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Welcome back to the Gaming Shelf, io9 roundup of tabletop gaming news, releases, updates, and cool crowdfunding campaigns 鈥攆ocusing on sci-fi and fantasy games, typically. These past couple of weeks were really big on miniatures games鈥攆rom the new skirmish set adidas samba for K air max 1 ings of War to build-it-yourself mech suits on Tiny Epic Mechs. Here are some of the highlights we spotted for the week. News and Releases Kings of War: Vanguard Pre-orders are now available for Mantics long-awaited Kings of War: Vanguard. Funded on Kickstarter last year, Vanguard is a two-player miniatures game set in the same fantasy universe as Kings of War鈥攐nly this time, its a bit more accessible for newer players, meaning its smaller skirmishes instead of all-out war. Theyre designed to be played as one-off missions, but Vanguard is also compatible with larger Kings of War games. Fantastic Beasts: Perilous Pursuit USAopolys latest Harry Potter universe board game, Fantastic Beasts: Perilous Pursuit, was pushed back from its expected August 2018 release date but is expected to come out soon. Players take on the role of Newt Scamander, Tina or Queenie Goldstein, or Jacob Kowalski, collecting sets of dice to help them return all the beasts to Newts suitcase before Muggles catch wind of them. When its released, itll cost just under $30. Zombie War Tiny Battle Publishings hidden strategy game Zombie War is curren asics tly available for pre-order. Its a large-scale war game where, on the brink of the zombie Lbdh Qualcomm Just Released a $1,500 Smartphone for Some Reason
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[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

✔️Матрица судьбы . ✔️Натальная карта . ✔️Дизайн человекa

Гороскоп на сегодня - Близнецы, Лев, Рак, Дева, Козерог, Овен, Рыбы, Телец, Весы, Стрелец, Скорпион, Водолей, Гороскоп на завтра.


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[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

✔️Матрица судьбы . ✔️Натальная карта . ✔️Дизайн человекa

Гороскоп на сегодня - Весы, Водолей, Телец, Овен, Козерог, Лев, Рак, Рыбы, Скорпион, Дева, Близнецы, Стрелец, Гороскоп на завтра.


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[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

✔️Матрица судьбы . ✔️Натальная карта . ✔️Дизайн человекa

Гороскоп на сегодня - Стрелец, Рак, Лев, Скорпион, Телец, Рыбы, Овен, Близнецы, Весы, Козерог, Дева, Водолей, Гороскоп на завтра.


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Ingolf Pompe鈥擥etty ImagesIdeasBy Michael KimmelOctober 8, 2014 10:40 AM EDTKimmel is Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities at Stony Brook University and author of Manhood in AmericaAs college students settle into the fall semester, they are probably worried about whether theyrsquo;ll get along w stanley thermos ith their roommates, and how theyrsquo;ll fare in Organic Chemistrymdas stanley cup h;and probably along with their parents about sexual assault. Recent media reports have exposed terrifying stories amidst heightened scrutiny of the Department of Edu stanley cup cation, which is currently investigating 55 schoolsrsquo; administrative responses to sexual assault on their campus.And those students along with their parents are right to worry: itrsquo during these first weeks on campus that sexual assault rates are highest. Right now is called the Red Zone ndash; it refers to those beginning of the year parties where young women are eager to please and young men have a lot to prove, where alcohol is flowing freely, and everyone is eager to break out of their helicopter parentsrsquo; ambit. The atmosphere is steamy and soggy, peering out from behind beer goggles makes nearly everyonersquo vision blurry. Words like consent and resistance lose precision.At least thatrsquo the prevailing idea. But lets look a little more closely at those parties. While researching my book, Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men, I
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Taika Waititi has made it his goal with his Thor movies to Do The Most Possible with his take on the God of Thunder, in a way few other Marvel movies do with t adidas samba heir own heroes. Love and Thunder appears to be following on from Ragnarok in fine form in this regard, with both its Thors鈥攁nd if this taste of the soundtrack is any indication, were in for a treat. Marvels released the first sample from Michael Giacchinos soundtrack for the film, and just like his work on the first Doctor Strange and the Spider-Man trilogy, its a ludicrously titled, and b pretty damn solid. Mamas Got a Brand New Hammer certainly feels rather evocative of our newest member of the Thor Force in the movie鈥擭atalie Portmans returning Jane Foster, now the Mighty Thor鈥攂ut really, it also feels very much in line with the sort of 80s glam rock vibes this movies been saturated with from the moment we saw a glimpse of it. The transition from the more-self-serious choral, almost solemn orchestral work to big synth beats and symphonic rock is likewise very much like the evolving tones of the Thor films, but also Its just really fun. If music was somethin adidas campus g you could get sprayed on the side of a van like a Frazetta piece, it would sound like this. I really hope we get to see Jane hammer the hell or Hela out of some dudes with this rocking in the background. Not long to go before we find o air max ut if thats the case: Thor: Love and Thunder hits theaters this week, on July 8. Want more io9 news Check out when t Nyau The New DuckTales聽Comic Is Missing Some Vital Ingredients From the Show
When Doctor Who came back in 2005, the show featured a tormented Doctor who was the last of his kind and the sole survi salomon winterschuhe vor of an unimaginable war that had ended with the Doctor committing double genocide. Should this have remained the shows status quo Talking to Doctor Who Magazine, showrunner Steven Moffat says he still feels bad about the fact that his 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor, changed the outcome of the Time War so that the Doctor no longer wiped out the Time Lords as well as the Daleks. The Daleks, of course, came back in any case. Moffat says: The Day of the Doctor was a success. Record ratings, awards, rave reviews. By any measure, it did alright. But two years later, Im still haunted by the guilt. I know some of you, including friends of mine, were upset that we reversed the outcome of the Time War. My defence, however feeble, is that given the chance, the Doctor would do exactly that. And it w nike air force as his birthday, how could I deny him that chance What could define him more This man who always finds another way And there he is, at every moment of his life, proving to himself 鈥?literally 鈥?that there is always a better path. Ah, well. My heart was in the right place, at least. But in this job you always need two! Im of two minds about this 鈥?on the one hand, the Time War was one of the neatest things Russell T. Davies brought to the show, and the notion of the Doctor havin adidas samba og g crossed a massive line that he could never uncross made for some re

