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Shaker Aamer in a 2013 photo provided by the International Committee of the Red Cross.International Committee of the Red Cross/APBy Melissa ChanDecember 14, 2015 7:43 AM ESTThe last Bri asics gel tish resident held at Guantanamo Bay has compared the U.S. military facility in Cuba to the fictional prison in Harry Potter where creatures suck the happiness out of criminals.Shaker Aamer, 48, spoke out about his nearly 14-year stay in Guantanamo Bay in his first TV interview since returning to his family in London in October, saying the prison was like Azkaban in the popular book series, according to the Independent.The closest thing for my mind is [a] Harry Potter story. They got an island in Harry Potter, it says air max plus lsquo;Azkaban,rsquo; where therersquo no happiness and they just suck all your feelings out of you, and air force 1 you donrsquo;t have no feelings any more, he told BBCrsquo Victoria Derbyshire. And truly thatrsquo how I felt all the time. Because thatrsquo what they tried, you know. They want to make you feelingless. They want to deprive you from everything, anything.The Saudi-born Aamer also said he was regularly beaten, doused in freezing water and hog Gaia If You re Looking for Love Online, Here s What to Know About Dating App Safety
By Melissa LockerAugust 14, 2017 2:57 AM EDTNorth Koreans really like accordions, according to John Oliver. The team at Last Week Tonight found plenty of video evidence of such, including photos of leader Kim Jong Un admiring an accordion and a North Korean musical troupe playing an accordion cover of A-Harsquo hi uggs barn t song Take on Me. So when Oliver wanted to make a heartfelt plea to Pyongyang, he turned to the U.S.rsquo most famous accordion player mdash; Weird Al Yankovic mdash; to sing, Please donrsquo;t nuke us, North Korea!Tensions between the U.S. and North Korea have been on the rise as North Korea flexes its newfound nuclear capabilities and President Donald Trump promises to rain down fire and fury. Oliver noted that while it can be fun to joke about North Ko adidas campus 00 rea, itrsquo not actually funny to the people who live there. Itrsquo a dark place, figuratively and literally,rdq adidas samba og uo; said Oliver, pointing out that when looked at from space, North Korea has so little electrical infrastructure that itrsquo a dark spot on the map. It looks like a divorced dad Christmas tree. He gave up halfway through decor
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Nrmi General: Expect Mass Migration to U.S. if Ebola Comes to Central America
By Lisa Marie Segarra and Alana AbramsonUpdated: March 10, 2018 8:19 PM [ET] | Originally published: March 9, 2018 2:50 PM EST;Police are trying to determine the motive of a man who took three women hostage at a California veterans home before killing them. The suspected shooter mdash; a veteran and patient who had been kicked out of a treatment program at the facility mdash; was also found dead.The Napa County Sheriffrsquo Office responded to an active shooter situation in the Veterans Home of California in Yountvi asics outlets lle Friday after the gunman, identified as 36-year-old former Army rifleman Albert Wong, infiltrated a going-away party for employees there.The hostages were employees of Pathway Home, which provides support for veterans from post 9/11 wars. Police identified them as: Christine Loeber, 48; Jennifer Golick, 42; and Jennifer Gonzales, 29.Friends and family said that Gonzales was seven months pregnant, the AP reported. She was a clinical psychologist who worked for the San Francisco Department of Veterans Affairs Healthcare Syst yeezy em.The Napa County Sheriff office said more people were initially taken hostage in adidas campus 00 addition to the three who remained, bu Wwbl What to Know About Brad Parscale, Donald Trump s 2020 Campaign Manager
An ethnic Uighur woman walks with her children in Kashgar, Xinjiang, on June 28, 2017.Kevin Frayer鈥擥etty ImagesBy Joseph HincksAugust 1, 2017 5:42 AM EDTA restive region of northwestern China has just altered its family planning policy to no longer allow ethnic minorities to have more children than other residents, in what the state-run media says is a testament to the government commitm yeezy slide ent to ethnic equality.The revised regulations, which came into force Friday in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, will now permit urban couples to have two children and rural couples to have three children regardless of their ethnicity, reports the government Global Times newspaper.Ethnically Han Chinese parents were previously allowed one child less than minority families in the special region, despite the lifting of the country one-child policy almost two years ago. Prior policies have given ethnic minorities in the autonomous region more family planning leniency than the Han, who yeezy comprise more than 90% of China overall popula nike dunks panda tion and an estimated 40% of the population of Xinjiang.Read More: China Orders Everyone in One Province to Hand Their Pass
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Two Baltimore C stanley tumbler ity schools are now a part of a prestigious program. It s called Pathways in TechnologyEarly College High Schools or PTECH.Friday, the community celebrated its launch with the governor, mayor and education leaders. Carver and Dunbar high schools are the first schools in the state to offer this six year program.IBM created the initiative in 2011.Since then, the tech powerhouse partnered with Johns Hopkins and state and city leaders to make this happen here.Governor Larry Hogan joined the community and most importantly students for Friday s event.The PTECH program allows students to spend six years in high school which includes two years of college level learning.The students are mentored by professionals in the stem fields. Then, the kids can apply for paid summer internships.PTECH is designed to give students real world experience stanley website in preparation for technology, computer and health sci stanley cups ences. Once they graduate, they ll have both a high school diploma and associate s degr Ihka Clouds build ahead of next rain chance
OWINGS MILLS, Md. 鈥?Eric DeCosta s success as Ravens general manager will forever be linked to Lamar Jackson. DeCosta s first year as GM 2019 was Lamar s first year as a full-time starter in the NFL. They have shared the organization s peaks and valleys throughout the years. Their tenures leading the team on and off the field are tied together with each passing season.As the two begin a new one DeCosta sees a difference in his two-time and reigning MVP QB. It s more than just his lighter weight and speed on the field. What I ve noticed about Lamar is really more of an intangible thing: his urgency as a leader, his urgency with the other players, said DeCosta during a 30-minute press conference on Thursday.DeCosta ha stanley cup s seen that urgency during training camp. He s just really in tune with the ot stanley cup her players every single day in practice. He s so engaged with the coaches. He s engaged with his teammates. Heck stanley mugg , he s engaged with me; we talk personnel. We meet after practice, just the other

