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In this episode of Intelligence Matters, host Michael Morell speaks with Syd Seiler, National Intelligence Officer for North Korea at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Seiler and Morell discuss the political priorities, preferences and fears of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and evaluate the prospects for diplomatic engagement during the Biden administration. Seiler, who has spent over four decades studying the country and its leadership, also shares insights from his travels to Pyongyang and his experience negotiating with North Korean counterparts. Listen to this episode on ART19 Highlights:Negotiating with Pyongyang: [W]hen Pyongyang wants to be serious and move forward in a certain area, we see a very serious, businesslike, yet stanley cup cordial interaction with our North Korean counterparts. stanley cup And w stanley cup hen they re not interested in a deal, there is just simply no budging them. Diplomatic opportunities for Kim Jong Un: [H]e will undoubtedly have opportunities. The Moon Jae In administration has proven to be a great opportunity for North Korea to advance North Korean relations, and he squandered it away. There s still a year left, though. The Biden administration has announced its policy, an openness to dialogue. So there s a new opportunity. It ll be an interesting way, as an analyst, to judge whether Kim has learned anything from the mistakes of this past. ON KIM JONG U Fkif Biden tests negative for COVID-19 after weeklong rebound infection
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt rented a bedroom in a Capitol Hill cond crocs o from the wife of a Washington lobbyist for $50 a day from mid-February through the end of July in 2017, CBS News has confirmed. Pruitt s daughter also lived in the condo while she was interning at the White House.Pruitt s rent equates to about $1,500 a month, but the terms of the deal were favorable. The deal required Pruitt only to pay the nightly rate when he stayed there, and he was not charged for nights when he slept elsewhere. Pruitt traveled regularly, often returning to Oklahoma on the weekends. Documents released by the agency confirm that ethics officials at EPA signed off on the arrangement. Over the course of the five-and-a-half months, Pruitt paid $6100 in rent, about $2150 less tha ugg n someone paying his rate every night.Pruitt s landlord was Vicki Hart, the wife of Steven Hart, a W nike dunk ashington lobbyist whose firm represents a number of fossil fuel companies. At one point during the lease, Pruitt fell ill and left work early. After his security detail was unable to contact him for several hours, the security personnel went to the condo and tried opening the glass door, eventually breaking its handle and shattering a pane of glass. It was later replaced by the condo association at a cost of $2,460, billed to the EPA. ABC first reported that security personnel had to access the condo out of concern for Pruitt.Pruitt used the upstairs

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At campaign rallies, the Vermont senator has a habit of listing the various people and groups he s tangled with over the years, such as health insurance companies and President Trump. But for many of the crowds that turn out to see him, the entity that garners the most hisses and boos is the Democratic establishment.In a race that s seen quite a lot of volatility in the polls, Sanders support has remained relatively consistent. An independent who identifies as a dem stanley cup ocratic socialist, he s widely adored by the left wing of the party, which still resents the Democratic power brokers they blame for Sanders loss to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 primary.Yet Sanders remains something of an ideological outlier among Democrats despite the fact that some of his signature ideas, such as his Medicare for All plan to replace private health insurance, have become much more mainstream than they were just a few years ago. And he continues to swear off the big-money donors who are helping propel some other candidates for the Democratic nomination, such as South Bend Mayo stanley cups r Pete Buttigieg and former Vice President Joe Biden. In an interview with CBS News, Sanders said the financing of some of his Democratic rivals campaigns exemplifies the rotten nature of American politics.Sanders, a fierce critic of 2010 Supreme Court Citizens United v. FEC decisio stanley cup n that allowed for individuals and corporations to give more freely to political campaigns, belie Perp Scammers target credit card users with fake Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker streams
CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Bands of strong thunderstorms pounded West Virginia with heavy rains and whipping winds Thursday, knocking out power for tens of thousands of homes and businesses and causing extensive flooding damage in some areas.The storms spurred Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin to declare a state of emergency in 44 counties, with some areas rendered inaccessible because of damage to roads, bridges and other infrastructure, Tomblin wrote in a proclamation.An eight-year- stanley cup old boy died Thursday after he was swept away by swift water, Wheeling police said. Deputy Police Chief Martin Kimball told The Intelligencer Emanual Williams was walking with his sister and mother when he slipped stanley cup in water and was pulled under. He was found about three hours later and pronounced dead at a hospital.CBS affiliate WOWK reported a toddler was reported missing in Ravenswood. The boy, estimated to be between two and four years old, was playing in the water when he was swept away. Men survey the damage after severe weather triggered widespread flooding on Thursday, June 23, 2016, in Richwood, W.Va. adidas samba og Jeromy Rose via Facebook Rescuers were using boats to search for the child. Ripley Fire Department public information officer Roderick Matheny told the station the search was suspended Thursday evening for safety reasons until the weather conditions improve. S

