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By Amanda MacMilan / HealthJune 23, 2017 1:30 PM EDTYou know those people who always boast about having a perfect memory Maybe they shouldn ;t, because having total recall is totally overrated. That according to a new paper in the journal Neuron, which concludes that adidas samba adidas forgetting things is not just normal, it actually makes us smarter.In the new report, researchers Paul Frankland and Blake Richards o air force one f the University of Toronto propose that the goal of memory is not to transmit the most accurate information over time. Rather, they say, itrsquo to optimize intelligent decision-making by holding onto whatrsquo important adidas campus and letting go of whatrsquo not.RELATED: 8 Ways Sex Affects Your BrainIt important that the brain forgets irrelevant details and instead focuses on the stuff that going to help make decisions in the real world, says Richards, an associate fellow in the Learning in Machines and Brains program.The researchers came to this conclusion after looking at years of data on memory, memory loss, and brain activity in both humans and animals. One of Franklandrsquo own studies in mice, for example, found that as new brain cells Fnrq New Yorkers Team Up to Remove Swastika Graffiti in Subway Car Using Hand Sanitizer
By Samantha GrossmanUpdated: Ju airmaxplus ly 22, 2015 4:09 PM [ET] | Originally published: July 21, 2015 2:13 PM EDT;Correction appended, July 22, 2015We got a sneak peek last month, but the first official full-length trailer for The Good Dinosaur air max 98 is finally here. The new Pixar movie, which hits theaters on Thanksgiving, begins with a simple premise: what if a giant meteor hadn ;t slammed into the Earth and killed all the dinosaurs The trailer introduces us to air force 1 an Apatosaurus named Arlo who strikes up an unlikely friendship with a human boy. And because this is Pixar, you can expect this story to play out against a truly stunning animated backdrop.The Good Dinosaur 8216 all-star voice cast includes Jeffrey Wright, Steve Zahn, Anna Paquin, Sam Elliott and Frances McDormand.Correction: The original version of this article misstated the cast of The Good Dinosaur.More Must-Reads from TIMEIntroducing the 2024 TIME100 NextThe Reinvention of J.D. VanceHow to Survive Election Season Without Losing Your MindWelcome to the Golden Age of ScamsDid the Pandemic Break Our Brains The Many Lives of Jack Antonoff33 True Crime Documentaries That Shaped the GenreWhy Gut Health Issues Are More Common in W
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By Philip ElliottAugust 3, 2021 2:06 PM EDTThis article is part of the The DC Brief, TIMErsquo politics newsletter. Sign up here to get stories like this sent to your inbox every weekday.Amid the 2,702-page bipa adidas yeezyslide rtisan infras nike dunk tructure plan that could get a vote by the weekrsquo end is a series of safety requirements for the vehicles set to travel on all those new and improved roads. The feds are set to make it more difficult t nike dunk o get behind the wheel drunk, requiring automakers to install technology in new cars to prevent drunk driving that could take the form of passive monitors for driversrsquo; breath, eye scans to check focus or even infrared touch tests on ignition buttons.The mandate could all but eliminate the one-third of traffic-related deaths in the United States that involve impaired drivers. By the governmentrsquo own estimate, drunk driving accounts for one death every 52 minutes. Congressrsquo; proposal is a major public-health move that basically says lawmakers are fine paying for the new roadways, but in exchange they want some safeguards that those new lanes wonrsquo;t be packed with loaded drivers.The safety provisions in the framework donrsquo;t stop at Pglh Koch Political Machine Vows to Fight to Deny Trump GOP Nomination in 2024
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BALTIMORE 鈥?Police are investigating a deadly triple shooting that happened Friday night near Morgan State University. Just before midnight, officers responded to the 1700 block of Argonne Drive for reports of a shooting.When officers arrived, they located two 17-year-old males and an 18-year-old male suffering from gunshot wounds.The victims were transported to area hospitals. One of the 17-year-old victims and the 18-year-old succumbed to their injuries and were pronounced dead.Morgan State officials put out a statement saying, the incide stanley cup nt did not involve anyone affiliated with Morgan. It occurred off campus with no relation to the University.Community members are overwhelmed by the amount of young people impacted by gun violence.Youth advocate, Marcey Brown has a message for the youth of Baltimore, You are better than what you think you are. stanley cup website You can dig deep. You don t have to be a product of your community. If you want to make better for yourself go ahead an stanley water bottle d dig deep, you can do

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Spirit Halloween is recalling the Nickelodeon PAW PatrolDeluxe Marshall Hat with flashlight because the batteries in the flashlight can overheat causing it to become hot and pose a burn and fire hazard.Spirit Halloween received four reports of the flashlight overheating. No injuries or fires have been r stanley website eported. About 20,000 hats were sold in the United Statesand Canada.Visit ABCActionNews/recalls for a list of recalled productsThe PAW PatrolMarshall hats are red with a stanley website yellow ribbon, black and white spotted dog ears and a black flash light attached to the side of the hat. The flashlight comes included with the hat in the package. They were sold in stores from September 2015 through November 2017 for about $13.Only flashlights with SKU 01292093 and date codes 1703RY01, 1603RY01, and 1503RY01 are i stanley cup becher nvolved in this recall.The SKU number and date codes are on the sewn in label under the ear on the hat. About 20,000 hats were sold in the U.S. and Canada.Spirit Halloween asks consumers to imm Bwnm Dozens attend Harford County Council meeting over the firing of the county s health officer
CHESAPEAKE CITY, Md. 鈥?If you r stanley website e a Cecil County resident, you most likely received a shelter in place alert on Monday. Made it sound like it could be my neighborhood, said Rosalyn Townley of Elkton. I m thinking someone s out on the loose, added Letisha Hill, They re going to do something to us so I m like, Do I send my kids or do I not send my kids So I made everybody stay home. Although deputies were conducting an investigation, stanley cup becher and actively searching for a wanted suspect, the Sheriff s Office says the county-wide notice was issued inadvertently. On Tuesday, the Sheriff s Office sent out a press release clarifying what transpired.A rash of recent auto thefts have reportedly inundated the County, leading to a wide ranging investigation involving several law enforcement agencies acros stanley thermos s Maryland and Delaware.Since launching the probe, detectives believe they ve identified a group of juvenile suspects responsible.Overnight Monday another car theft was reported in Southern Ceci
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