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JEHLUM:An explosion in a gypsum mine in Khewra left three people dead and seven others stanley cups buried under the rubble, Express News reported on Tuesday.Khewra is a city in Punjab s district of Jehlum.The explosion 鈥?reportedly carried out to make way inside the mine 鈥?went wrong and resulted in casualties.Rescue workers are yet to reach the site yeezy .Earlier in January, an explosion in Orakzai yeezy 700 Agency caused a mine to cave in, killing two coal miners and severely injuring five others. KARACHI:Bulls maintained their grip at the stock market on Tuesday and helped it advance 319 points as investors pinned hopes on the forthcoming Morgan Stanley Capital International ( converse MSCI) review due in the early hours of Wednesday.A few market participants expected Pakistan would keep its place in the Emerging Markets Index while some speculated that the country would be downgraded and put in the Frontier Markets Index.The market rose due to a few positive triggers that strengthened investor sentiment during the trading session.Late on Monday, Prime Minister Imran Khan directed the government to expedite construction work on the Diamer-Bhasha dam, which fueled investors interest in cement and steel sectors and stocks in both catego new balance 990 ries ended with handsome gains.In addition to that, the investors anticipated another cut in the policy rate in the monetary policy announcement on Friday, which lent further support to the index.Earlier, trading began with a sharp spike and the positive new balances 530 mo
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