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In this episode of Intelligence Matters, host Michael Morell speaks with senior fellow at the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Karim Sadjadpour about a potential new nuclear deal between the U.S. and Iran. Sadjadpour says the Iranians don t believe the Biden administration has a plan B to for the deal, leading Iran not to stanley cup feel any real urgency about reaching a compromise. Sadjadpour also discusses what a Iran deal would mean for the Biden administration in a domestic political context ahead of the midterm elections. Listen to this episode on ART19 HIGHLIGHTS:Iran and compromise: In my view, there s a clear formula when you look at the instances in which Iran has compromi stanley cup sed over the last four decades, most recently being the nuclear deal of 2015. I think three boxes need to be checked. One, they need to be faced with significant multilateral pressure. So not just unilateral U.S. pressure, but they need to feel that they don t have an out stanley cup card with Beijing and Moscow and Europe. Number two, it requires direct U.S. engagement, U.S. resolve. And number three, I think you have to articulate to Iran a concrete, limited endgame. Iranian government s view of Biden administration: I think from the vantage point of the Iranian government, they at the moment believe that the Biden administration has telegraphed that they re totally committed to reviving this deal and that they haven t articu Kwme William Small, legendary Washington Bureau Chief for CBS News, has died at 93
A 22-year-old Florida college student is in custody after a security breach at the Orlando Melbourne International Airport. Nishal Sankat was charged with criminal attempt to stanley cup steal a plane Thursday. There obviously seemed to be some planning involved, said Lori Booker, spokesperson for the airport.Florida police are trying to determine adidas originals what Sankat was planning to do after he boarded a commercial airliner undergoing maintenance early Thursday morning, reports CBS News correspondent Tony Dokoupil. Sankat was a part-time student at the Florida Institute of Technology studying aviation management. According to the FAA, he had received a commercial pilot s license in January, but he was not qualified to fly this type of plane. If he was a student pilot from the area, he would be familiar with the air f jordan ield, Booker said. Nishal Sankat, 22, was charged with criminal attempt to steal a plane Thursday at Orlando Melbourne International Airport. Facebook Authorities say the student pilot drove to the curb outside the airport around 2 a.m. and left his car running. He then hopped a barbed-wire fence and boarded an American Airlines plane sitting near a hanger. The individual was confronted as soon as he was on the aircraft. The employee who was on the aircraft took appropriate action and escorted him off the aircraft, Melbou
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A southern Illinois judge on Monday blocked Governor J.B. Pritzker s 30-day extension of the state s stay-at-home order, granting a temporary restraining order sought by a Republican state lawmaker who argued the governor overstepped his authority, CBS Chicago reports. Pritzker, however, has vowed to appeal the ruling.CBS affiliate WCIA-TV reports Clay County Circuit Court Judge Michael McHaney granted a restraining order to temporarily block the governor s latest executive order Monday afternoon. While the judge s ruling only spares Bailey from the extended stay-at-home order, it does open the door for others in Illi stanley cup quencher nois to join the lawsuit, or file their own.Pritzker said the state Attorney General s Office will appeal the stanley cup ruling. My team and I will fight this legal battle to the furthest extent possible, to ensure the public health and commonsense, stanley cup and that those prevail, he said. This ruling has put the people of Illinois at risk. I sincerely hope that this matter will be brought to a swift resolution so that we can go back to placing our undivided attention on the work of keeping people safe. A visibly angry Pritzker lashed out at Bailey, accusing him of putting the public in danger. Rep. Darren Bailey s decision to take to the courts to try and dismantle public health directives designed to keep people safe is an insult to all Illinoisans who have been lost during this COVID-19 crisis, and it s a danger to millions of pe Rztp Obama to China: Stop throwing elbows in South China Sea
CBS By CBS News legal analyst Andrew CohenIllinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is caught between two pincers, legal and political. What is likely to help his legal defense will hurt him politically. And what is likely to prolong his political career is likely to increase his chances of spending time in the pokey.For example, if the governor s defense attorneys were to assert some sort of insanity or incompetency defense to aid him in his criminal case mdash; he went plumb out of his mind during the period in question and therefore had no criminal intent mdash; the state s Attorney General, Lisa Madigan, would be able to use such a defense in her effort to oust the governor from office under the Illinois constitutional provision that determines when a chief executive is unfit to lead. Madigan would be able to come before the Illinois Supreme Court and say: See Even the stanley italia governor himself concedes he isn t up to par. And if Blagojevich s attorneys respond to the AG s complaint last week by alleging that their guy was and is in his right mind mdash; that he is fit to be governor under the state standard -- it will be hard later for them to use any sort of defense that focuses upon his intent at the time the taped conversations took pl stanley quencher ace. In other words, eventually, the governor is going to have to choose which forum legal or political matters most stanley cups uk to him. Now, to you and me this would be easy: we d try to prevent ourselves from going to prison. We ll see what Blagojevich does.

