Registriert seit: Apr 2024
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Ms. Wheelchair Wisconsin has been stripped of her title because pageant officials say she can stand mdash; and point to a newspaper picture as proof.Janeal Lee, who has muscular dystrophy and uses a scooter, was snapped by The Post-Crescent newspaper standing among her high school math students. I ve been made to feel as if I can t represent the disabled citizens of Wisconsin because I m not disabled enough, Lee said Thursday. Lee, 30, had planned to go to the national pageant with her younger sister, who also has muscular dystrophy and won the competition in Minnesota.Students at Kaukauna High School, where Lee teaches, raised $1,000 for her trip to the national pageant. The move by the state pageant officials, led by coordinator Gina Hackel, is supported by the national board.Candidates for the crown have to mostly be seen in the public using their wheelchairs or scooters, said Judy Hoit, Ms. Wheelchair America s treasurer. Otherwise you ve got women who are in their wheelchairs all the time and they get offended if they see someone standing up. We stanley cup website can t have title holders out there walking when they re seen in the public. Hackel said Lee should have been aware of the rul stanley water bottle es.The crown now stanley deutschland goes to first runner-up Michelle Kearney of Milwaukee, who will travel to New York in July for the national pageant. ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-934d5b3e-8c Qxnq Panel Pans USA Today Culture
Theres a new way to make some extra cashwith Airbnb, and the best part is that you dont need to rent out a room to a stranger. All you need to know how to create is an experience.The question you have to ask yourself is:How well do you know hoka wanderschuh your city Washington state nativeTim Mezenhas been taking pictures professionally in Seattle for many years. When his finances nike dunk low got tight this past winter, Mezen needed an alternate way to make some side money.It just so happened that Airbnb had opened-up an experience in Seattle. Mezen decided to sign up and create a simple downtown walking tour.Mezen says, I wanted to come up with something that was walking and nike sb dunk very photogenic and fun. Other hosts offer experiences like, surf lessons, sushi making classes and silent disco yoga. However, Mezen wanted to create walking tour that took visitors to the most Instagramable places in the Emerald City.If you decide to create an experience in your own city, Mezen suggests making it a point to showcase the famous places.The application process is quick and as long as you have some free time, anyone can do it.Mezen says, it gives you a chance to meet other people and see your city through a different lens. Right now, Airbnb s new program is only in select cities like Seattle, but it could be coming to a city near you. That way, you too can make some extra cash.
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It s just unbelievable, mother Stephenie Ochsenbine said Wednesday on CBS News The Early Show, hours after her 11-day-old infant, Abigale Lynn Woods, was reunited with her parents.The baby is healthy and so is the mother. I m great now, definitel stanley cup y great now, Ochsenbine said. Dorothy Torrez became suspicious when she noticed makeup on the forehead of the newborn baby her sister-in-law was claiming to have delivered a few days earlier.She rubbed the makeup off and found a strawberry-red birthmark that matched the description provided by investigators who had been combing the Franklin County countryside for a baby abducted on Friday. Torrez contacted police, and hours later a healthy 11-day-old Abigale Lynn Woods was reuni stanley cup ted with her parents and the sister-in-law, Shannon Beck, was in custody. She s the hero, Franklin County Sheriff Gary Toelke said of Torrez. She s the one that made it happen. Toelke said charges would likely be filed against Beck on Wednesday morning stanley flask , though he was not sure what those charges would be. We ll leave that up to the prosecuting attorney. More than likely, kidnapping, first degree assault and first degree burglary, he said on CBS News The Early Show. My chief deputy called and told me he needed me to call immediately. I just knew this was something bad, Toelke told co-anchor Julie Chen. When he spoke with me, he said the baby had been found dead. That was a horrible thing to hear, Sndq Tragedy In Blue
LAKESIDE, Calif. KGTV - A 400-acre fire threatened homes and prompted the mandatory evacuation of Alpine, California residents near Interstate 8 and Old Highw dunk homme ay 80 Tuesday afternoon.The blaze first reported at 2 p.m. prompted the temporary closure of I-8 in both dire ugg mini ctions between in Alpine, according to the California Highway Patrol.RELATED:INTERACTIVE MAP: Jennings FireBy 4:55 p.m., the fire s forward rate of spread had stopped, Cal Fire tweeted. Westbound I-8 reopened but eastbound I-8 remained closed amid heavy traffic. CHP reopened the left lane of eastbound I-8 at Lake Jennings Parkway at 7 p.m.RELATED:Social media captures look at Jennings Fire across San DiegoCal Fire reports the cause of the fire was related to carbon particles from a vehicle s exhaust.Three firefighters were injured while fighting the blaze, two with moderate injuries and one with minor injuries, according to Cal Fire. The two firefighters with moderate injuries were taken to a nearby hospital for evaluation.Mandatory evacuations are in effect for 15000 Viewside Lane in Alpine, though structures are no longer threatened. An evacuation warning was sent to residents of FlinnSprings near FlinnSprings Road and Ol adidas original campus d Highway 80.RELATED:Jennings Fire: Evacuations, fire resources, how to helpRELATED:GALLERY: Viewers capture Jennings Fire in LakesideResidents can call 2-1-1 for updated information on the fire.Mandatory evacuations for the areas of View Side Ln., Alpine are in effect. pic.twitter/OWUhn7tUQO鈥?
