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Demonstrations erupted at COP24 after Wells Griffit adidas samba og h said the U.S. will not be rejecting coal mining or fossil fuel use in Katowice, Poland on Dec. 10, 2018.Beata Zawrzelmdash;NurPhoto/Getty ImagesBy Justin WorlandOctober 24, 2019 10:50 AM EDTPresident Trump touted his deregulatory agenda on climate and energy in a speech in Pittsburgh Wednesday, describing his support as key to the industry. Wersquo;ve ended the war on American ene air force one rgy, he said, surrounded by energy workers in hard hats. You were under assault.Trump energy agenda, which includes backing pipeline projects and a planned withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, has indeed delivered a short-term boost to some sectors of the fossil fuel industry. But not all industry executivesmdash;the intended beneficiaries of Trump rollbacksmdash;are celebrating the massive scope of his deregulatory agenda. Many worry that public backlash over the ind yeezy ustry role in causing climate change, as well as its reputation as an ardent opponent of environmental regulations, poses a serious, long-term threat to their business.This frustration was on full display at an American Petroleum Instit Vvqz Mitch McConnell Has Always Been Unusually Open About His Playbook
Alan Markfieldmdash;Ultra Louisiana, LLCBy Daniel DAddarioAugust 19, 2015 1 asics gel 1:19 AM EDTConnie Britton is taking on a new projectmdash;on a much bigger screen.The actress, closely identified with her character on Friday Night Lights and also known for American Horror Story and Nashville, appears in the new film American Ultra. She dispenses with her trademark warmth; her character, Victoria Lasseter, is a CIA agent dealing with a secret project in the form of an activated supersoldie uggs skor r played by Jesse Eisenberg that gone badly awry.It a loopy plot, hinging on Jesse Eisenberg yeezy 8217 stoner character suddenly discovering his ability with weapons and hand-to-hand combat, but Britton above the fray. Indeed, her character seriousness helps provide ballast to the outlandishness of the plot twists and turns. When you play reality in a heightened situation, says Britton, is when you get the most comedy out of it anyway.She spoke to TIME about her quick decision to take the role, how she overcome getting identified with Tami Taylor, and what being a Chinese major at Dartmouth taught her.TIME: Was taking on a
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For Michael Heup, nothing is impossible.Heup, a Davidsonville man with intellectual disabilities, is already a world class athlete, making headlines and raising awareness for people with disabilities. Now, he has been selected to run in Austria for the final leg of the Law Enforcement Torch Run on March 14-17, 2017. This Torch Run is considered to be one of the m stanley cup ost prestigious and significant opportunities available during the Winter World Games, a global gathering of both Special Olympics athletes and law enforcement. My reaction鈥?shocked but I m totally ready for it, Heup said when asked how he received the news.The Special Olympics program is a year round organization that provides sports activity as well as leadership training and health initiative stanley taza s to those with intellectual disabilities.The Torch Run will be no jog in the park. This opening event includes 10 Special Olympic athletes and 88 law enforcement officers who will transport the Flame of Hope together throu stanley botella gh Austri Kybi Baltimore nonprofit launches Food To Go program to help families in need
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University professor, blogger, and m air force 1 ember of the Muslim Uighur minority, Ilham Tohti pauses before a classroom lecture in Beijing on June 12, 2010.Frederic J. Brown鈥擜FP/GettyBy Elizabeth BarberSeptember 23, 2014 6:08 AM EDTA court in northern China has sentenced an ethn af1 ic Uighur academic to life in prison for promoting separatism in the nationrsquo restive Xinjiang province, his lawyer told Reuters on Tuesday.Ilham Tohti, a prominent advocate for the rights for Muslim Uighurs in China, and an ex-economics professor at the Minzu University of China in Beijing, received the near maximum sentence for the charges, whic adidas samba uomo h carried possible sentences ranging from 10 years in prison to execution, Reuters says.International human-rights advocates had widely decried the separatism allegations against Tohti. Outside China, he is seen as a thoughtful, peaceful and moderate voice who has challenged China official narrative of several violent incidents in Xinjiang.The stiff sentence mdash; the harshest one in years for a Chinese political dissident mdash; appears to be part of Beijingrsquo aggressive intensification of its campaign to put a lid on brimming discontent in Xinjiang.

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A driver wears a protective mask while riding a bus in downtown Asheville, North Carolina, U.S., on Wednesday, July 15, 2020.George Etheredge鈥擝loomberg/Getty ImagesBy Alejandro de la GarzaJuly 21, 2020 5:03 PM EDTWhile trying to get to work over the past few months, Brittany Williams, a Seattle home care worker, has often been passed by two or three buses before one stops to let her board. Buses in her area that once carried anywhere from about 50 to 100 passengers have been limited to between 12 and 18 to prevent overcrowding in response to coronavirus, and Williamsrsquo; commute, typically a half-hour ride, now takes more than double that time. Other Seattle transit riders have de uggs skor scribed budgeting as much as an extra hour per trip to account for the reduced capacity, eating into their time at work, school or with family.Even with the ridership limits in place, Williams, 34, doesn ;t feel safe on public transit. Some pass yeezy slide engers don ;t wear face coverings, and bus drivers sometimes ignore capacity limits, she says. nike dunk On one ride with her seven-year-old son, she decided to get off at a stop far from her home after a driver allowed a crowd of people to board. Itrsquo Vioc Police Officer Fired After Allegedly Mishandling Explicit Photos of Slain University of Utah Student
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