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James Wolfe stanley cup , a nearly 30-year veteran staffer of the Senate Intelligence Committee who is accused of lying to the FBI about his contacts with reporters, made his first appearance in federal court in Baltimore Friday. He faces three counts of false statements to a government agency, charges that could mean up to 15 years in federal prison, if he is found guilty.On Friday, Wolfe wore a pair of gray slacks and a white button-up shirt, without a belt or tie. He was hunched over as the hearing proceeded. Wolfe was represented Friday by public defender Christian Lassiter. Former Senate Intelligence Committee staffer James Wolfe appears in federal court in Baltimore. He is accused of making false statements to a government agency. William J. Hennessy Jr. The Justice Department announced late Thursday that Wolfe has been indicted for allegedly lying to f stanley cup ederal authorities about his relationships with three reporters. The DOJ claims Wolfe lied to agents in 2017 about his contacts with the reporters, inc stanley cups luding through his use of encrypted messaging applications, and of making false statements to the FBI about giving two of those reporters non-public information about committee matters. On Thursday,The New York Timesreported one its journalists, Ali Watkins, hadher phone and email records seized by the federal governmentas part of an investiga Ezyq Newt Flirts With Thompson
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist announced Tuesday that he w stanley cup on t schedule another vote on John Bolton s nomination as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.In so doing, the Tennessee Republican acknowledged there was nothing further he could do to break a Democratic stalemate with the Bush White House over Bolton. That s been exhausted, Frist s stanley cup aid a day after Democrats again blocked a vote on the floor on Bolton s nomination. It was the second time the minority party in the Senate mustered enough votes to prevent Bolton s confirmation process from advancing. Asked about Frist s remarks, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said, We ll continue to work with the Senate leadership. Frist said that at this juncture, we have to go back to the president and see what the decision he s going to make is. He said scheduling a third vote now would be fruitless because Democrats will just keep stalling over information they are demanding from the White House. Whether it is politics or whatever their concerns are with, the goal posts constantly shifting. Bringing up another vote s not going to change anything, Frist said.The White House earlier Tuesday has issued a new call for a vote on the nomination, accusing Democrats of being unwilling to compromise. They re only interested in blocking this nomination from moving forward, McCellan said at the time.The president s options now include withdrawing the nomination, author caneca stanley izing further
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Bill Russell, an NBA legend who led the Boston Celtics to a record 11 championships and is widely considered one of the greatest basketball players of all time, died on Sunday. He was 88.Russell s family announced his death in a statement, saying he died peacefully with his wife Jeannine by his side. The family did not disclose a cause of death.The 6 10 former center dominated the NBA as a defensive and rebounding force over his 13-year career, winning five Most Valuable Player awards and becoming a 12-time all-star between 1956 to 1969. He also coached the Celtics over the la stanley cup st three years of his playing career, leading the team to two more titles on top of the nine he secured as a player. He was the first Black head coach in the league. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said Russell stood for something much bigger than sports: the values of equality, respect and inclusion that he stamped into the DNA of our league. For nearly 35 years since Bill completed his trailblazing career as the league s first Black head coach, we were fortunate to see him at every major NBA event, includi stanley cup ng the NBA Finals, where he presented the Bill Russell Trophy to the Finals MVP, Silver said in a statement Sunday. Bill was the ultimate winner and consummate teammate, and his influence on the NBA will be felt forever. Russell s family also pointed to his long record of activism and social justice, saying his understanding of the struggle is stanley cup what il Alcn Olympics legend Mary Lou Retton fighting for her life in ICU due to pneumonia, daughter says
RENO, Nev. -- Ed Shadle s first race was a soapbox derby in Puyallup, Washington, in 1955. Now, more than 60 years later, Shadle, 76, is preparing for what might be the biggest race of his life in Nevada s Diamond Valley.Shadle s plan is to pilot a jet-powered car across an isolated, desert playa at more than 763 miles per hour.It would be fast enough to salomon break the world s land-speed record, set 20 years ago on the playa in Nevada s Black Rock desert. Even more impressive It would mark Shadle s comeback from a lung cancer diagnosis that threatened to put an end to his racing career - and his life. I m not in remission, but it isn t dragging me down, he said. From left, Von Armstrong, Richard Pengelley and Ed Shadle set the windshield down onto the front of the North American Eagle jet-powered vehicle May 3, 2008, in Spanaway, Wash. A handful of Snohomish air max 1 County residents are part of a team of airplane mechanics, speed junkies and military veterans who are converting a 1960s-era F-104 Starfighter into a supersonic driving machine. AP Photo/The Herald, Jennifer Buchanan Shadle said he was diagnosed with stage four cancer in June and has since undergone 33 radiation treatments and 18 chemotherapy sessions.And he s done so while continuing to manage preparation and logistical planning for the pending speed record attempt.T adidas samba he pre