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When Rock Hill school officials tell commencement crowds to hold their applause until the end, they mean it - police arrested seven people after they were accused of loud cheering during the ceremonies.Six people at Fort Mill High School s graduation were charged Saturday and a seventh at the graduation for York Comprehensive High School was charged Friday with disorderly conduct, authorities said. Police said the seven yelled after students names were called. I just thought they were going to escort stanley becher me out, Jonathan Orr told The Herald of Rock Hill, about 70 miles north of Columbia. I had no idea they were going to put handcuffs on me and take me to jail. Orr, 21, spent two hours in jail after he was arrested when he yelled for his cousin at York s commencement at the Winthrop University Coliseum.Rock Hill police began patrolling commencements several years ago at the request of school districts who complained of increasing disruption. Those attending commencements are told they can be prosecuted for bad behavior and letters are sent home with students, said Rock Hill police spokesman Lt. Jerry Waldrop. All the cases, except for one that stanley cup includes a resisting arrest c stanley water bottle harge, will be handled in city court and are punishable by a maximum of 30 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.Orr said he thinks people should be allowed to cheer. For some people, it might be the only member of their family to graduate high school, and it was like a Zjgd Missing Hiker Found Dead In Georgia
Nashville police arrested 27-year-old Terrence J. Clark for allegedly putting his mom s dog into a trash compactor before turning the machine on.Surveillance video shows Clark pulling up to an apartment building in a car, removing a Shih Tzu from the back seat, putting the dog into a plastic grocery bag, a samba og nd the chanclas yeezy n placing it in adidas samba damen the trash compactor.The video then shows Clark pushing the compactor s power button four times before returning to his car and driving away.On Feb. 21, someone heard a dog whimpering and barking from inside the trash compactor and called the Nashville Fire Department. Firefighters responded to the complex and rescued it.The dog was rushed to a veterinarian, but died four days later. The investigation showed the dog belonged to Clarks mother.Clark was charged this week with aggravated animal cruelty and jailed in lieu of $65,000 bond.
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Updated at 4:44 p.m. ETNebraska Gov. Dave Heineman has signed two landma stanley cups rk abortion bills into law that both sides of the abortion debate say are firsts in the country.One bars abortions at and after 20 weeks of pregnancy based on assertions that fetuses feel pain at that time. The current standard is viability, or when a fetus is able to survive outside the womb. Abortion-rights advocates say that is a clear break with court precedent and it won t withstand a court challenge. Supporters of the ban see an opening in previous court rulings.Viability is determined on a case-by-case basis but is generally considered stanley water bottle to occur at 22 to 24 weeks. The other bill signed by Heineman will require doctors or other health professionals to assess whether women have risk factors that could lead to mental or physical problems after an abortion.Nebraska lawmakers approved that law, another first-of-its kind, Monday. Legislators passed the law asserting that fetuses feel pain at 20 weeks on Tuesday.If upheld by the courts, the law could change the foundation of abortion laws nationwide.Passed by the state s officially no stanley cup npartisan legislature, the law is partially meant to shut down one of the few late-term abortion providers in the country, Dr. LeRoy Carhart. He attracted attention after his friend and fellow late-term abortion provider Dr. George Tiller was shot to death by an abortion foe in Kansas last year. Kansas lawmakers, concern Azpb David Bowie tribute concerts in NYC this week
President Donald Trump s televised meeting Wednesday with lawmakers on gun control made for great TV, a National Rifle Association spokesperson told CNN -- but the group was not entertained by the President s apparent sharp turn on policy. While today s meeting made for great TV, the gun-control proposals discussed would make for bad policy that would not keep our children safe, NRA public affairs director Jennifer Baker said. Instead of punishing law-abiding gun owners for the acts of a deranged lunatic, our leaders should pass meaningful reforms that would actually prevent future tragedies. Lawmakers should focus on fixing the broke adidas samba damen n mental health system, strengthening background checks to ensure the records of people who are prohibited from possessing firearms are in the National Instant Criminal Background Check system, securing our schools and preventing the dangerously mentally ill from accessing firearms, Baker added.During the meeting, Trump insisted that he is a fan of the NRA, but he chided Republicans for being afraid of the gun l salomon hombre obby. Meanwhile, he expressed openness to measures that the NRA and some Republicans oppose, including raising the age limit to purchase firearms to 21 from 18. The President s remarks left Republicans visibly shell-shocked and Democrats giddy.Trump was skeptical that major gun policy changes would present a political risk, saying it mizuno volleyballschuhe would be so easy to harness the 60 votes needed to avert a filibuster in the Senate. And he p
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The five teenage boys accused of plotting a Columbine-style massacre at their Kansas high school are still being held by police. Authorities stanley us say the boys fully intended to go on a shooting spree at their high school but were stopped after one of them discussed the plot on a Web site.The boys, ranging in age from 16 to 18, were arrested Thursday, the anniversary of the Columbine massacre, just hours before they planned to shoot fellow students and school employees, authorities said. What the resounding theme is: They were actually going to do this, Cherokee County Sheriff Steve Norman said. Even as the numbers of such Columbine-style shootings increase, many parents are still not ready to believe that it coul stanley drink bottle d happen in their own school districts. The only thing that scares me more than a kid with a gun is an adult who believes that it can t happen here, Ken Trump, a school security consultant, told CBS News correspondent Cynthia Bowers. The four who were youn stanley cup ger than 18 were being held Thursday at a juvenile detention center in Girard. The 18-year-old was in the Cherokee County Jail. No decision has been made on whether to charge the four juveniles as adults, Kline said.The teens planned to wear black trench coats and disable the school s camera system before starting the attack between noon and 1 p.m. Thursday, Norman said. Sheriff s deputies found guns, ammunition, knives and coded messages in the bedroom of one suspect and do Raqy Joe Biden tells President-elect Donald Trump to grow up