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Singer Joy Villa, a Donald Trump supporter, has filed a police report against former Trump presidential campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who she says sexually assaulted her at th stanley cup e Trump International Hotel in Washington.At a party on November 28, Villa says Lewandowski slapped her bottom twice while posing for a picture, she told CNN Sunday stanley cup . The incident was first reported by Politico last week.The incident occurred sometime between 8 and 8:30 p.m., Villa told C stanley mug NN, saying Lewandowski was drinking and appeared to be in bad spirits. He grabbed me very boisterously, unexpectedly, Villa said, adding that she thought he was acting like a clown and that after the photo was taken he smacked my ass really hard, almost violent in nature. Villa said that after she told him she could report him for sexual harassment, Lewandowski said, I work in the private sector and slapped her again.Then he laughed and walked away, she said, adding that his behavior was boorish and over the top. Bwrk Visa says improved cards will help at checkout
September is suicide prevention month.According to a VA study in 2021, an estimated 17 veterans die by suicide every day.The VA Maryland health care system is helping reduce that number.It s annual suicide prevention walk is tomorrow at the Perry Point VA medical center.The event provides education on resources, builds support systems, stanley website and fights the stigma against reaching out for help. Veterans have a unique military culture, says Nikole Jones of the VA Maryland health care system. stanley quencher They learn when they are training for war that they have to be strong and uphold the group. And so we are also trying to let them know that it s ok now that they aren t in the military to let their guard down a stanley cup becher nd ask for support. And that s really our mission. Participants can start the mile-long walk anytime between 10 and 2 tomorrow at Perry Point. There s also other activities, like a scavenger hunt.All walkers get a free t-shirt designed by a veteran and can submit their own designs for next year s sh

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Prince George s County Police say a pedestrian died overnight after being hit by a privately-ow stanley deutschland ned plow truck.The incident took p stanley polska lace at approximately 12:15 a.m. Thursday in the11500 block o stanley website f Baltimore Avenue.Police say the pedestrian died at the scene.The accident is still under investigation.Download theABC2News app for theiPhone,KindleandAndroid Awxe North Korea attempts missile launch, US military says
Sports have a way of bringing people together. Whether it s hockey, football or baseball, many find comfort in athletic competi stanley cup tion. Unfortunately for many who are blind, stanley cup being a part of a team isn t always an option. That was until a unique sport started to make its way to the area. Goalball is a Paralympic sport originally created for blind athletes. Players compete in teams of three to try and throw a ball into the opponent s goal. The balls are embedded with bells and players on defense use their bodies to block the ball from rolling into their goal. While the sport was designed for visually impaired athletes, at Towson University, anyone can ge stanley cup t involved. We open it up to everyone, said Jeff Keenan, the Assistant Director of Competitive Sports. Whether you re visually impaired or not visually impaired, it s a sport that you can participate in. That s because all athletes are blindfolded with blackout goggles. The goggles levels the playing field for everyone in the game. I was t

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