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The deadly, ongoing bushfires in Australia have been burning for months. Around Christmas, however, the glittering orange flames grew closer to the community of East Gippsland in eastern Victoria, home to more than 46,000 people. Alice P adidas campus 80s epper, an indigenous community organizer with the Gunaikurnai people, among them. Her people are the traditional owners of this land, and some 3,000 indigenous people still call this region home. When the fires came, they fled, just as their ancestors had nearly 200 years ago when European colonizers arrived only to massacre and separate families. Some of our people have lost their homes and everything in the fires, which has been very traumatic, Pepper wrote in a statement to Earther. The bus yeezy hfires have become a traumatic event for the entire country as the countrys iconic wildlife suffers and the landscape turns black. But for the Aboriginal peoples, the fire crisis is especially traumatizing. Fire, an element indigenous groups across the continent once lived in harmony adidas campus with, is now putting their cultural and sacred sites are at risk. Its kind of like this trauma from being ignored and then trauma from the environmental catastrophe, as well鈥? Bhiamie Eckford-Williamson, a Euahlayi indigenous research associate at Australian National Universitys Center for Aboriginal Policy Research, told Earther. Around the world, the climate crisis is threatening the very existence of indigenous peoples. In Australia, thats no different. But the sam Puvl What Is Concrete
Our dynamic planet has an apparent paradox: the more ice melts from landlocked glaciers, the lower the sea level gets in nearby areas. How does this happen Through the physics of isostatic rebound, when the surface of the planet acts as an elastic sheet dimpling and rebounding under changing loads. Perito Moreno Glacier in Argentina is one of the few terrestrial glaciers advancing in modern times. Image credit: Frank Kehren Rocks seem so very solid from our puny human perspective. Things are rock hard, rock solid, and are reliable as the rock itself. But from a geological perspective, rock is an elastic sheet that encompasses our planet in a thin, flexible membrane that responds samba og to every disturbance. Nowhere is this more evident than with isostatic rebound, a process of geological buoyancy by which the earth crust, having sunk beneath the weight of glaciers from a preceding ice age, bounces up as ice sheets air force one melt and the water runs back into the sea. While this melting ice is filling the oceans, the land can rebound so quickly that it rises even faster than the climbing sea level. The result is an apparent paradox: where continental glaciers are melting and exposing the land, the local sea levels are dropping. The Thwaites ice shelf in Antartica as surveyed in October 2013 by Operation IceBridge. Image c adidas originals forum redit: James Yungel/NASA During each ice age, massive glaciers crawl across the land. These vast ice sheets contain an enormous quantity of water. And water is ver
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This movie really, really wants you to remind you at all times that J.R.R. Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit that sometimes it looks less like a biopic and more like an absurd re-imaging of the Peter Jack adidas campus femme son films cut into a period drama. The latest trailer for Tolkien鈥攚hich charts the young mans life through school and into unive adidas campus 80s rsity as he falls in love and discovers his passion for language and writing ahead of the breakout of World War I鈥攊s much like the first, in that we once again mash up sequences where the young Tolkien played by Nicholas Hoult attempts to navigate friendship and love, before having his world rocked by the horrors of war with 8230;Middle-Earth characters just appearing on muddy battlefields to remind people that yes, this is the guy what did those books! That got turned into those movies you like approximately half of! It feels a bit cynical to assume that people interested in this for the Lord of the Rings connection that is inherent to the material will only really care about Tolkiens story if they also occasionally get some flashes of fantastical creatures like Smaug and the Ringwraiths. Maybe its just that the trailers are cut that way鈥攅specially how this one desperately yearns to drag out the moment of Tolkien describing the bond between his friends as a fellowship as the final drop of adidas campus homme the whole thing鈥攊n order to entice more people who maybe wouldnt typically be interested in an early 20th-century biopic about an Englis Qbxx Republicans New Obsession Is Fighting Woke Capitalism
He helped the Rebels defeat an evil empire, but little did R2-D2 know his glory years were behind him, and ahead lay a lifetime of menial chores including gobbling up your laundry so that it doesnt end up as a dirty pile on the floor. Bad news for the little astromech droid, but good news for you because this $16 R2-D2 laundry hamper is all kinds of wonderful. It collapses flat for those rare times when all your laundry is actually clean, but pops-up to 33-inches tall for storing a battalions worth of smelly uniforms鈥攐r maybe slightly less than that. Pair this with some kind of C-3PO coat rack and yo nike air force ur parents/room dunks mates/partner/boss wont ever again complain about all the laundry you leave lying around. [ThinkGeek] Toyland: We love toys. Join us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter. adidas samba og LaundryR2-D2Star WarsToylandToys