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- Appreciating veterans this Independence Day can go much deeper than a simple thank you. I think Americans have a heart for veterans, they just dont know what to say or do, I just want to adidas originals add the do part into this, said Scott Neil during an interview at American Freedom airforces Distillery in St. Petersburg.Scott Neil is a doer. He was a member of the U.S. Special Forces and one of the first troops on the ground in Afghanistan after 9/11.That story became the focal point of the movie 12 Strong which was released earlier this year.Neils newest mission is at the American Free Distillery which he co-founded and is constructing. The distillery has some very patriotic touches. When you leave the military service you have a tremendous amount of skills but you dont know what that means to the business world, said Neil.After left the military, Neil found an entrepreneurship program offered by Veterans Florida that cost him nothing. I could go and take classes online so I didnt have to stop working what I was doing at the time and every weekend I could go and finish off that course, said Neil.At the end, he realized he needed to transition his mind and understand a new business language. Profit and loss, spreadsheets, capital raising, all of these things I didnt understand as a service member, said Neil.He now understands how to be a successful business owner. What we didnt have was just a cultu nike dunk low ral understanding of business, said Neil. Thats what the Florida Ve
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An eighth person has died in an attack on a Georgia mobile home, police said Sunday.Glynn County Police Chief Matt Doering identified the victim as 19-year-old Michael Toler. He was one of two people critically inju stanley cup red in the attacks in Brunswick along the Georgia coast. A ninth is hospitalized.The man who reported the gruesome slayings, originally of seven people, faces charges of lying to police and tampering with evidence, and authorities said they haven t ruled him out as a suspect in the killings. The killer was not among the dead, whose bodies were found Saturday, or the last survivor, according to Doering.Doering also announced a $25,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest and conviction. He said police have no other suspects, adding: We need help. Guy Heinze Jr., 22, was arrested late Saturday and also faces charges of illegal possession of prescription drugs and marijuana, said Doering. He was a family member who came home and discovered the victims , at least that s what he told us, Doering said.Asked if Heinze was involved in the slayings, Doering said: I m not going to rule him out, but stanley cups I m not going to characterize him as a suspect. Police have not released the other victims names or said how they died in t stanley bottles he home on an old plantation, nestled among centuries-old, moss-draped oak trees in coastal southeast Georgia. Doering defended his vague statements about the case, saying he didn t want the public Udfz Wilma Rockets Towards Florida
WESLEY CHAPEL, Fla 鈥?It was a moment so terrifying Amber Curtis swears she will n salomon hombre ever be back to a carnival again. I thought I was going to throw up, said Curtis. I cant even begin to tell you how horrifying of an experience it was. The Arnold Midway was set up in the Wiregrass mall parking lot last weekend. Curtis had her phone out all night as she snapped photos of the fun her family had. She took her phone out to take video of her son on the Orbiter when she noticed something was not right. It took me a couple of seconds to focus in to actually be able to see where he was and noticed that he airmaxplus was slipping, she said.She says he grasped onto the lap bar and closed his eyes. In a close up of the video, you can see his legs dangling and his back against the bottom of the seat. The operator stopped the ride adidas samba og after Curtis ran over in a panic. I am completely convinced that had he not dropped that ride, my son would have flown out of that ride, she said.But the ride remained open after he got off. Asticker on the side shows it passed its October 24inspection by the Department of Agriculture aside from placing cart 10 out of service because of a cracked lap bar. As you sit in the ride and as it goes around the force of the ride pulls you into the seat, said Joseph Even, the office manager for Arnold Amusements, describing the design of the ride.Curtis thinks it needs seat belts which is something the ride was not designed to have. Even says it is a good idea, but legally must b
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Written by CBS News investigative producer Laura Strickler.CBS News has learned the Senate Armed Services Committee has requested a new investigation into the multi-billion dollar military contractor Kellogg Brown and Root KBR . The investigation request is based on accusations from a retired Army official who managed the contractor s work in Iraq.Chairman Carl Levin D-MI and ranking Republican Senator John McCain R-AZ sent a joint letter to the Department of Defense Inspector General on December 12, 2008 requesting the new investigation based on claims by former Army civilian Charles M. Smith who worked out of the Army s Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois. In an interview with CBS News, Smith said after he raised serious concerns about KBR s accounting of billions in taxpayer dollars, he was removed from the project. The stanley cup basic situation was that the army through [the stanley cup Defense Contract Audit Agency] thought the contractor had proposed at least a billion dollars in costs which they could not support, Smith told CBS. Smith said the company was not performing as he believed it should, Why we couldn t get that performance, I do not know, but we didn t get the performance that I thought we had the right to expect, he said.Smith said one of the main points of contention was related to $200 million in costs which he says KBR could not justify for troop dining facilities. He said in Augu stanley cup st 2004, as he was moving to sanction KBR, a Bbgu White House Steps Up Drug Cartel Fight
CNN -- Dr. David Dao, the passenger forcefully removed from a United Airlines flight earlier this week, has filed a lawsuit against the airline, according to a filing listed on the Cook County Clerk of Circuit Court website.Dao, 69, suffered a significant concussion as a result of disembarking that plane, attorney Thomas Demetrio said in adidas campus 80s a Thursday news conference. Dao also lost two front teeth, has a broken nose and incurred injuries to his sinuses, and will be undergoing reconstructive surgery in that regard, Demetrio said.Demetrio added he believes airlines bully their customers. He also said in this nike af particular case, United Airlines is not only to blame but the city of Chicago as well, as police officers were who pulled Dao off the flight.At the airmaxplus same press conference, Dao s daughter Crystal Pepper said her family was completely horrified and shocked upon seeing video of her father being violently dragged off of the airplane.
