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WASHINGTON Lawmakers have rushed to introduce legislation before the end of the current Congress that would halt taxpayer-sponsored testing by the Veterans Affairs Department on cats and kittens.If the bill introduced by Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., and Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla. isn ;t passed in the current lame-duck session, it would at least be a marker for the new Congress that set to convene in January.According to the VA, tax money has stanley quencher been used to buy cats and kittens, sever their spinal cords and implant electrodes into their brains. The bill to stop the practices has drawn 19 other sponsors.Titus and Mast already have moved to cut funding for such experiments in a VA spending bill, and would limit or stop tests on not just cats and puppies, but also on primates. Their bill would remove congressional authorization for the practices. The VA deadly and outdated cat experiments are sickening, Titus said. stanley tumbler You don ;t adidas campus 00s hav Blql Think tank sees inflated budget shortfall no need to raise taxes
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Las Vegas taxpayer liability in t stanley cup he court battle with the would-be developer of the defunct Badlands golf course may have surpassed $200 million, according to a Monday court ruling, a development that one councilwoman called financial Armageddon for the city.District Judge Anna Albertson ruled that EHB Cos. which is headed by CEO Yohan Lowie is entitled to the fair- botella stanley market value of 65 acres of land, which a different judge had previously ruled was illegally taken, court documents show.Attorneys for Lowie had appraised the plot of land at $141 million, ac yeezy femme cording to a separate court filing in July.In all, four cases filed by EHB since the years-long legal battle are in various stages of litigation.Judges in three cases have ruled that the city illegally took the property by not allowing land-use entitlements. One judge set judgment for 17 acres at $48 million, and another at $34 million for 35 acres.The current order if it stands pushes the to Xoal Feds police seize more than 1000 weapons at Los Angeles mansion
Dr. Dipak Desai was sentenced Thursday to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 18 years for his criminal convictions in the deadly hepatitis C outbreak.His co-defendant, nurse anesthetist Ronald Lakeman, was sentenced to eight to 21 years behind bars.Defense lawyers plan to appeal the July 1 convictions of both men, who are in custody at the Clark County Detention Center.In handing out Desai&rsquo sentence, District Judge Valerie Adair said there was “no worse betrayal of trust” in society than what Desai did to his stanley cup usa patients.She said he consistently demonstrated a disregard for their well-being.Desai, 63, dressed in navy blue jail garb and chains, l new balance 550 ooked straight ahead and showed no emotion from his seat in inmate row in the packed courtroom as Adair sentenced him.Chief Deputy District Attorney Mike Staudaher sought the tough sentence, telling Adair that Desai was motivated by greed and that the impact of his actions stretched beyond h stanley tumblers is many victims.&ldquo

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LOS ANGELES — Two bodies were found on Wednesday in a rural are stanley kaufen a of San Diego County left charred by a major wildfire, sheriff&rsquo officials said, as firefighters increasingly gained control over a larger blaze that also killed two people in central California.The remains were discovered on private property in the Potrero area that had been subject to a mandatory evacuation order as flames from the so-called Border Fire approached, San Diego County Sheriff&rsquo spokeswoman Jan Caldwell said.Caldwell said coroner&rsquo investigators were trying to determine the identities of the deceased.Two people, who had been living in an outbuilding on the property adidas yeezys boost and acting as caretakers, had been reported missing earlier this week.The Border Fire, which broke out on June 19, has blackened more than 7,600 acres in southern San Diego County near the Mexi dunk homme can border. As of Wednesday afternoon it was 95 percent contained.In central California, crews had cut containment lines around 60 p Fjpu Memo: Clark County s largest union rejects 4 percent COLA-merit pay hike offer
LAGOS, Nigeria — Nigerian authorities rushed to obtain isolation tents Wednesday in anticipation of more Ebola infections as they disclosed five more cases of the virus and a death in Africa&rsquo most populous nation, where officials were racing to keep the gruesome disease confined to a small group of patients.The five new Nigerian cases were all in Lagos, a megacity of 21 million people in a country already beset with poor health care infrastructure and widespread corruption, and all five were reported to have had direct contact with one infected man.Meanwhile, the World Health Organization began a meeting to decide whether the crisis, the worst recorded outbreak of its kind, amounts to an international public health emergency. stanley tumbler At l adidas samba east 932 deaths in four countries have been blamed on the illness, with 1,711 reported cases.In recent years, the WHO has declared stanley quencher an emergency only twice, for swine flu in 2009 and polio in May. The declaration would probably come with recommenda
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