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President Trump s low-profile appearance Sunday night at Game 5 of the World Series drew loud boos and jeers when he was introduced to the crowd. Wearing a dark suit and a tie, Mr. Trump arrived at Nationals Park just before the first pitch of the Houston Astros-Washington Nationals matchup.Hours earlier,he had announcedthat U.S. forces had assaulted the hiding place of Islamic State leaderAbu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was killed in the raid in northeast Syria. At the same time, a divisive impeachment inquiry into the president is underway in Congress.Mr. Trump and first lady Melania Trump entered a lower-tier box to the left of home plate as the game stanley cup was beginning. At that point, his presence hadn t yet been formally announced, but baseball fans in the section just below his suite stanley cup turned to look toward the box as he arrived. Some waved at the president as he smiled and gave a thumbs-up. President Donald Trump is introduced during the third inning of Game 5 of the baseball World Series between the Houston Astros and the Washington Nationals Sunday, Oct. 27, 2019, in Washington. Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP At the end of the third inning, the president stood and waved to the crowd, and ballpark video screens carried a salute to U.S. service members that drew cheers throughout the stadium. When the video stanley cup on the Jumbotron cut to the president and his entourage mdash; which in Fcuc Wiring your future: How technology can impact long-term health
Produced by Miguel Sancho, Gail Abbott Zimmerman, Chris Young Ritzen[This story was originally broadcast on May 31 af1 , 2005. It was updated on March 28, 2015.]Author Michael Finkel s curiosity had taken him to the far corners of the globe. But now, it was about to take him into the heart of darkness. In 2001, Finkel was a prize-winning feature writer for the New York Times. ...every story was extremely thrilling to me, he told 48 Hours correspondent Maureen Mahe jordan r. He had a gorgeous home in Bozeman, Mont., and a beautiful, intelligent girlfriend who had moved all the way from Alabama to be with him. We felt like there was something deeper here that had to be explored, Jill Barker, Finkel s girlfriend said. It just seemed like we should give this a chance. But Finkel s ambition had a darker side. He had built his self-esteem around being Michael Finkel of The New York Times, and he was starting to get really intoxicated with all this attention, Barker said. He was getting carried away with his career. ...It was hard to date him. Pretty soon, I realized that I had to walk away from this relationship. His drive to outdo his competition and himself resulted in Finkel fabricating a portion of a story on child slavery in West Africa. His bosses found out and he was promptly fired. It was something I wish I could take back ... really badly, he told Maher.In an instant, Finkel lost the career he d been building his entire adult life.Scorned adidas samba by his colleagues, he retreated to
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The NAACP chose 35-year-old activist and former news executive Ben Jealous as its president Saturday, making him the youngest leader in the 99-year history of the nation s largest civil rights organization.The 64-member board of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People met for eight hours before selecting Jealous in the early morning Saturday. He was formally introduced later Saturday and will take over as president in September. I m excited, Jealous told The Associated Press. I think that it s a real affirmation that this organization is willing to invest in the future, to invest in the ideas and the leadership of the generation that is cur stanley flask rently raising black children in this countr stanley quencher y. Though he is not a politician, minister or civil rights stanley mugs icon, Jealous provides the organization with a young but connected chief familiar with black leadership and social justice issues.He takes the helm as the NAACP s 17th president just months before the organization s centennial anniversary, and as the group looks to boost its coffers. There are a small number of groups to whom all black people in this country owe a debt of gratitude, and the NAACP is one of them, Jealous said. There is work that is undone. ... The need continues and our children continue to be at great risk in this country. Jealous succeeds Bruce Gordon, who resigned abruptly in March 2007. Gordon left after 19 months, citing clashes with board membe Cbmc Hillary Appears On Letterman
CHARLESTON, South Carolina CNN -- Dylann Roof, the admitted white supremacist who could face the death penalty for killing nine black churchgoers, was back in court Wednesday morning.He told a federal judge he still plans to represent himself at the penalty phase of his trial, which starts Tuesday. He said would make an opening statement but wo asics sneaker uld call no witnesses or present any evidence.Roof confessed to the killings and was convicted December 15 on al yeezy slide l 33 charges in the June 2015 shooting at the Emanuel African Methodis yeezy foam t Episcopal Church. He was represented by a lawyer during the guilt phase of the trial.On Wednesday, he was in court for a scheduled hearing. First of all if I can ... I do intend to do an opening statement after the theirs, Roof said, after the judge said prosecutors would give an opening statement first.His lawyers have challenged the federal death penalty.The same jury that convicted him will decide his fate.