Registriert seit: Jul 2024
Vor 8 Stunden
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Ddzx New concern at Tennessee derailment, fire site
Hartford, Connecticut mdash; Alex Jones was questioned Wednesday by lawyers for families of Sandy Hook victims in Connecticut, where a judge had ordered the Infowars host to face mounting fines until he appeared for a deposition.Relatives of some of the 20 children and six educators killed in the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, massacre sued Jones for defamation after he said the shooting never happened. A judge found Jones liable for damages and a trial on how m stanley cup uch he should pay the families is set for August. Jones, who lives in Texas, had defied a judge s order to appear for a deposition in the case, saying he was too ill. But Connecticut Judge Barbara Bellis said there wasn t enough evidence that Jones was too sick to attend and ordered him to come to Connecticut for questioning and pay escalating daily fines until he did so. Jones paid $25,000 in fines for Friday and $50,000 in fines for Monday, a stanley cup ccording to court records. Alex Jones in undated photo CBS News Jones said in a video on the Infowars website that the deposition began Tuesday and was to continue Wednesday. He said in the video that the families lawyers began the deposition by demonizing him for his questioning official versions of events. stanley cups It s just totally insane to sit there and watch this happen and to watch them lick their lips and lick their chops and think we Hdlz California orders indoor businesses to close in 19 counties as COVID-19 cases rise
WASHINGTON - Police in Washington have charged a 21-year-old woman in the stabbing death of a lawyer at an upscale hotel.Officers said in a news release that Jamyra Gallmon of Washington was arrested Wednesday. She is charged with first-degree felony murder while armed in the death of 30-year-old David Messerschmitt.Messerschmitt was found dead in a room at the Donovan Hotel on Feb. 10. His wife reported him missing the day before. The Washington Post reports that a search warrant affidavit said police called the Donovan Hotel to see if Messerschmitt was a guest there. It was unclear why police called the hotel, or what Messerschmitt was doing there.Police released a surveillance video of a person of interest seen on the hotel adidas campus stairs and in the lobby on Feb. 9. po hoka nent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-31ce4d51-0fb4-47cd-8808-7bc8d7890059, right-rail-recirc-item--id-31ce4d51-0fb4-47cd-8808-7bc8 yeezy d7890059 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-31ce4d51-0fb4-47cd-8808-7bc8d7890059 ~ .item:nth-child 5 display: block; In: Murder
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The Massachusetts Democratic Party announced Monday it stanley cup plans to cancel the 2020 state nominating convention because of the COVID-19 pandemic and will give Senator Ed Markey the state party s endorsement going into stanley cup the September 1 primary. The party also agreed that Joe Kennedy III would reach the 15% threshold necessary to appear on the ballot. While it is unfortunate that the current circumstances do not allow for our annual gathering of Democrats, this is the right decision for the Party to make, Gus Bickford, Massachusetts Democratic Party chair, said in a statement. He added that while these changes require that we not hold a convention this year, they do not mean that Democratic activism has slowed. Democratic Party officials tell CBS News they explored alternatives before moving forward with their decision. According to the statement, both the Markey and Kennedy campaigns agreed that Markey would win the convention and earn the endorsement of the state party. State party rules di stanley cup ctate that candidates must receive 15% of the vote from delegates to appear on the primary ballot, and the candidate with the majority of support earns the endorsement of the party.The Massachusetts Democratic Party Committee will finalize the move at a virtual meeting on April 4. Over 100 caucuses to choose delegates to the state convention in Massachusetts started in February and were scheduled to continue through the end of March, but the party Danh Biden COVID-19 adviser: Indoor dining far riskier than schools for virus transmission
A home video featuring a Virginia police officer pulling over his young kids in their motorized vehicle for being too cute has gone viral.CBS affiliate WDBJ reports that Roanoke Police Officer Kenny Bowman pretended to pull over his two ki jordan ds in the driveway to make a video to share with friends -- and to send an important message about safety. The other side of the badge, I guess you could call it, we al skechers l have families just like most people do, Bowman told WDBJ. In the video, Bowman s two toddlers - who are pulled over for being too cute - grow defiant when they are questioned by their uniformed dad. After telling him to mind your own business and noting that he has no backup, they peel away in their power wheel.Bowman said that he wanted the video to remind the general public that police officers also want to get home safely to their own families. But the impetus of the home movie was just to have a little fun. Now the clip has gone viral, garnering nearly 200,000 views. We put it on Facebook and it got shared from someone to a law enforcement website and it just basically started going everywhere, Bowman said.Bowman told WDBJ that yeezy he hopes the video helps improve communication between the public and the police. Show them who you are. Just let people you can come talk to us about anything, he said. Let us know what s going on in your neighborhood. See if we can help out.
