to childhood obesity. McDonald s has made many tweaks over the years, including cutting the size of its fries and adding fruit. Most recently, it swapped out its apple juice for one that has less sugar.It s been especially important as the company tries to shake its junk-food image, since McDonald s is known for getting more business from families with children relative to its traditional rivals, such as Burger King and Wendy s. The Happy Meal is a key part of that.The lat yeezy est changes will occur in the United States by June.McDonald s said Thursday that it wants all its Happy Meal options to have 600 calories or fewer and have less than 650 milligrams of sodium. It also wants less than 10 percent of the meal s calories to come from saturated fat and added sugar.The cheeseburger and chocolate milk didn t meet those new standards, the Oak Brook, Illinois-based company said. It is, however, wor

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VALPARAISO, Ind. An employee at a northwest Indiana library found a gun inside a hollowed-out book donated to the branch.The Times of Munster reported Saturday that police in Valparaiso are holding the gun as evidence.Assistant Library Director Phyllis Nelson says an employee at the Valparaiso branch of the Porter County Public Library discovered the antique-looking firearm when she opened the book earlier this week. Police describe the weapon as a gold, wooden handled stanley us , 31-caliber, single shot, black powder gun.Nelson says librarians have no way of knowing who donated the book. She says thousands of books are donated each month and no stanley cup records are kept. Police have determined the gun was not stolen. ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; stanley cup inline-recirc-item--id-96767340-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d, right-rail-recirc-item--id-96767340-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-96767340-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d ~ .item:nth-child 5 display: block; Qqlb Happy birthday, Harley Davidson
In case you missed it, Michael Phelps took home his 19th gold medal with three of his teammates in the men s 400M freestyle final on Sunday night.The internet reacted to the exciting news and showed supp salomon zapatillas ort for the most decorated Olympian, but that wasn t the only thing they were talking about.As soon as he walked out to the pool, many were wondering why he had dark red and purple bruise-like marks on his back and shoulder It turns out the nike af bruises are caused by a therapy called cupping. Many athletes believe cupping helps them heal faster and relieves tension in their muscles. Suction cups are used to pull the skin up and away from the muscles. The suction only lasts a few minutes but it instantly creates a bruise, much like a hickey would.Michael Phelps is even seen having the technique done to him in his Under Armour commercial. Check it out at the :45 second mark.Less than a year ago, Phelps posted a photo on Instagram of Allison Schmitt helping him with his cupping. The photo got over 29,500 likes.Thanks @arschmitty for my cupping today!!! mpswim mp @chasekaliszA photo posted by Michael Phelps @m_phelps00 onSep 10, 2015 at 12:29pm PDTTherapy or not, twitter users had some fun with the cupping bruises...Michael Phelps...is into cupping Or fought an octopus Rio2016鈥?Ahab @ahab99 August 8, 2016Does phelps have those circle bruises from cupping massages or are they mark air max s showing he s an alien fish in disguise... makes u think.鈥?Ahh, Diet Parpo|5| @mtwundagore A
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There were signs of progress Sunday in the battle against the raging wildfire in arizona. Officials now say that 6 percent of the fire has been contained. That s up from yesterday. Additionally, 7,000 residents were allowed to return home.CBS News correspondent Bill Whitaker reports that in the midst of what appears to be hellish devastation, locals have found some good news. The winds did pick up Sunday, as was predicted and feared, but they blew the fire back on itself, over areas already burned. We don t like to say this kind of stuff, but we turned a corner, said Jerome McDonald with Southwest Area Incident Management Team. That wasn t all the good news. Residents of the Springerville, Eager and South Fork areas who were evacuated because of the massive Wallow fire have been allowed to return to their homes, said Cmdr. Webb Hogle with the Apache County Sheriff s Department.As Arizona fire spreads, health conditions worsenPhotos: The Arizona wildfireThose are words Sherry Counts had been waiting to hear since fleeing Eager, Ariz., just one step ahead of the fires stanley quencher . On Sunday, she found her house just as she d left it six days earlier. This is the happiest day I ve had in a long time, Sherry said when she finally got home.Not stanley tumblers everyone got good news, however. At Beaver Creek Ranch, owner Billy Wiltbank had five of his eight guest ca stanley cup bins destroyed by the flames, cabins that were built by his father and grandfather. That s just Vrjq What Obamacare could be replaced with under Trump