Yuif Trump talks COVID-19 vaccines, TikTok, Big Ten football at Wednesday s briefing
ORLANDO, Fla. 鈥?Disney is curbing password sharing for its Disney+ streaming service as part of a larger effort to boost signups and revenue.CEO Bob Iger, in a CNBC i stanley cups uk nterview on Thursday, said its popular Disney+ streaming service will start cracking down on password sharing in June in some countries and more broadly in September. Althou stanley cups gh Disney+ and Disneys other streaming services terms of service explicitly prevent customers from impersonating someone else by using their username or password, it hasnt been broadly enforcing its policy.Hulu, one of Disneys other streaming services, began limiting how often customers can share account login information outside their households starting on March 14.The crackdown comes as its rival Netflix has attributed a jump in signups from its recent crackdownon password sharing. Shortly after the crackdown went into effect last May, Netflix added 100,000 new accounts on the following two days, according to data from Antenna. Netflix had also achieved a more than 100% increase in sign-ups from the prior 60-day average.A similar boost at Disney could help move the companys streaming platform toward profitability. Disney+ continues to lose money, although the company said it expects to turn a profit soon. Netflix is the gold standard in streaming, Iger said in the interview. Theyve done a ph stanley cup enomenal job and a lot of different directions. I actually have very, very high regard for what theyve accomplished. If we can only accomplish what th Ndvd Judge drops Parkland school superintendent s perjury case
HILLSBOROUGH stanley italia COUNTY, Fla. 鈥?Leaders in Hillsborough County are taking the next step in trying to stop future environmental disasters like the spill at Piney Point. Commissio stanley website ners are looking to regulate fertilizer use during the rainy season.Hillsborough County has not had any rules about fertilizer use during the rainy season, unlike the City of Tampa and Pinellas County.County leaders are concerned a lack of regulation could have a negative impact on our environment.Biologists say excess fertilizer runoff into our waterways can cause high concentrations of nutrients, in particular, nitrogen and phosphorus. That can cause dangerous algae blooms that pollute water and kill plants and animals.Hillsborough County leaders are drafting an ordinance to would limit fertilizer use from June through November, which is the entirety of hurricane season in Florida. They say this is critical to protecting our waterways and stopping further spills like Piney Point. It s important to note that even before this horrific red tide event, Tampa Bay has been suffering from the impacts of nitrogen pollution, which has been getting worse in recent years, said Commissioner Mariella Smith at the August 4 meeting.According to Smith, Tampa Bay l stanley nz ost more than 5,400 acres of seagrass between 2018 and 2020. It is much cheaper and easier to prevent pollution from entering the Bay in the first place than it is to clean up the bay after the damage has been done, Smith said.Commissioner Harry Cohen, who he

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TAMPA, Fla. 鈥?The Corporation to Develop Communities of Tampa also known a stanley water bottle s the CDC has launched a new program geared to help families on the verge of being evicted.The CDC used money from the $46.5 billion emergency rental assistance Congress passed to help families rebound from the pandemic.The CDC partnered with United Way Suncoast and their partnership is designed to help individuals or households who are behind on rent or expecting to fall behind on rent; have a household income at 80% or below the Area Median Income and have experienced financial hardship since March 2020. They hired a community navigator. [They] work with people at risk of eviction. Ronda Watts said. Being able to provide them with resources that are important. We partnered with Bay Area Legal to help those people navigate the eviction process. And we also provide direct financial assistance for some people that may qualify. Watts is the Chief Operating Officer for the CDC. Shes been in that position for quite some time and shes never seen rent as high as it is. In my personal opinion its ju stanley cup quencher st inhumane, she said.Theyve been able to help about 60 people so far. Agretta Britt is one of those people. Shes a single mom of one and works two jobs and can barely make ends meet.She had to miss about seven days of work last November because she got sick. That put her behind with the rent. Even though youre sick, you still gotta eat. You still gotta pay lights, your children have to go to school stanley cup , and you Ndst Sarasota Memorial Hospital joins two national clinical trials for COVID-19 treatment