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An unusually smooth and reflective Martian rock has caught the attention of NASA scientists, prompting an investigation by the Curiosity rover. With the spectacularly successful landing of the InSight probe on Mars earlier this week, our attention has understandably been diverted away from Curiosity, which has been exploring the Red Planet since 2012. While weve been gushing over InSight, the six-wheeled NASA rover has been working at Vera Rubin Ridge, investigating the Highfield outcrop, a unique patch of grey bedrock. Curiosity has been at air force 1 the Highfield drill site before, but NASAs mission controllers wanted to take a look at four previously detected rocks鈥攊ncluding an unusually smooth rock that, in black and wh adidas campus 80s ite at least, looks a bit like a chunk of g adidas sambarose old. Immediate suspicions are that the rock, dubbed Little Colonsay, is a meteorite, but NASA scientists wont know for sure until Curiosity performs a chemical analysis. The rovers ChemCam instrument, which consists of a camera, spectrograph, and laser, offers an on-the-spot chemistry lab. That Curiosity may have stumbled upon a meteorite isnt shocking. The rover has sniffed out several such objects over the course of its travels, including a huge metal meteorite in 2015 and a shiny nickel-iron meteorite the following year. Other interesting objects discovered by Curiosity include a seemingly out-of-place shard, a smooth, oddly shaped object that turned out to be a piece of plastic wrapper that fell from the rover, and a Srrf Don t Ride Through X-Ray Machines
Perhaps you have heard that cold does not exist 鈥?that what we subjectively experience and describe as cold is, in fact, the absence of heat. But what does that mean, exactly Joe Ha reebok classic nson explains this mind-bending concept in the latest episode of It Okay To Be Smart. https://gizmodo/here-are-the-hottest-and...tures-in-1 samba rose 678816967 hoka PhysicsScienceThermodynamics

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With Adventure Time being finished and shows like Steven Universe and Gumball seeming very much like theyre in endgame territory, its felt a little bit like the time has come for a new Cartoon Network series to rise up, capture our imaginations, and take us on a wild ride to faraway worlds of magic and wonder. Last year, Cartoon Network announced that former Regular Show writer Owen Dennis newest p chanclas yeezy roject Infinity Train was finally becoming a full-fledged series years after first premiering as a curious animated short. Aside from saying that its meant to begin airing sometime in 2019, the network has yet to set an official premiere date for Infinity Train. But, as we roll into the new year, it feels like a good time to look back at Dennis original short to remember just what it is about Infinity Train that makes the adidas samba schuhe idea of a series so promising. Infinity Train tells the story of Tulip originally voiced by Ashley Johnson , an analytical teenager with a fondness for order and solving complex puzzles. While its never exactly explained how she got there in the short, Infin nike dunks panda ity Train follows as Tulip makes her way through the titular locomotive and its seemingly infinite cars, each of which contains entire worlds that, for some reason, are in desperate need of her help. Despite being joined by her sophisticated, bifurcated robot friend One-One voiced by Jeremy Crutchley and Owen Dennis , the only information Tulip has about her predicament comes in the form of an ever-changi Ybgp Video: What movies thought the future would look like
The trek to Annapurna Sanctuary in the mountains above Pokhara is 64 miles long and takes from six to 10 days. During the summer, it one of the easiest and most scenic hikes in Nepal and you can sleep in and eat at tea houses every night. We hiked it in the depths of winter so you don ;t have to. Nepal has two major citi air max 2 es: Kathmandu, the capital, and Pokhara. Kathmandu can be best described as a madhouse. Motorcycles carrying entire families of four dodge i samba shoes n and out of traffic on every street. In Thamel, the tourist area most popular with trekkers, vendors are constantly pushing products and services. While walking around, I get about twenty-thousand whispers of Hash in my ear per day. Must be the beard. Venture outside of Thamel into the heart of the city and it even crazier. People walk through streets made of mud; motorcycles ride on the 8220 idewalks while workers lay pipe in between. Pokhara by comparison, is much more relaxing. Most westerners hang out on a stretch of road lined with shops, restaurants, and hotels alongside Phewa Lake. If you look skechers hausschuhe up from almost any point in the city though, you can see the Annapurna range towering overhead. Given the Annapurna Sanctuary stunning beauty, it proximity to Pokhara the trailhead is only an hour drive away , and the short-length of the trek, it no wonder why the trip to Annapurna Base Camp ABC is one of Nepal most popular. While I love nature, I