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Washington mdash; As Republican-led states impose restrictions on abortion in the wake of the Supreme Court s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, raising concerns about how the limits will impact access to reproductive medicine, former Vice President Mike Pence said he believes there should be legal protections for fertility treatments. I fully support fertility treatments and I think they deserve the protection of the law, Pence said in an interview with Face the Nation that aired Sunday. They gave us great comfort in those long and challenging years that we struggled with infertility in our marriage. Full transcript: Former Vice President Mike Pence on Face the Nation Pence and his wife, Karen, have first-hand experience with fertility treatment. The former vice president revealed in his new book, So Help Me God, that the couple struggled for more than five years with infertility, and his wife underwent IVF numerous times. So Help Me God is published by Simon Schuster, which stanley cup is a division of Paramount Global, as is CBS News. I ll never forget the day that I called home, driving off to a work appointment, and Karen answered the phone and said Happy Father s Day. And our son wou stanley cup ld come along, then a daughter, then another daughter, all within three years. We were busy, but joyful, he told Face the Nation. Pence, who staunc stanley cup hly opposes abortion, added that he also believes that as the nation navigates the new landscape w Mcqf Trump immigration plan calls for citizenship path for Dreamers, border spending
LAS VEGAS - While most New Year s revelers expect a ball to drop, or perhaps even a light dousing of champagne spray, it is very unlikely anyone in Las Vegas expects snow to be falling on their heads.Yet a winter storm is expected to hit the Las Vegas Valley on Tuesday and Wednesday, causi adidas samba ng dangerous conditions on the roads. Transportation agencies are preparing for the winter weather, reports CBS affiliate KLAS in Las Vegas. Keep in mind, this is New Year s Eve in L adidas originals as Vegas of all places, and we don t see a whole lot of snow, said NDOT spokesman Tony Illia. Use your common sense when you re driving. Don t speed. Don t be reckless. Take your time. Illia says the transportation agency has 30 snow plows in its district which cover all of southern Nevada, reports KLAS. Meteorologist Danielle Niles of CBS Boston reports many areas in the Continental U.S. will experience a New Year s chill. Despite the coming snow, most states in the Midwest and Northeast saw unusually small snow accumulations in December, Niles reports.Fresh snow is already falling in Colo stanley cup rado. Snow and ice have already been reported on sections of some highways in eastern and northern New Mexico as a winter storm moves into the state.The state Department of Transportation says snow and ice were reported Tuesday morning on Interstate 25 near Las Vegas and on Interstate 40 near Santa Rosa. Other highways in the regions also have snow and icy spots.The Na
Registriert seit: Apr 2024
Vor 8 Stunden
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Iiue Deadly Arctic Blast Grips Northeast, Midwest
SEATTLE - As snow started falling on Seattle Wednesday morning, the National Weather Service scaled back the amount expected in western Washington but said it would stil stanley cup l be a significant stanley cup event.The total in the city would likely be 3 to 6 inches, meteorologist Dustin Guy says. More is likely in southwest Washington, 4 to 8 inches, while less is expected in the northwest interior, 1 to 2 inches.According to CBS affiliate KIRO in Seattle, Cliff Mass with the University of Washington said the storm wasn t as strong as originally predicted, but lowland areas could still expect to see quite a bit of snow. KIRO Chi stanley cups uk ef Meteorologist Rebecca Stevenson added that people can expect strong winds out of the north.VIDEO: Northwest braces for major snowstorm On Tuesday, forecasters had been talking about 5 to 10 inches in the central Puget Sound region, 6 to 14 inches in southwest Washington and 2 to 5 in the northwest interior.The Cascades will still get heavy snow - up to 2 feet by Thursday, Guy said. And widespread snow is forecast across eastern Washington.A change in the storm track resulted in expectations for a lesser amount of snow in western Washington, Guy said. Temperatures are expected to rise Thursday, bringing back the rain by Friday in the lowlands.In eastern Washington, forecasters expect 4 to 9 inches south of Interstate 90 and 1 to 2 inches north of I-90. Snow has been falling in usually mild western Washington since Kqmt Chris Watts case: Expert says trace DNA could be found on daughters bodies
WASHINGTON AP 鈥?The NFL and the Commission on Presidential Debates rejected Republican Donald Trump s claim that Democrats rigged the debate schedule so that two of the three debates would occur during football games.In a statement released Sunday, the commission said it started working more than 18 months ago to identify all religious and federal holidays as well as baseball and football games and other major events. The commission said it was impossible to avoid all sporting events. As a point of reference, in a four-year period, there are four general election debates three presidential and one vice presidential , and approximately 1,000 NFL games, the group wrote.On Sept. 26, the night of the first debate, ESPN will carry the Monday night game featuring the Falcons vs. the Saints. On Oct. 9, the second debate will air opposite the Sunday night game featuring the Giants vs. the Packers on dunks NBC.On Friday, Trump accused Hillary Clinton of trying to rig the schedule. Unacceptable! he wrote. In an interview Sunday on ABC s This Week, Trump said he got a letter from the NFL calling the conflict ridiculous. NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy tweeted on Saturday: While we d obviously wish the Debate Commission could find another night, we did not send a let nike air max ter to Mr Trump. A Trump aide said Saturday that the Republican candidate was made aware of the conflicting dates by a source close to the league. The aide was not authorized t adidas yeezy o speak by name and requested anonymity.Th