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. 鈥?ABC Act gourde stanley ion News works with local shelters to find homes for pets through our weekly Pet of the Week segment.This week we are featuring Luke, a 4-and-a-half month old Dachshund/Beagle mix. He rec stanley quencher ently arrived at Pet Pal Animal Shelter from an stanley trinkflaschen other shelter.Employees say Luke is super sweet and has the cutest nose.According to the American Kennel Club, hounds were traditionally used for their hunting skills, a trait they keep to this day as they love chasing small wildlife like squirrels or rabbits.Luke is neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. His adoption fee is $200.For more information about how to adopt Luke or other adoptable animals at Pet Pal Animal Shelter, you can call them 727 328-7738 or go online to petpalanimalshelter.Pet Pal Animal Shelter is located at 405 22nd Street South Street in St. Petersburg. You can visit all their dogs and cats up for adoption Tuesdays to Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 10:00 to 4:30 p.m.
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Updated 7:41 p.m. ETA military helicopter searched upper elevations of Mount Hood on Monday, as rescuers held onto hope that two experienced climbers would be found alive after a third member of their party was discovered dead over the weekend.Search teams were working against time, with a new storm expected to hit Oregon s highest peak overnight. stanley thermoskannen Taking advantage of a brief break in the weather, a Black Hawk helicopter operated by the Oregon Army National Guard searched for signs of life or debris. Ground teams have also started up the mountain but remained at lower elevations because of avalanche dangers.Mountaineers found the body of Luke T. Gullberg, 26, of Des Moines, Wash., on S stanley flask aturday at the 9,000-foot level on Reid Glacier. Officials were examining photos from Gullberg s camera for possible clues about the location of his companions.Authorities have not released details on the photos. But Teri Preiss, an aunt of missing climber Anthony Vietti, said the photos stanley cup suggested the trio had changed their route up the mountain to avoid one that looked too dangerous.Rescuers say the pictures from put the three climbers at Reid headwall, a steep rocky face just below the 11,000-foot summit. Usually, climbers descend from there a short way, then climb to the very top, reports CBS News correspondent Priya David.Bad weather has frustrated ground teams and aircraft searching high elevations for Vietti, 24, of Longview, Wash., and Katie No Knrx Google now offers a test for depression
Vogue magazine is taking heat on social media from people who claim its latest cover 鈥?which celebrated diversity and fearless females 鈥?was digitally manipulated to make model Ashley Graham look thinner.The March 2017 issue of Vogue, which was unveiled on Wednesday, features seven female models of various ethnic backgrounds. The cover includes Graham, who is the world s top plus-sized model, alongside other top models including Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid and Liu Wen.With our March issue, Vogue celebrates modern American women. Click the link in our bio to read the full cover story. Photographed by @inezandvinoodh, styled by @tonnegood. Vogue125A photo posted by Vogue @voguemagazine onFeb 8, 2017 at 8:47am PSTBut shortly after the cover was revealed online, social media users ripped Vogue for what they suspect is digital manipulation around Graham s standing second from the left in the above photo waist.Upon close inspection of the cover, some critics said Hadid s center left hand, which is on Graham s waist, looks elongated, which could have been a result of altering the area around Graham s waist. People also complained adidas originals samba about Graham s pose, which differs from the other women in that the placement of her righ hoka wanderschuh t hand on her leg covers her midsection.Graham apparently had no issue with the cove nike dunk low r and has denied that she was urged to pose the way she did. I chose to pose like that ... no one told me to do anything, Graham wrote on Instagram, according to Canada s Ente
Iimy Gunfire, explosions reported in Kyiv as fighting erupts across Ukraine