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Mike Lindell, the MyPillow goblinoid, has a lot of hobbies. He dabbled in helping Donald Trump pull off a coup detat. When that didnt work out, he adidas samba switched to filming air max 1 hoax documentaries purporting to prove foreigners, perhaps the Chinese government or some other nefarious Communist cabal, worked with corrupt election machine manufacturers to steal the 2020 elections for Joe Biden. He loves getting sued for $1.3 billion for refusing to stop spreading those defamatory theories. He was a relentless tweeter, until Twitter banned him. He spends, we assume, a lot of time chewing the small, tender bones of various prey animals. And hes launching his own social media site, named Vocl聽Frank Speech, that will be a free speech utopia for God-fearing patriots. Frank Speech bills itself as the voice of free speech 8230; [and] dunk panda the platform for Americans who want to defend life, liberty, and all the freedoms that have marked America as the longest running Constitutional Republic in the history of the world. Lindell says it will be launching next week. The tens, possibly hundreds of people who have been waiting to hit the Join Frank button may be surprised by a Tuesday report in the the Daily Beast, in which Lindell establishes that he actually has an extremely prohibitive and extensive set of speech rules in mind based on biblical doctrine. And I do mean in his mind, as said rules appear to be being scripted by Lindell in realtime rather than written down or anything like that, d Xsyb The Final Divergent Film Has Been Downgraded to a TV Movie
https://youtube/watch v=yZ_G_zbObWU An immersive experience is the name of the game in virtual reality, but how far are you actually willing to go Samsung thinks making you feel seasick by electrocuting your inner ear is a good idea, and actually, it might be onto something. The Entrim 4D headphones are a project cooked up by Samsungs C-Lab, and shown off during the SXSW festival this week in Texas. The idea is reasonably simple: as well as playing sound like normal headphones, the Entrims use galvanic vestibular stimulation, a process that sends a very low-voltage electric current into a nerve in your inner ear. That electric signal messes with your balance, tricki salomon hombre ng you into feeling like youre falling one way, so you move the other to correct. Its been around for a while as a reasonably well-understood curiosity with no application, but Samsungs hoping to change that. The new headphones are wired up to a VR situation, and when your virtual ch air max 2 aracter moves one way a race car going around a corner, say , the headphones make you feel like youre leaning that way. Or, at least, theyre supposed to. According to people who have tried the prototypes, it feels variously like seasickness or disorienting , so theres still some work to be done. Samsung agrees鈥攖he next generations are potentially adding electrodes to give mizuno handballschuh a more 3-D experience, and possibly even solve motion sickness. [Samsung] HeadphonesSamsungVirtual real

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What goe chanclas yeezy s best with fun-sized Hershey bars Horror mov nike dunk high ies! And while everybody knows the classics Beetlejuice, Hocus Pocus, The Craft, the original Halloween, etc. , sometimes you want a less immediately familiar movie that wont just entertain you鈥攊tll scare the daylights out of you, t ugg oo. Here are 12 movie picks from across a variety of streaming services, including Amazon Prime, HBO Max, Hulu, Netflix, and Shudder. Udgs How to Keep Phone Notifications from Ruining Your Life
It took me a second to realize that these two common use items were adidas og not only made of Lego bricks, but to really see the size of both of them. These two creations, by Carl Merriam, made for the HARDnuary building contest are really cool. I really wish he would ;ve thrown a minifigure in there to show just how gigantic these are. You ;re reading Leg mizuno running Godt, the blog with the latest Lego news and the best sets in the web. Follow us on Twitter hoka winterschuhe or Facebook. HygieneLego

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We recently ran through all the finished screenplays Guillermo del Toro has floating around his desk right now鈥攂ut the wait is nearly up for the latest project from the Oscar-winning director. Animated alien tale 3Below: Tales of Arcadia hits Netflix next week, and a new trailer is here to get you excited. 3Below: Tales of Arcadia was creat adidas samba og ed and executive produced by del Toro, and its made by the same team behind his other Netflix animated series, Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia. According to a Netflix press release, you can expect to see epic crossover episodes that bridge the events of Trollhunters and 3Below in surprising ways. 聽 A third fantasy series in the Arcadia trilogy, Wizards, is slated to debut sometime next year. Even without that all-important boost from Trollhunters existing popularity, though, 3Below sounds like a lot of fun, and the voice cast is outstanding. Heres what Netflix says about it: Featuring an all-star voice cast including Diego Luna Narcos: Mexico , Tatiana Maslany Orphan Black , Nick Offerman Parks and Recreation , Glenn Close The Wife and m yeezy or adidas yeezy e, 3Below: Tales of Arcadia follows two royal teenage aliens, Aja Maslany and Krel Luna , and their bodyguard Vex Offerman , as they flee a surprise takeover of their home planet and crash-land on Earth 鈥?in Arcadia, the same town where the events of Trollhunters take place. Now on the run from intergalactic bounty hunters, they must blend in and adapt to the bizarre world of high school all Elmt The Apple Watch May Actually Become Useful With Native Apps
Kawekaweau was a giant forest gecko in New Zealand. Only one person had seen a living specimen鈥攁nd hed killed it. Then a stuffed gecko turned up in a museum, in France. No one knows where it came from. Scientists only know about kawekaweau, a large brown gecko that lived in the forests of New Zealand, second-hand. There were legends about it, but no modern scientist had ever seen one. They were long-extinct. The closest any encounter any biologist had ever had with one happened in 1873, when he heard a Maori chief describe killing a kawekaweau in 1870. The biologist wrote, He described it to me as being about two feet long and as thick as a mans wrist; colour brown, striped longitudinally with dull red. T adidas campus shoes hen, in 1986, researchers going through the basement of the Natural History Museum of Marseille, in France, came across an unlabeled specimen. It was a gecko, roughly two feet long, with dark reddish-brown longitudinal dorsal stripes. Scientist samba shoes s took a closer look, comparing it with both surviving descriptions of the famous gecko, and with the p adidas original campus hysiology of its closest living relatives, and determined that this dead stuffed relic was the only physical specimen of the giant gecko in the world. The specimen got the scientific name Hoplodactylus delcourti, for Alain Delcourt, the assistant in charge of the herpetology collection at the Marseille museum. No one has been able to find out anything about the gecko, including when or how it came to Marseille. The stuffed geck