The best players in the NHL gathered in Nevada on Wednesday to find out just how award-worthy their performances in the 2015-2016 season were.It all went down at the Hard Rock Hotel Casino in Las Vegas, where on the same day, the NHL announced it would be expanding to.GALLERY: NHL Awards red carpet and showActor Will Arnett hosted th uggs skor e show and didnt hesitate to joke with the players, sparing no expense to those on his own favorite team, the Toronto Maple Leafs watch below .The major awards up for grabs included the Hart Trophy, Ted Lindsay Award,Vezina Trophy, Norris Trophy, Selke Trophy, Calder Trophy, Jack Adams Award, Bill Masterton Trophy, Lady Byng Award and Mark Messier Leadership AwardSee the winners list for the above awards below.Hart Trophy MVP : Patrick Kane, Chicago BlackhawksTed Lindsay Award MVP as voted by players : Patrick Kane, Chicago BlackhawksVezina Trophy best goalie : Braden Holtby, Washington CapitalsNorris Trophy best defenseman : Drew Doughty, Los Angeles KingsSelke Trophy best defensive forward : Anze Kopitar, Los Ang adidas samba adidas el af1 es KingsCalder Trophy rookie of the year : Artemi Panarin, Chicago BlackhawksJack Adams Award coach of the year : Barry Trotz, Washingon CapitalsBill Masterton Trophy Perseverance, sportsmanship and dedication to hockey : Jaromir Jagr, Florida PanthersLady Byng Award best displays gentlemanly conduct : Anze Kopitar, Los Angeles KingsMark Messier Leadership Award: Shea Weber, Nashville Predators

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Updated at 7:20 p.m. EasternThe eastern U.S. cooked for another day Wednesday as unrelenting heat pushed thermometers past 100 degrees in urban heat islands, buckled roads, warped rails and pushed utilities toward the limit of the electrical grid s capacity.On Wednesday in Washington, D.C., paramedics were on track to field nearly 300 more calls than usual, reports CBS News correspondent Jeff Glor. Temperatures Thursday are expected to be a little more bearable: in the high 80s and low 90s for much of the east coast. Baltimore, Philadelphia and Richmond, Va., were already at 97 degrees by late morning Wednesday. Philadelphia eventually hit 1 stanley cup 00 degrees, breaking an 11-year record. Triple digit forecasts extended as far south as Charlotte, N.C. Cities farther north, including New York, were predicted to get into the high 90s. It eventually reached 100 degrees in New York, though higher humidity made it feel hotter.Hot Weather Scorches U.S.Cities Hea stanley cup t Quickly, Cool SlowlyHeat Wave Puts Spotlight on Lack of Green Space In New York, Wall Stree stanley becher ters are sweltering in business suits on subway platforms, senior citizens are schlepping to the grocery store on streets that seem like frying pans, and New Yorkers overall are handling it by doing what they do best: coping, with a little complaining thrown in.Megan Dack coolly checked her cell phone as she waited on a roasting, elevated subway platform in Brooklyn while wearing a black dress Dope Speed, Heroism Mark NYC River Crash Rescue
About a month and a half after the devastating wildfire that torched more than five thousand acres in the River Ranch community of Polk County, officials are now issuing a bu airforces rn ban county wide until conditions improve.RELATED: Homes destroyed, properties damaged about 5,000-acre brush fireThe last time the county issued a burn ban was in 2014.Anyone caught burning illegally could face a $500 fine or even six months in jail. Its never been this dry before since Ive been out here, said Larry Deno, who has lived in the River Ranch neighborhood since the 1970s salomon xt 6 .Everything is driven up around his property 鈥?the ponds, leaves, and pine needles.The fire that destroyed 12 homes and hundreds of hunting cabins six weeks ago also took a major toll on the people who live there. M mizuno laufschuhe y neighbor Richard had a heart attack, then he had a stroke and hes in rehab right now, he said.The time around, the conditions may be even worse than before. Theres really no relief in sight, said Chief Rick Parnell with Polk County Fire Rescue.Low humidity mixed with high winds create the perfect recipe for fire to overrun crews and equipment, much like it did in River Ranch.The burn ban could be in place for a couple weeks to a month.

