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Cynthia Nixon, Kristin Davis, Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City. Craig Blankenhorn鈥擧BO/APBy Daniel DAddarioMay 26, 2015 11:49 AM EDTIn a recent interview, Pope Francis said he has not watched television since July 15, 1990, when he swore to the Virgin Mary that he ;d cut the habit. It clearly wo nike dunk donna rked out well for the Pontiff, who become one of the most important figures in the worldmdash;but what has he been missing out on in his televisi af1 on-free years The Fresh Prince of Bel-AirThe 1990-1991 television season, the first to commence after a young Jorge Maria Bergoglio swore off the tube, saw the debut of Will Smith breakout role, as well as hits including Beverly Hi dunk homme lls 90210, Dinosaurs, and Law Order. That how long the Pope has been refusing to watch TV: The entire Law Order universe has escaped his notice. With 456 episodes of the flagship series alone, it no wonder he so much more productive than the rest of us. FrasierThe leader of the Catholic Church stopped watching TV before NBC Must-See Thursday lineup entered its 1990s renaissance. The appeals of the sometim

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By Alana AbramsonJanuary 22, 2018 1:59 PM ESTSenate Democrats joined Republicans to vote 81-18 to end a government shutdown, based on a promise from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take up immigration in the coming weeks.But not everyone was on board with the plan.Sixteen senators who caucus with the Democrats and two Republicans voted against the plan to end the shutdown. Among Democrats, the defections were largely over concern that McConnell promise was not solid enough grounds.The list of Democrats includes a number of prominent contenders for the 2020 president chanclas yeezy ial nomination, including Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Kamala Harris of California, Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.Other Democrats voting against the measure were Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy of Connecticut, Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada, Dianne Feinstein of California, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Ed Markey of Massacusetts, Bob Menendez of New Jersey, J airforce eff Merkley and Ron Wyden of Oregon and Jon Tester of Montana. ugg mini I am deeply disappointed that todayrsquo outcome fails to protect Dreamers. Lvms COVID-19 Could Be Surging in the U.S. Right Now and We Might Not Even Know It
By Billy PerrigoMarch 8, 2019 9:05 AM ESTBritish Prime Minister Theresa May warned Friday that the U.K. may never leave the E.U. at all if lawmakers refuse to back her Brexit deal in a crucial vote next week.With just three weeks to go until March 29, when Britain is scheduled to leave the bloc, the country still has no agreement with the E.U., and is set on a default course of a no deal Brex adidas yeezy it, which economists have warned would be disastrous.The last time lawmakers voted on May deal, in January, her government suffered the biggest defeat in modern parliamentary history, by 432 votes to 202, with scores of May own lawmakers defying her.In the ensuing two months, May has attempted to secure modifications to her deal in order to appease those critical lawmakers. But the E.U. has stood firm and refused to change the most contentious aspect of the agreement, the so-called Irish backstop. Most analysts believe, therefore, that lawmakers will again air force 1 reject May deal when it comes to a vote on Tuesday.May Friday warning, made in a speech in the northern seaside town of Grim yeezy sby where 71% voted to leave the E.U. at the referendum i

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The drug Paxlovid, left, and the drug Molnupiravir.Paxlovid: Fabian Sommer鈥攑icture alliance/ Getty Images; Molnupiravir: Kobi Wolf鈥擝loomberg/Getty ImagesBy Alice ParkMarch 24, 2022 1:17 PM EDTOn March adidas campus damen 1, President Joe Biden made a big promise to Americans. In his State of the Union speech, he proudly announced he was launching a program that would allow people who test positive for COVID-19 to immediately have access to recently authorized pills to treat the viral infection.Wersquo;re launching the Test to Treat initiative so people can get tested at a pharmacy and, if they prove positive, receive the antiviral pills on the spot at no cost, he said. Biden pledged that supplies of the medications would be increased at pharmacies across the nation, beginning in mid-March, to realize a vision of on-the-spot care for COVID-19.Those drugs have started to reach states, but the next step of getting them to people who might benefit from them the most is proving more challenging.A regulatory change made in September 2021 allows phar nike sb dunk macists to wri adidas campus te prescriptions for COVID-19 therapies and to administer the COVID-19 vaccine. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administra Rfoc Investigators Say Arsonists Responsible for Massive L.A. Fire
Chinese army s echelons with servicemen and military equipment to participate in Vostok-2018 military exercises arrive at Zabaikalsk unloading station nike air force .Evgeny Yepanchintsevmdash;Sputnik/APBy Ian BremmerSeptember 13, 2018 5:51 AM EDTOn Sept. 11, an estimated 300,000 Russian soldiersone-third of the country armed forcesbegan joint military exercises with Chinese forces in eastern Siberia. Called Vostok-18, Russia war games with China have been labeled a rehearsal for a large-scale conflict by NATO and will put the Pentagon on edge. Should Americans and Europeans fear that Russia and China are moving closer together To be fair, this is less a joint exercise than a massive Russian drill with Chinese participation. Vostok-18 reportedly features 1,000 adidas samba aircraft and 36,000 tanks, but only 3,200 of the troops and 900 of the tanks are from China. And Mongolia and Turkey were also invited to take part. Even so, this will be the first time the People Liberation Army has taken part in the quadrennial Russian nike dunk low military exercise, which this year is the largest since before the fall of the Berlin Wall.Russia and China share more than just a 2,600-