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The shelves of drug-testing laboratories in dozens of countries are stocked with biological samples from the best athletes in the world, who deliver blood and urine for investigators to test for banned performance-enhancing substances. Theyre a veritable gold mine for scientists looking to figure out what, exactly, makes an athlete at the highest level tick. In one of the first-ever broad looks at the metaboli adidas campus c profiles of elite athletes, researchers at the Anti-Doping Laboratory in Qatar took advantage of that sample set. They w yeezy slide anted to tease out the differences between the biochemistry of power athletes, like weightlifters, and endurance athletes, like cross-country skiers. They published their results in the journal Sports Medicine in January. Dozens of factors, both environmental and biological, go into the makeup of an elite athlete. Its such a complicated phenotype, said Mohamed El-Rayess, lead author on the study. Thats why the team turned to metabolic analysis, which takes an in-depth look at the hundreds of substances that are formed as byproducts of reactions in the body. Metabolic profiles are impacted both by someones genetics, and by their activity and environment. That makes it a useful intermediary tool to ugg mini learn about these athletes, El-Rayess said. Metabolic panels are sometimes used as part of routine medical screenings, and can help test for conditions like diabetes, liver disease, or hypertension. The most robust screening done in your average doctors Krcq The NYC Taxi Industry Finally Has an App, Only Four Years Too Late
Leica cameras have a reputation for their go salomon wanderschuhe rgeous optics and the kinds of prices only the Trump-set can afford. Their durability, however, has never been notable. If anything, Leica cameras are considered downright delicate compared to other cameras. The new Leica X-U might not change Leicas reputation as a the purveyor of cameras for rich people, but you can drop it off the side of the boat and not lose all your pictures. Thats pretty cool. The X-U is cut from the same cloth as the more affordable Leica T鈥攚hich means no viewfinder, a 3-inch LCD screen on the back, and a 16.5-megapixel APS-C sensor. Unlike the Leica T, the X-U features a fixed lens a 23mm lens with a wicked fast f/1.7 aperture and a rugged black exterior thats sealed to make the camera dust resistant. Its also winterized, so the camera can operate in temperatures more frigid than a Leica usually can, and its shockproof too. Leica also claims the X-U can survive a fall of up to 3.9 feet. Yet the big deal is the waterproofing. The Leica X-U can be submerged in reebok de water up to 49 feet without any damage to its very pricey internals. For $3000 you can finally have piece of mind when you take your Leica with you aboard your yacht. Thats pr air force 1 icier than a typical rugged camera strapped to a selfie stick or an action camera like the GoPro, but those devices dont also feature the kinds of optics a Leica is capable of. The Leica X-U will be available in Leica stores and on the company website later this month. And you

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Facebooks stunning disclosure of a massive hack on Fri adidas campus 80s day in which attackers ugg mini gained access tokens to at least 50 million accounts鈥攂ypassing security measures and potentially giving them full control of both profiles and linked apps鈥攈as already stirred the threat of a $1.63 billion dollar fine in the European Union, according to the Wall Street Journal. The bug, which exploited flaws in the sites View As and video uploader feature to gain access to the accounts, forced Facebook to reset access tokens for 50 million users and reset those for 40 million others as a precaution. That means if you were logged out of your devices, you were affected. Facebook has not said whether the attackers attempted to extract data from the affected profiles, but vice president of product management Guy Rosen told reporters they had attempted to harvest private information from Facebooks systems, according to the New York Times. Rosen also said Facebook was unable to determine the extent to which third-party apps could have been compromised. https://twitter/embed/status/1045786217713786880 It remains unclear whether the attackers could have gained access to the most sensitive information stored on the network like direct messages. Facebook has said the attack was highly sophist adidas campus icated, their response is in its early stages, and they may never know who was behind it. When Gizmodo reached out for more details this weekend, a Facebook representative directed us to their prior statements on t Wfne The Umbrella Academy Card Game Is Punishing
Vicky Kalogera, a Northwes salomon supercross tern University physicist, took her week of much-needed vacation in Utah this past August. She promised her family shed stay off of email for a week. It wasnt a real promise, of course, but she was going to try. Shed arranged the perfect day for August 17. Her husband was going to take the kids hiking in Arches National Park while shed spend the whole day at the spa. Right as she left her room, she just had to give her email a peep. The deluge brought the news: Telescopes and detectors across the world were making a monumental observation. I canceled everything and ended up working nonstop since that moment, she told Gizmodo. Today, physicists and astronomers around the world are announcing a whole new kind of gravitational wave signal at a National Science Foundation press conference in Washington, DC. But its not just gravitational waves. That August day, x-ray telescopes, visible light, radio telescopes, and gamma-ray telescopes all spotted a flash, one consistent with a pair of neutron stars swirling together, colliding and coalescing into a black hole. The observation, called a k salomon gtx ilonova, simultaneously answered qu air max 1 estions like where did the heavy metal in our Universe come from and what causes some of the gamma-ray bursts scientists have observed since the 60s. It also posed new ones. Were going to have a lot more to do moving forward, said Kalogera. The Fermi Gamma-ray Space telescope started the dominos at 8:41 am EDT, detecting what