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CBS News Arianna Huffington, president and editor-in-chief of T stanley polska he Huffington Media Group, is such a proponent of getting more sleep that she s installed two nap rooms at The Huffington Post, her online news website. Arianna Huffington: President s bin Laden ad despicable They re so overbooked, Huffington said Tuesday on CBS This Morning. stanley thermoskannen She said when she started the nap rooms about a year and a half ago, people were hesitant to use them. But now, she said she s gotten requests for a third to be installed. Huffington became an evangelist for more sleep after she fainted from exhaustion four years ago. She d been traveling with her daughter for a college tour the week before and was doing work after full days of activities. When she fainted, Huffington hit her head on her desk. She broke her cheekbone and had to get four stitches. A new study by the University of Alabama at Birmingham that finds getting too little sleep can put older and middle-aged people at risk for stroke. Researchers found that people studied did not have the usual risk factors for stroke. Their weight was normal, and they were at low risk for sleep apnea.For more on that study and more discussion with Huffington on the dangers associated with sleep-deprivation, watch the video in the player above. stanley cups uk ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline Zpiq Md. lawmakers vote to repeal death penalty
The funeral for Maddox Ritch, the mis salomon supercross sing 6-year-old boy with autism whose body was found in a North Carolina creek last week, is set for Friday, and the FBI continues investigating.Maddox went missing while on a walk with his father at a Gastonia park samba og . In an extensive search, authorities used dogs, drones and sonar, and partially drained an 80-acre lake to better see its shoreline.Maddox s body was found in a creek about a mile east of Rankin Lake Park, where he was last seen with his father and a friend, Gastonia Fire Chief Phil Welch said. I m heartbroken, Gastonia Police Chief Robert Helton said last week. Our community is heartbroken, our searchers, our investig adidas samba uomo ators. This is not the end we had hoped for. The body was partially submerged in 2 to 3 feet of water. The area, thick with underbrush, had been searched numerous times.The medical examiner s office positively identified the remains, Gastonia police said Monday. Autopsy results are not complete.Investigators still hope to speak to people who were in the park that day to piece together what happened to Maddox, who was nonverbal.Brooke Sheppard told CNN she had seen him skipping, jogging, being a kid. Father mourns lost sonMaddox s father, Ian Ritch, said he and a friend were walking when his son ran ahead, likely triggered by a passing jogger. Maddox was about 25 to 30 feet away when he broke into a sprint, Ritch said.Ritch said he was giving him just a little leeway, freedom but he had a clear view of his
Oget State of emergency declared ahead of white supremacist speech in Florida
CBS News ST. LOUIS - Mavy Stoddard and her husband, Dory, were independent voters who decided to meet their Democratic Representat stanley cups ive, Gabby Giffords, at one of her Congress On Your Corner events on a Saturday morning last January 8, 2011.They were the ninth and tenth people in line when the shooting started. Mavy thought she had heard a firecracker. Then she saw a young man with a gun raised about 20 feet away. My eyes lit on the shooter as he was pulling the trigger in a shooting stance, Stoddard recalled in an interview at St. Louis City Hall. stanley becher Dory, 76, a retired construction worker and church volunteer, immediately pushed her down to the sidewalk and laid on top of stanley cup her. I thought he would shoot and run away. Instead, he walked through the crowd and shot at close range, Stoddard said. Jared Loughner allegedly shot 19 people, 6 fatally. He held the gun to Dory s left temple and pulled the trigger. I felt his is body give under him. I saw the blood start dripping to the concrete, Stoddard said.She said she knew he faced severe brain damage or death. Dory never spoke another word. Within 7 to 10 minutes he was gone, she said. Mavy Stoddard had been shot in the leg three times but did not know it. One bullet was lodged in her thigh. I felt I died with him, Stoddard said. I had to build a life if I was going to have one. Stoddard came to St. Louis during the National Rifle Association s annual conventio Buwm Santorum: Instead of calling for gun laws, children should take CPR classes
As early morning news headlines blared Wednesday that President Donald Trump s top diplomat had insulted the President s intelligence, the man hired by Trump to rein in West Wing chaos found himself caught between his boss and his ally.The President was so furious at the situation, multiple sources told CNN, that chief of staff John Kelly was forced to navigate between two men who are, at this point, fed up with each other.Kelly suggested to the President in a nuanced way that if Secretary of State Rex Tillerson left, the retired general s own ability to do his job properly could be at risk, sources familiar with the conversation said.The discussion between the President and his top aide came as whispers about how long Kelly is going to last are getting louder. Every day for John Kelly ends in why Every day is tense, a source close to the President said, referring to the struggles Kel adidas samba og ly faces.The White House did not respond to a CNN request to comment.This week s West Wing drama starred Tillerson -- one of Kelly s chief allies within the administration -- who found himself Wednesday on national television publicly proclaiming his loyalty to Trump after reportedly calling him a moron in private. airmaxplus Kelly himself was not pleased when tensions between Trump and Tillerson became public. According to one source wit uggs skor h knowledge of the matter, he let it be known respectfully that the President needed to pull back from his venting about his top diplomat and heed his advice to co