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Protesters gather during the Women s March on Washington January 21, 2017 in Washington, DC. The march is expected to draw thousands from across the country to protest newly inaugurated President Donald Trump. Aaron P. Bernsteinmdash;Getty ImagesAaron P. Bernsteinmdash;Getty ImagesBy Maya RhodanJanuary 21, 2017 12:07 PM ESTThousands turned out in the nation capital for the 2017 Women March on Washington held in direct response to the inauguration of President Donald Trump. Women and men across the country and world are marching Saturday for women and reproductive right adidas samba adidas s and among the expected attendees are hoards of celebrities, including many who weighed in on Twitter Saturday.Unity. Protection. Power. Progress. WOMEN RISE UP! Getti adidas campus donna ng ready to march with my sisters! @womensmarch WomensMarch pic.twitter/azkqAgfFfNmdash; KATY PERRY @katyperry January 21, 2017Were all greater when eve adidas samba ryone is equal. Today, millions are standing together in support of this vision. WomensMarch pic.twitter/FVe8AhTgMdmdash; Melinda French Gates @melindagates January 21, 2017We march to show our struggles are not isolated, but bound together by rainbow thread. I don 39;t Bams Their First Kiss Came When He Collapsed and She Performed CPR. Now They re Teaching Others to Save Lives
Roscoe Orman on the Sesame Street set in 1993.John D. Kischmdash;Separate Cinema Archive/Ge yeezy slide tty ImagesBy Sarah BegleyNovember 10, 2014 9:30 AM ESTThe thing about children television: your audience ages out pretty quickly. But if you ;re Sesame Street, which celebrates its 45th anniversary Monday, you just might find former viewers coming back decades latermdash;to watch with their kids, or even grandkids.Roscoe Orman has played Gordon on the show since 1973 he was the third actor to step into the role , and says that, in all that time, Sesame Street basic mission has stayed the same. The whole point has always been not only education in the traditional sensemdash;teaching the letters and numbers children will need when they start schoolmdash;but also preparing them for life struggles. Wersquo;ve tackled some pretty significant issues over the years, he says. Adoption, death. In recent years we did a video dealing with divorce, another very tough issue, in ways that I think empower parents to discuss them with their children adidas samba and also give children a sense of feeling affirmed.Orman fondly remember adidas samba damen s his own character 821

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Robert and Jani Bergdahl are shown in their home town of H asics sneaker ailey, Idaho, May 12, 2012.Christo air force 1 pher Morris鈥擵II for TIMEBy Dan KedmeyJune 3, 2014 12:19 PM EDTThe sight of Bowe Bergdahl father standing by President Barack Obama in the White House Rose Garden Saturday might have come as a shock to viewers unfamiliar with his long bushy beard, reminiscent of the facial hair often grown by devotees of Islam, including his sons ; captors. His rudimentary knowledg adidas samba e of Pashto and Urdu, prevailing languages in Taliban strongholds, compounded the confusion.But as Robert Bergdahl explained to TIME in May 2012, he grew the beard out of a desire to better understand the world from which his son could not escape.Robert Bergdahl said he began growing the beard as soon as he received news of his son capture. He was on his usual UPS delivery route on July 1, 2009, when management radioed him back to headquarters. Two army officers delivered the devastating news, and according to friends, he resolved in that moment to do whatever he could to facilitate his son release. That included scouring websites and chat rooms for rumors about his son captors, teaching himself Fzdy Why the White House Won t Retreat on Commencement Speeches
Ann Curry at the 2017 Summer Television Critics Association Press Tour in Beverly Hills, California on July 30, 2017.Frederick M. Brown鈥擥etty ImagesBy Kate Coyne Aurelie Corinthios / PeopleJanuary 17, 2018 11:49 AM ESTWhen news broke in November that Matt Lauer had been fired by yeezy slide NBC fo af1 r alleged sexual misconduct, the phrase Somewhere Ann Curry, began trending on Twitter.Somewhere Ann Curry is breaking out that champagne, wrote one user. Another offered that somewhere, Ann Curry was mouthing these three simple words: Karmarsquo a bmdash;. Chimed in another: Somewhere Ann Curry just made her orange juice a mimosa.But in truth, Curry, sitting down exclusively with PEOPLE for this weekrsquo issue on stands Friday , is not one to gloat.Irsquo;m not a vengeful person, she says of Lauerrsquo downfall. I know adidas campus femme what itrsquo like to be humiliated. I just donrsquo;t want to play a part in anyone elsersquo humiliation.Watch People Cover Story: Ann Curry I Had To Let Go, available now, on PeopleTV. Go to PeopleTV, or download the PeopleTV app on your favorite mobile or connected T

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