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Comcast announced it will start rolling out the Disney+ and ESPN+ apps to Xfinity customers beginning today, offering support well over a year after the launch of Disneys marquee streaming service. Better late than never, right The support for both apps will mean that tens of millions of X1 and Flex customers will now be able to stream Disney+ and ESPN+ content directly through their Xfinity interface, the company said Monday. ESPN+ will be immediately available to Flex customers through the ESPN app, while Comcast said nike sb dunk it has plans to introduce the app to X1 users in the weeks ahead. Once the apps reach X1 and Flex customers, the company said聽they will begin to see content from both EPSN+ and Disney+ peppered throughout their user experience, including in the sports, movies, and TV sections of their interface. Additionally, users will be able to use the Xfinity Voice Remote to navigate either to the pla air max 96 tforms th adidas samba schuhe emselves or to specific titles. Image: Comcast When asked about support for billing integration with Disney鈥攎eaning a customer signs up for a service through Xfinity and is billed through Xfinity鈥攁 spokesperson told Gizmodo that Xfinity does not yet support billing this way but is planning to offer it later this year. In the meantime, users can sign up for the apps or the Disney bundle through Disney+ and then sign into the apps on Xfinity. Disney+s arrival on Xfinity may be exceptionally late considering its one of the largest streaming services in the world Mlbd Instant Skyscrapers Are About to Change the Way We Live in Cities
Samsung showed us two jumbo phones today that were, you know, more or less what we were expecting鈥攁nd frankly not all that interesting. At the end of the show, though, Samsung teased the Gear S2 smartwatch, set to be announced on September 3rd at IFA in Berlin. Now thats what Im talking about! W adidas originals e know virtually nothing about the watch, but the tease is certainly enticing. 1:14:00 in the adidas originals mujer livestream video. The graphics and design look contemporary and attractive鈥攍ike something youd actually want to wear. The watch has a distinctive roun mizuno running d design, but it is obviously taking some UI cues from Apple, too. In particular, the circular icons on the app launcher interface look like they were lifted straight from the Apple Watch. So far, theres not much else to say, except that the new watch is conceivably interesting. But first, Samsung has to prove that smartwatches can be truly useful鈥攕ince most of them are complete garbage. Update 8/19: Samsung has released the Gear S2 teaser video on YouTube. Here it is! https://youtube/watch v=nwn8qMaNoJk FashionSamsungSmartwatchesWatcheswearables

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Every few years Alienware, Dells gaming-focused brand, dramatically changes its design language. In 2009 it moved from the alien-like aesthetic it had embraced for a decade t adidas campus beige o something more industrial and reminiscent of an 80s supercar. And starting in 2019, Alienware plans to roll out a slew of products c nike dunk low reated using a whole new style, beginning with the gorgeous Alienware Area-51m, which shares its name with the desktop that put Alienware on the map back in 1998. For Alienware and Dell, this is a big thing. Alienware is known for its distinctive design, and it doesnt like to change it often. But like Apple, its a trendsetter. When Alienware shifts to a new design language, inevitably other gaming companies, and especially laptop makers, find themselves suddenly inspired. Alienware is one of the main voices in what defines the gamer aesthetic, and when it shifts its focus, its important to take note. Whats exciting about this years redesign is its moving Alienware, and hopefully gamer companies as a whole, towards something a little more friendly. While we all might have a fondness for the gamer aesthetic, or at least elements of it, it can feel p air max 98 retty silly to use a big dark laptop festooned in a rainbow of LEDs with splashes of too bright color as accents. Sure it hits all the key gamer buttons, but the aesthetic also feels distinctly juvenile鈥攍ike inflatable furniture or lava lamps. And it often feels aggressively masculine like its got something to prove or is compe Fzzr Steam Deck Launch Delayed as Valve Succumbs to the Chip Crunch
Although you might already be aware of the 520 calories in a Orange Mocha Frappucino thanks to existing laws in your city or state, the FDA recently mandated that calorie counts are to be posted at all chains nationwide by the end of 2015. Thankfully, a new ruling has postponed the deadline until next year. Race ya to Outback Steakhouse! The rule n crocs hausschuhe ot only applies to chains with 20 or more locations but also to vending machines, movie theaters, amusement parks, and salad bars in grocery stores. This includes alcohol, too: Beer and wine would have to list their nutritiona nike air force l information, although cocktails would not be required to divulge t adidas originals heir liquid calories. The FDA changed the date of compliance in order to give restaurants more time to redesign their menus and roll out the changes across hundreds or thousands of locations and perhaps potentially exorcise some of the more frightening, calorie-intense dishes . But supporters of the ruling are worried that the delay will only give opponents more opportunities to fight the FDAs mandate鈥攍obbyist groups like the American Pizza Community want calorie counts to only be posted online. December 1, 2016 is the new Judgment Day, so I hope that will turn November 30 into a kind of Binge and Purge night where everyone spends hours at their local Chilis drinking queso by the pitcher. More importantly, what is this American Pizza Community and where do I sign up to become a member [New York Times] AP Photo/Ed Ou, File