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An American member of al Qaeda threatened foreign diplomats and embassies in the Islamic world calling them spy dens in the terror network s latest video released Sunday.The 1 hour, 17 minute-long video also featured a computer animated recreation of a March 2006 suicide attack that killed U.S. diplomat David Foy in Karachi, Pakistan and testimony from a man who claimed to be the bomber. We shall continue to target you, at home and abroad, just as you target us, at home and abroad, and these spy dens and military command and control centers from which you plotted your aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq, said Adam Gadahn, also known as Azzan al-Amriki. The California-born Gadahn was charged with treason in the U.S. last fall and has been wanted since 2004 by the FBI, which is offering a US$1 million reward for information leading to his arrest or conviction. He last appeared in a video in May threatening the United States with an attack worse than Sept. 11, 2001.The authenticity of the video, which was first carried on the Web site of terrorism expert Laura Mansfield, could not be independently confirmed but it featured the logo of al Qaeda s media production house, as-Sahab. The U.S.-based SITE Intelligence Group also said it had obtained a copy of the video. Militant Web stanley water bottle forums have been announcing the immi stanley cup nent arrival of a new video stanley cups featuring Gadahn for days.In the video, Gadahn is seen wearing a traditional Arab red-and Mjer Infographic shows the states with the fattest cats and dogs
NEW YORK AP 鈥?Two terminals at New York s John F. Kennedy International Airport are resuming normal operations Monday morning after reports of shots fired prompted evacuations and grounded and diverted flights.The reports, which led to some frightening moments for fliers Sunday night, were later determined to be unfounded and the airport was given the all-clear. At this time, no firearm, rounds or shell casings or other evidence of shots fired has been found, said Joe Pentangelo, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department.Polic adidas campus 80s e evacuated Terminal 8 around 9:30 p.m. Sunday as a precaution after receiving 911 calls about shots fired near the departures area.Port Authority police called in officers from the New York Police Department to assist with the investigation.A short time later, police closed Terminal 1 after they said they received additional reports of shots fired in that terminal. A highway approaching the airport nike air force also was shut down.Passengers posted pictures and videos on Twitter that showed crowds of people gathered outside of the terminals.Demetrius Pipkin told WPIX- nike sb dunk TV that he was in Terminal 1 waiting for his Norwegian Airlines flight when the reports of shots fired came in. We were previously told to get on the floor and take cover behind any and everything we could find, said Pipkin, who described the terminal as a madhouse with panicky passengers eventually bolting for the nearest exists.According to the flight trackin

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BBC:Two s stanley thermobecher uspected computer hackers have been arrested in Manchester in a major inquiry into a global internet scam designed to steal personal details. read the article ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-cfa41ab4-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d, right-rail-recirc-item--id-cfa41ab4-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d stanley mug stanley flask display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-cfa41ab4-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d ~ .item:nth-child 5 display: block; Omln Dunedin man arrested after threatening to shoot wife, killing family dog on 4th of July
MUNICH AP 鈥?The teenager behind the deadly shooting rampage in Munich was a withdrawn loner obsessed with playing killer video games in his bedroom, a vict mizuno volleyballschuhe im of bullying who suffered from panic attacks set off by contacts with other people, investigators said Sunday, adding that he had planned the attack for a year.Law enforcement officials piecing together a portrait of the 18-year-old shooter said he was seeing a doctor up to last month for treatment of depression and psychiatric problems that began in 2015 with inpatient hospital care and then was followed up with outpatient visits.They said medication for his problems had been found his room. But toxicological and autopsy results were still not available, so it s not yet clear whether he was taking the medicine when he went on his shooting spree Friday, killing nine people and leaving dozens wounded.The 18-year-old German-Iranian, identified only as David S. due to Germany privacy laws, had earlier been described by investigators as being bullied by schoolmates at least once four years ago and being fascinated by previous mass shootings. None of the bullies were among his victims, however, adding that none of those killed were known to him, investigators said.The attack Friday took place on the fifth anniversary of the killing of 77 people by Norwegian right-wing extrem yeezy ist Anders Behring Breivik, whose victims included dozens of y air force one oung people. Investigators said the Munich shooter had researched that slaughter online a
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A high school teacher is facing questions from administrators after giving a vocabulary quiz that included digs at President Bush and the extreme right.Bret Chenkin, a social studies and English teacher at Mount Anthony Union High School, said he gave the quiz to his students several months ago. The quiz asked students to pick the proper words to complete sentences.One example: I wish Bush would be coherent, eschewed for once during a speech, but there are theories that his everyday diction charms the below-average mind, hence insuring him Republican votes. Coherent is the right answer. Principal Sue Maguire said she hoped to speak to whomever complained about the quiz an stanley cup d any students who might be concerned. She said she also would stanley cup talk with Chenkin. School Superintendent Wesley Knapp said he was taking the situation seriously. It s absolutely unacceptable, Knapp said. They teachers don t have a license to hold forth on a particular standpoint. Chenkin, 36, a teacher for seven years, said he isn t shy about sharing his liberal views with students as a way stanley bottles of prompting debate, but said the quizzes are being taken out of context. The kids know it s hyperbolic, so-to-speak, he said. They know it s tongue in cheek. But he said he would change his teaching methods if some are concerned. I ll put in both sides, he said. Especially if it s going to cause a lot of grief. The school is in Bennington, a community of about 1 Wbvo The Re-Gifting Debate