ORLANDO, Fla. AP 鈥?Leading Republicans spent much of three days at a conservative political gathering avoiding Donald Trumps chief grievances or ignoring him altogether. Instead, they ve been unifying behi stanley website nd a midterm message designed to win back the voters the former president has alienated. That chan stanley cup becher ged Saturday night when thousands of conservative activists cheered Trump as he falsely blamed his 2020 election loss on widespread voter fraud. He also described Russian President stanley cup Vladimir Putin as smart, even as Russian troops advanced on Ukraine. Trump then left no doubt he is the most powerful voice in Republican politics by indicating he will run for president again. Bvzv Texas oil spill causes responders to start major clean-up effort
President Donald Trump on Monday claimed that he called Apple CEO Tim Cook Tim Apple at the White House last week as a way to save time, denying that he made a understandable slip of the tongue. At a recent round table meeting of business executives, lo stanley italia ng after formally introducing Tim Cook of Apple, I quickly referred to Tim + Apple as Tim/Apple as an easy way to save time words. The Fake News was disparagingly all over this, it became yet another bad Trump story! Trump tweeted.Trump s tweet is the stanley bottles second way in which he denied making a slip of the tongue. According to Axios reporter Jonathon Swan, Trump told a crowd at his Mar-A-Lago estate in Florida that he actually called the CEO Tim Cook Apple but said his pronunciation of Cook was especially quiet.Trump made the comment at a meeting of the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board on Wednesday. Trump was applauding Apple for hiring more American workers. I mean you ve really put a big investment in our country, we appreciate it very much, Tim Apple, Trump said. At a recent round table meeting of business executives, long after formally introducing Tim Cook of Apple, I quickly referred to Tim + Apple as Tim/Ap stanley termosky ple as an easy way to save time words. The Fake News was disparagingly all over this, it became yet another bad Trump story!鈥?Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Jlpx Former president of Honduras on trial for facilitating drug-smuggling
A New York City subway ride turned deadly for one rider after a heated argument on one of the city s southbound A trains ended in gunshots. Police say the suspect shot a teenager, reportedly only 15 years old, in the chest. Authorities said it wasn t clear if the two knew each other. Whether this had any gang or crew nexus to nexus to it that is an avenue that will be explored, said Jason Wilcox, Chief, NYPD T stanley cup ransit Bureau.A Good Samaritan pulled the you stanley puodelis ng man off of the train that was pulling into the city s Far Rockaway - Mott Avenue Station. Two police officers immediately began to administer first aid, but the teenager died later at a local hospital. New York police say this is the eighth homicide on the city s transit system this ye stanley france ar and the fourth in just the past two weeks. Authorities say seven of the murders this year have ended in arrests, but passengers on New York s subway system are worried. I take the train, and you never know. It could happen to me. It could happen to anyone, Aaliyah Polanco, Far Rockaway Resident. Yyqt Manatee County gave away 7,500 at-home COVID-19 testing kits before quickly running out
A very merry end to election week: Starbucks will begin serving their holiday beverages and handing out their holiday cups Friday, November 6. For a limited time, a festive reusable cup will be given to customers who order holiday drinks.The red, green and white reusable cups will be included when customers order a holiday beverage of any size at participating stores. They will be handed out while supplies last at each store, for orders in-person, drive-thru, mobile, curbside or when ordered through Uber Eats.The festive reusable cup, which feature a different d stanley termoska esign each year, are made to look like a cozy, holiday sweater this year.In order to get a free cup, customers will need to order a handcrafted fall or holiday beverage: Caramel Brulee Latte, Chestnut Praline Latte, Eggnog Latte, Hot Chocolate, Peppermint Hot Chocolate, Pe stanley kaffeebecher ppermint Mocha, Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew, Pumpkin Cream Nitro Cold Brew, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Salted Caramel Cream stanley hrnek Cold Brew, Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate, Salted Caramel Mocha and Toasted White Chocolate Mocha.The store s disposable cups will also feature festive designs through November and December.