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It might come with cosmic powers, but the Infinity Gauntlet still makes Thanos look like hes wearing an oversized, bedazzled oven mitt. Im not sure if New Era hats are available everywhere in the galaxy, but Thanos could really step up his intimidation game with this 59Fifty Infinity Gauntlet fitted cap. Made from the finest golden polyesters, the cap ugg features an embroidered version of the Avengers: Infinity War movie logo, as well as six recreations of the infamous Infinity Stones. On the underside, theres also a detailed lining that features illustrations of each stone, and the Marvel character who discovered or grappled with its power. At $100 youre probably never going to want to wear this hat anytime theres even the slightest chance of rain outside 8230; or when battling the Avengers, who might accidenta air max plus lly tear off that coveted 59Fifty sticker under the visor. [SuperHeroStuff via ComicBook] C adidas campus damen lothingHatsMarvelThanos Ezym This Upgraded Nikon Chills the Sensor for Clearer Shots of the Stars
After a few days of silence and idiots playing with the Unix gods and bricking their phones, Apple has finally acknowledged the bug that bricks phones with their clocks set to January 1, 1970. Curiously the support document on Apples site doesnt list the well-known January 1 date, but May 1970 instead. That makes things interesting. While theories started flying immediately that the 1970 bug airforce must be Unix-related, it remains unclear if this is the case for a few reasons鈥攊ncluding Apple failing to explain itself. So days after the bug started making headlines we still dont know whats happening. Heres why. January 1, 1970 is also known as the Unix Epoch. Its time zero for any device that uses Unix. As in it actually sets the clock to a series of zeroes. It can, potentially, really screw up your device if you roll it back to that point. See that time Facebook told you youd known all your friends for 46 years. https://gizmodo/the-nerdy-explanation-fo...1750464185 In the case of th crocs e Apple bug, it makes perfect sense that the bug might brick a phone by throwing it into a never-ending boot loop. All the phone needs to do is reference that date now all zeroes and attempt to multiply or divide. Simple mathematics dictate that every process that follows would also zero out. Thus. Boot loop. The ways to resolve the bug also suggest that this a Unix E adidas originals poch issue. Currently, it can be fixed by resetting the internal clock. This can allegedly be done thr
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Its like an introverts dream: the ability to grab a cup of morning joe with zero human-ing involved. As a result of the coronavirus outbreak, one caf茅 in Daejeon, South Korea is now using a robot barista to handle orders, serve customers, and, I can only assume, silently judge your drink choices whats the binary code for Seven pumps of caramel syrup Really . There, gett adidas samba adidas ing customers their coffee is a tag-team effort, according to Reuters. When someone submits an order through a kiosk, a robotic arm handles all the coffee-making wizardry behind the counter and then hands drinks off to a serving robot, which then employs s adidas samba og elf-driving technology to figure out the best way to navigate the shop floor. Here is your Rooibos almonds tea latte, please enjoy. Its even better if you stir it, it says upon arriving at a table, and customers retrieve their drinks from a tray inside it. Afterward, I presume the serving bot heads back behind the counter, shit-talks whatever music choice the managers picked for the stores radio that day, and steps out back to smoke a rolled cigarette, all while wondering if theres something more they could be doing with their liberal arts degree. This entirely automated system can whip up 60 different varieties of coffee, and quickly too: an order of six drinks takes just seven minutes. The robots have just one non-mechanical coworker, a sin adidas yeezyslide gle human employee who handles some of the cleaning and ingredient refills. Korean manufacturers have been re Lmzm Watch a Famous Supernova Change Over 25 Years
Research on the biological origins of human sexual orientation remains controversial and poo hoka winterschuhe rly funded , and more than two decades of slow work is starting to reveal a much more complex process than anyone first suspected. In an article for the Boston Globe Magazine last month, Neil Swidley examines the current state of the field, and discusses whats changed since his influential 2005 article on the subject. There has been some real movement in the last decade, though, as usual for a field built on small, poorly funded and sometimes contradictory studies, the difficulty is in synthesizing all these fragments into a coherent framework. The difference that jumps out at me right away is the new appreciation for fluidity. The binary view of male sexual orientation that dominated the field a decade ago has softened. Back then, there was real skepticism about men who reported being anything other than heterosexual or homosexua adidas originals samba l. After all, lab data tended to suggest that their arousal 鈥?which effectively defines sexual orientation in men 鈥?was either to male erotica or to female erotica, but not to both. Recent research based on more sensitive testing methods now suggests that sexual orientation is a complex biological trait for both sexes. Like reebok sneaker height, where a group of people can range from the very short to the very tall, when it comes to sexual orientation individuals can fall on any point of a continuum that ranges from completely straight to completely gay. Theres a lot