The Russian government denied Monday that it had interfered in the 2016 US election campaign in the Kremlin s first remarks since 13 Russian nationals were indictedFriday on charges of conspiring to defraud the US.Answering a question from CNN on a weekly telephone news conference, the spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, said the indictments provided no substa airforces ntial evidence of Russian meddling, and that there were no indications that the Russian state could have been involved. We didn t see any substantial evidence of someone interfering in the domestic affairs, Peskov added. He said the US indictment mentions Russian citizens, but we heard the accusations against the Russian state -- that the Russian state, the Kremlin and the Russian government were involved. Special counsel Robert Mueller -- appointed by the US Justice Departm mizuno running ent to investigate Russian election meddling -- laid out charges against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities on Friday.The sweeping indictment describes in detail an unprecedented, years-long effort by Russia to interfere with the US political system and the 2016 presidential election, affirming the longstanding conclusions of the US intelligence community. It is at odds with President Donald Trump s pers yeezy istent questioning of those conclusions, which has continued throughout his first year in office.The President has repeatedly called the investigations into his presidential campaign s potential collusion w
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TORONTO 鈥?Russia is using Ukraine as a test ground for its information war against Western democracy, Ukraine foreign minister told G7 ministers meeting here on Sunday.Foreign Affairs Minister Chystia Freeland wants the disruptive influence of Russia on the West to be a top agenda item, and she set the table 鈥?literally 鈥?for Ukrainian foreign minister Pavlo Klimkin to deliver that message to her G7 counterparts.Freeland invited Klimkin to be part of Sunday talks, hosting him and other ministers at her home for a traditional brunch that was prepared by her own children. ARTICLE CONTINUES B stanley cups ELOW It was amazing how she organized it, in the sense of creating this friendly atmosphere of hospitality with ministers sitting around the table with her kids 鈥?what they had personally prepared, Klimkin told The Canadian Press in an interview Sunday afternoon.Their conversation was decidedly less festive, with Klimkin pressing the G7 to make a strong, unified stand against what he described as Kremlin efforts to destabilize democracy through election interference and ot stanley sverige her cyber-meddling. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW He said the petri dish for that strategy remains his country, which Russia invaded in 2014, annexing Crimea and occupying its eastern Donbass region.Fundamentally, Ukraine is perceived by many and also by Russia as a sort stanley cup of test range for testing Russia Spiw Elevated watercourse levels : Flood warnings issued for Mississauga and Brampton
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OTTAWA鈥擳omorrow, after the howitzers have roared and the bag pipes quieted, the speeches and prayers finished and the wreathes have been laid, hundreds of old and young veterans will drift away from Canadas National War Memorial.And some of them will be heading to Vimy.Not Vimy Ridge the famous battlefield in Fran stanley vaso ce where many say modern Canada was born 鈥?but Vimy Brewing Company, a local brew pub operated by two brothers and Navy veterans who opened their doors last year on the 100th anniversary of that horrendous First World War battle. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Michael and Kevin Sirko, after ending their careers on Canadian warships, launched their brew pub to salute all things Canadian 鈥?particularly Canadian beer.At Vimy Brewing Company we celebrate everything about Canada and the many remarkable achievements made by fellow Canadians, states the company logo. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW In their travels across Canada the Sirko brothers said they were dismayed to learn the majority of beers served in restaurants, bars and venues in Canadian cities are not produced by Canadian companies. We named our company after the Canadian victo stanley canada ry in the Battle at Vimy Ridge, a truly Canadian achievement that many see as a defining moment when Canada came of age and demonstrated our independence, Kevin Sirko said. stanley water bottle ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Vimy was a Fvjd Israeli troops follow app, stray into Palestinian camp
Alan Jones, in a mugshot supplied by police. stanley cup OSWEGO, NY 鈥?In 2009, Alan Jones was convicted of Depraved Indifference Murder after a jury trial for causing the death of Erin Maxwell on August 29, 2008.Erin Maxwell.Jones murder conviction was subsequently reversed and reduced to Manslaughter 2nd by the appellate court and he was re-sentenced to a prison term of 5 to 15 years. Thankfully, the parole board has consistently denied his application for release and he remains in state prison, Oswego County DA Greg Oakes said. However, he will be appearing before the parole board again in June. The DA wrote a letter arguing against his release and mailed to the parole board today April 18 . He also spoke to an official at DOCCS who said that members of the public may also send letters expressing their position, although any such letters should be received by June 13. placement_509781_0_iwidth:100%;margin:0 auto;Read The DAs Letter HereErins death deepl stanley website y affected the community and Oakes asks that people are aware of the upcoming parole hearing so that they can express their views. I am strongly encouraging anyone who opposes Alan Joness release to let the parole board know, he said. Any letter should be sent to the same address on my letter and should also reference his prison ID number, DIN 09B3636. Print this entryShare this:EmailLike this:Like Loading...Rel stanley cup ated

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