Errq Doctors warn of colorectal cancer rates rising in younger adults
Think of your favorite artist going on tour in the next year 鈥?is it Blink 182, Taylor Swift, Luke Combs or perhaps Beyonc茅 What are you willing to pay to attend one of their live concerts The answer for s stanley shop ome might be hundreds of dollars 鈥?for others, even thousands.To witness global superstar Bad Bunny, Billboards top touring act of 2022, the average cost was $225. The lowest ticket was about $150.RELATED: Mexico s president asks Bad Bunny to play a free concert in Mexico CityAcross the board Americans are paying more forevent tickets.Global concert magazine Pollstar found the $28.50average it costin 1996 to see the likes of KISS and Garth Brooks would now cost an average of around $108 to attend one of todays 100 biggest concerts. Thats also nearly18% higherthan before the pandemic in 2019.Dr. Andrea Luoma, wh stanley cup o runs the entertainment management program at the University of Montana, says pent up demand and surged prices. When you say why have tickets gone up so much Because they can and because they need to, Luoma said.But it wasnt just fans driving the hike. When things opened up again and venues opened up again, all of these artists bombarded the venues because what normally could have been spread out over about two and a half years now, all of those players wanted to be out there at the same time, Luoma said.And artists, like fans, are dealing with the woes of inflation impacting the cost of gas, musical equipment a stanley deutschland nd other items it takes for them to hit the road. It Iyzt A successful Black business owner is helping others thrive
TAMPA, Fla. 鈥?A man suspected of killing three people in Georgia and then taking his 2-year-old son before leading officers on a high-speed chase in Tampa has been taken into custody Wednesday night.The arrest happening after the suspect and the officers negotiated for nearly six hours.Earlier in the day, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement issued an Amber Alert f stanley cup or the suspect s son King Crockett, who was last seen in Gainesville.The suspect, Caesar Crockett, was wanted by authorities in Georgia for allegedly killing 67-year-old Janet Samuel, 69-year-old James Samuel, and 47-year-old Lechasta Childs. According to the Bibb County Sheriff s Office, Janet was the mother of 30-year-old Jamila Augustine French, who is the mother of K stanley thermos mug ing Crockett. James was French s stepfather and Childs was her sister. The sheriff s office says the shooting happened during an altercation. A little before 1:30 p.m., the Tampa Police Department spotted a vehicle driven by Crockett as it traveled south on I-75 near Bruce B. Downs Boulevard in Tampa. TPD tried to get the suspect vehicle to pull over but Caesar Crockett refused to stop.FHP was also in the area and helped TPD with trying to locate and st stanley mugs op Crockett.As TPD struggled to get Crocket to pull over, a high-speed chase ensued, with Crockett reaching speeds over 100 mph at one point during the chase. Crockett eventually crashed his vehicle on the Exit 9 ramp to I-75.Crockett, with his 2-year-old son still inside the vehicle, refused to i
Oiay FBI Struggles To Handle Wave Of Financial Fraud Cases
CBS/ Government Photo Whatever went on inside the Charleston, South Carolina, naval brig while alleged al Qaeda operat stanley cup ive Jose Padilla was detained there for three-and-half years, one incredible fact is that the U.S. military videotaped so much of it.That stunning revelation came out this week at the end of a federal court hearing to assess Padilla s mental fitness to stand trial. In Charleston, it turns out Padilla was videotaped in his cell 24/7, was videotaped taking showers, and taped as guards escorted him from his cell, handcuffed and shackled, even to visit a dentist. Not only that, Padilla was videotaped for hundreds of hours while he was interrogated. The FBI, which normally investigates terrorism suspects, has a policy never to videotape or audiotape its interviews.Only 87 of the 88 DVD s of Padilla interrogations have been turned over to Padilla s defense team, as the rules of evidence require. Defense attorney Anthony Natale told U.S. District Judge Marcia Cooke on Thursday that the missing DVD may be one of the most important. It documents the military s final interrog stanley us ation session of Padilla, from March 3, 2004. Afterwards, under Supreme Court orders, the government finally allowed Padilla to meet his defense lawyers, who d already spent almost two years challenging his enemy combatant status and his detention in what they called a legal black hole. We have a good faith belie stanley canada f the tape existed, prosecutor Stephanie Jztp Pinellas Co. prepared for a mass shooting
The Trump administration on Monday opened up its first line of attack on so-called sanctuary cities, naming jurisdictions that decline to detain immigrants who could be subject to deportation.The report lays out 206 declined detainers that were registered in Immigrations and Customs Enforcement databases for the week of Jan. 28 to Feb. 3. Detainers are requests by IC air max 1 E to local law enforcement agencies to hold certain individuals ICE believes could be deported for up to an extra 48 hours beyond the criminal process so they can be picked up by ICE.President Donald Trump ordered the Department of Homeland Security to issue the reports, called the Weekly Declined Detainer Outcome Report, in an executive order in January.In the report, DHS lays out the type of crime for which the individual was either charged or convicted, where they were arrested and the request was declined.DHS also lists the 10 counties that regularly do not comply with such requests that had the most declined detainers, and includes a table listing scores of counties, cities and agencies that have policies to not cooperate with ICE in various ways, including whether it s a law, regulation or policy. This is an effort for us to be transparent with regards to how we conduct adidas samba our enforcement operations and the public safety from those agencies that don t cooperate with those enforcement efforts, said a senior DHS official in a briefing call with reporters.Every law asics enforcement agency shares biometric data, like

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