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Could Sony really move ahead with its Madame Web plans this year Eternals Lauren Ridloff returns to The Walking Dead in new pictures from the final season. Plus, a new look at whats coming on Legends of Tomorrow and Nancy Drew. Spoilers get! Civil War Deadline reports Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Stephen McKinley Henderson and Cailee Spaeny will star in Civil War, a a sci-fi/action movie from A24 and Annihilation director, Alex Garland. Though details on the plot ar adidas samba schuhe e currently unavailable, the story is said to take place in a near-future America. A Quiet Place 3 The third film in the A Quiet Place franchise this time, from Pig director Michael Sarnoski has been pushed back five months to a September 22, 2023 release date. [Bloody-Disgusting] Transformers and TMNT Animated Movies As part of the reshuffling of Paramounts movie slate, including the delays to the next two Mission Impossible movies, a brand-new, animated Transformers movie has been given a July 19, 2024 theatrical release date, alongside聽Seth Rogens animated TMNT project, adidas samba adidas which is now slated for August 4, 2023. Madame Web Meanwhile, Comic Book reports via Twitter reporter Charles Murphy yeezy foam Sonys Madame Web plans to begin filming later this year. Legends of Tomorrow Spoiler TV has both photos and a synopsis for Rage Against the Machine , the February 2 episode of Legends of Tomorrow. More at the link. INFILTRATING With some help from an unexpected person, the Legends break a fixed point, cr Dqta This Shifty USB Drive Is Rigged to Fry Your Computer
If you think your 4K laptop drips with graphical power, remember that all things are relative鈥攁nd a new video st air force andard will allow laptops to make use of 8K screens. The Video Electronics Standa samba rose rds Association has unveiled the Embedded DisplayPort 1.4a. It a new video transfer format, and it uses compression to squeeze more data into the video feed for laptops and all-in-one computers. In fact, it squeezes enough data in to power 8K screens, or panels with 7,680 x 4,320, pixels. But it won ;t just help the super-resolution screens; the same compression should also help improve devices with lower quality displays, too. Fewer data paths will now be required to power low-res screens, so a laptop with a 4K displays could, in theory, offer longer battery life while still providing the same performance. The new standard should feature in laptops by 2016鈥攖hough you may have to wait a little longer for a mobile 8K display. [Display Port via PCWorld via Engadget] skecher gutsstandardsVideo

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Youve got more choices than ever when it comes to building a home speaker setup. But the real question is: Should you buy wired speakers, wifi speakers, or nike dunk high Bluetooth speakers What yeezy 350 about a mix of the three Here well outline the different approaches these three standards take in terms of audio, and what the benefits and drawbacks of each one are. When it comes to audio fidelity, an almost limitless number of words can be spilled arguing for one setup or another. We will mention sound quality here, but not in a huge amount of depth鈥攋ust be aware that you can do a lot more research on that front, and pore over a lot more specifications, if thats your highest priority. Well outline the different scenarios where you might need wired, Bluetooth, or wifi speakers, and explain what might be best for each one. Everyone is going to want something different from their home audio setup, but this guide will set you down the right path. Wired speakers In general, wired speakers give you the best audio quality鈥攊f not always in terms of maximum audio fidelity, then in terms of consistency. The connection between audio source and audio output is fixed, fast, and stable, unaffected by dips in connec yeezy tivity, walls, or people passing through the room. If audio fidelity is what matters most to you, then wired speakers are still well worth considering for your music and home theater needs. The downside is, of course, that theyre less convenient to use and more difficult to set up. Wired speake Prfl HTC One M9 Review: A Great Phone That Can t Keep Up
Well, this salomon was inevitable. A Tolkien fan 鈥?less enthused by Peter Jackson expansive, three-movie adaptation of The Hobbit than others 鈥?has created his own edit of the trilogy, trimming the 9+ hour-long saga into a much trimmer four hours and 21 minutes. Check it out! Created by the quite succinctly named TolkienEditor and dubbed The Tolkien Edit, here some of what he/she dropped from this slim-downed version: 鈥?The investigation of Dol Guldor has been completely excised, including the appearances of Radagast, Saruman and Galadriel. 8230; Like the novel, Gandalf abruptly disappears on the borders of Mirkwood, and then reappears at the siege of the Lonely Mountain with tidings of an orc army. 鈥?The Tauriel-Legolas-Kili love triangle has also been remov adidas campus ed. Indeed, Tauriel is no longer a character in the film, and Leg hoka winterschuhe olas only gets a brief cameo during the Mirkwood arrest. 鈥?The prelude with old Bilbo is gone. As with the novel, I find the film works better if the scope starts out small in a cosy hobbit hole , and then grows organically as Bilbo ventures out into the big, scary world. 鈥?Several of the orc skirmishes have been cut. I felt that the Battle of the Five Armies provided more than enough orc mayhem. If you pack in too much before then, they just become monotonous, and it lessons their menace in the audience mind. 鈥?A lot of filler scenes have been cut as well. These are usually harder to spot and I ;ve p

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