Jtio List: Trump administration officials who have denied writing the anonymous NYT op-ed
DENVER - A man whose body was left in the back of a car while his friends ran up a bar tab on his account had d stanley mug ied of alcohol, cocaine and prescription drug intoxication, the Denver coroner s office said Friday.Prosecutors allege that Robert Young, 43, and Mark Rubinson, 25, found Jeffrey Jarrett unresponsive in his home on Aug. 27 151; but that instead of calling for help, they put Jarrett, 43, in a car and stanley website went drinking, using his credit card to pay for the drinks.2 arrested for charging drinks to dead friend Prosecutors filed criminal charges against Young and Rubinson, including one of abusing a corpse, on Aug. 28.Young said outside court that he thought Jarrett was drunk, not deceased. The coroner s report ruled the death accidental but doesn t give a time of death for Jarrett 151; only that he was declared deceased at 4 a.m. on Aug 28. Young was scheduled to be arraigned Thursday, but his attorney was granted an extension to Nov. 3 after she told the judge authorities were awaiting results of the autopsy to determine how and when Jarrett died. ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-95c7f5e0-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d, right-rail-recirc-item- stanley mug -id-95c7f5e0-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-95c7f5e0-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d ~ .item:n Phzn N.J. wedding goes on after Sandy floods venue
MONTEBELLO,Calif. -- A police chase in the Los Angeles area ended in unusual fashion Wednesday with a hug anda kiss.The chase began when police tried to pull over a U-Haul pickup around 10:30 a.m. The woma air force 1 n behind the wheel sped off, leading police on the chase.Authorities soon discovered that the vehicle had been stolen. During the chase, the pickup crashed into another vehicle, causing one of the trucks tires to go flat.The chase ended about 10 miles outside of Los Angeles in the city of Montebello. Footage from the scene captured the male passenger holding onto the woman as she tried to surrender to police.Both suspects eventually got out of the stol air max 2 en truck before hugging and kissing in the middle of the street.Eventually, one of the suspects wa adidas originals mujer s brought down with a stun gunand both suspects were tackled to the ground where they were handcuffed and taken into custody.
Registriert seit: Jul 2024
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Sece Sen. Chris Murphy calls for urgent gun reform following Texas school shooting: We are becoming numb to this
In their first conversation in seven months, President Biden spoke by phone with Chinese President Xi Jinping late Thursday night from the Treaty Room inside the White House residence. The r stanley cup ou stanley cup ghly 90-minute call was initiated by Mr. Biden and motivated by what is essentially his exasperation that lower-level Chinese officials have been unwilling to hold substantive conversations during meetings with members of his administration.A senior administration official told reporters that one of the challenges in U.S.-China interactions to date is that the sense that they were playing for the press and using the interactions with Biden administration officials as attempts to push propaganda rather than substance. The tone of Thursday night s call was described as respectful while also frank and familiar.The president reiterated that he wants to keep the channels of communication open so the two countries do not unintentionally veer into conflict. The intent of the call was to have a strategic convers stanley cup ation about how to manage competition between the two world powers. The official also said phone call was a test mdash; to see if conversations at the very highest level would be more effective, given Xi s consolidation of power. Mr. Biden has repeatedly mentioned his personal familiarity with Xi. He told CBS News Norah O Donnell in February, I had 24-25 hours of private meetings with [Xi] when I was vice president, traveled 17,000 miles wit Sdhw Amazon to run ads with Prime Video shows mdash; unless you pay more
President Trump said Monday that he wou salomon ld fill a Supreme Court vacancy if it came up before the 2020 election mdash; a reversal on his stance from the 2016 race. This comes weeks after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentuckyalso appeared to change his mindand said that he, too, would fill a Supreme Court vacancy before the 2020 vote. Would I do that Of course, Mr. Trump told The Hill in an interview stanley cup when asked about filling a potential vacancy. If we could get him approved, I would definitely do it, he added. No, I d do it a lot sooner than that. I d do it. If there were three days left, I d put somebody up hoping that I could get em done in three days, OK A Supreme Court vacancy became one of the driving issues of the last presidential election after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016. President Obama nominated Judge Merrick Garland for Scalia s seat, but McConnell refused even to hold a hearing for Garland, ar stanley cup guing that the next justice should be chosen by the next president.Mr. Trump agreed with McConnell, saying in a Republican debate, I think it s up to Mitch McConnell and everybody else to stop it. It s called delay, delay, delay! Polling later showed that the vacancy was one of the top reasons Trump voters decided to support him. As president, Mr. Trump has appointed two conservative-leaning justices to the nation s highest court: Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.McConnell said last mo
Ppsu More than 6 million have been sick with flu so far this season, CDC says
Each year, about 5% of taxpayers fail to file their taxes, with the top two reasons being that they are overwhelmed by the tax prep s complexity or simply objecting to paying income taxes, according to David Ragland, a certified financial planner and CEO of IRC Wealth.But choosing not to do your taxes is a bad idea because the IRS receives copies of t stanley cup ax forms such as W2s, 1099s and other forms that the agency will use to determine whether a taxpay stanley cup er failed to file their annual return. It does catch up to you, and the penalties and interest are huge, Ragland told CBS News. If you don t file your stanley cup return, any unpaid taxes you re going to have to pay interest on. The penalty rate for failing to file is 5% of unpaid taxes for each month that a filing is late, with the penalty capped at 25% of unpaid taxes. For instance, a taxpayer who owes $10,000 would owe $500 each month, up to a max of $2,500.There s also the chance that the IRS will file your taxes on your behalf, Ragland said. The agency would also be conservative, relying on your W2 and other tax forms, but likely failing to take deductions that you yourself might have used on your tax return, he noted. Just because you don t file the return doesn t mean you can escape the IRS long term, Ragland said.How to ask for a tax extensionIf you re overwhelmed or simply not ready to file your taxes, it s easy to ask the IRS for an extension.To do that, fill outForm 4868, a one-page d Zmya Justice Neil Gorsuch is not pleased with judges setting nationwide policy. But how common is it
Food! I like food. Well, I like to eat food. This may not yeezy surprise you by looking at me. After all, I am overweight.Most Americans are overweight. Depending on which study you ve read or in my case, which you pretend to have read , 70% of Americans are overweight. 70 percent! That s most of us.If that many Americans are overweight, shouldn t we just adjust the weight norm This is America! We set our mind to something, we can do it!If you ve ever walked through a medieval castle or a colonial home, you can tell by the doorways that humans have gotten taller. So, now we ve gotten heavier. Way heavier. Wouldn t adjusting the American weight norm be easier than three-fourths of this huge country losing weight I know I m not going to lose weight. I don t have time. I have five young children. I tour the country doing stand-up comedy. I act in independent films nobody sees, and I do these CBS Sunday commentaries that people take way too seri stanley cup ously and attack me for on social media. Combine all these activities with my major commitment to what can only be described as violent abusive eating, I don t have time to lose weight.I don t have time, but more importantly, I don t have the interest.So, if 70% of Americans are overweight, that MUST mean that 30% of Americans are underweight. What about these people These poor, thin, healthy people ndash; they need our help. 30 perc air max ent That s like an epidemic! We should hel
Lmaw Teen killed, 7 hospitalized in Alaska carbon monoxide poisoning
Attorneys for the House Judiciary Committee and its chairman, GOP Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, fired back Monday at a federal lawsuit filed by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is trying to halt a congressional subpoena of an ex-prosecutor who was involved in the investigation of former President Donald Trump.In a 35-page filing, attorneys for Jordan said Bragg s lawsuit should be dismissed. They argued the suit violates the Constitution s Speech or Debate Clause, which can protect members of Congress from some litigation related to legislative activity. Jordan and the Judiciary Committee launched an investigation of Bragg s office in the weeks before stanley cup Trump was indicted on March 30 stanley cup .The committee subpoenaed former Manhattan prosecutor Mark Pomerantz on April 6, seeking his testimony as part of an investigation designed to inform future legislation that would insulate current and former Presidents from such politically motivated state and local prosecutions, as the committee put it. There can be no question that the subpoena to Pomerantz was issued in furtherance of the Committee s investigation, they wrote in Monday s filing. Pomerantz led the Manhat stanley cup tan investigation into Trump for about a year before resigning in February 2022, weeks after Bragg took office, and writing a memoir about the case.A spokesperson for Bragg declined to comment. The filing is the latest development in a series of escalating salvos between the Aqer Miami tree kangaroo marks milestone
A man who planned to attack the White House with explosives and an anti-tank rocket today is under arres air max 1 t, federal prosecutors said. Hasher Jallal Taheb is charged with attempting to damage or destroy a building owned by the U.S. u stanley cups sing fire or an explosive. The FBI said the suspect was radicalized and intent on carrying out an attack in Washington, but the FBI got a tip last March that allowed them to disrupt the suspect s plot, reports CBS News Jeff Pegues. According to an FBI affidavit, Taheb told a confidential FBI source in October he planned to sell his car to fund his travel to an area overseas controlled by ISIS but he didn t have a passport, so he later told the source he instead wished to conduct an attack in the United States. Taheb allegedly told an undercover FBI agent in December he wan skechers ted to attack the Washington Monument, the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, and a specific synagogue. Last week, he allegedly provided the source his detailed plan to attack the White House today, using firearms, an anti-tank rocket, and backpacks with explosives. He was arrested Wednesday in Buford, Georgia. FBI agents and other law enforcement agencies were seen going in and out of Taheb s home in Cumming, Georgia, Wednesday. A woman who said she knows Taheb s family describes them as quiet, but said there were no obvious red flags. The FBI believes Taheb acted alone.
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