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матрица судьбы| матрицы судьбы| да нет онлайн гадание| гадание онлайн| книга судеб| гадание онлайн да нет| онлайн гадание| матрица совместимости рассчитать| гадание по книге перемен| натальная карта рассчитать онлайн| расчет натальной карты| матрица судьбы рассчитать онлайн с расшифровкой по дате рождения| натальная карта рассчитать| совместимость зз| натальная карта онлайн| «Дизайн человека»| расшифровка матрицы судьбы| матрица судьбы рассчитать совместимость| расчет матрицы судьбы| построить натальную карту| сонник| сотис онлайн ру|

[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

✔️Матрица судьбы . ✔️Натальная карта . ✔️Дизайн человекa

Гороскоп на сегодня - Стрелец, Телец, Водолей, Близнецы, Козерог, Дева, Лев, Весы, Рак, Рыбы, Скорпион, Овен, Гороскоп на завтра.


кролик дева
гадалкин дом матрица совместимость
гороскоп водолей на сегодня любовный
код внутренней силы 3 6 9
как понимать матрицу судьбы
1963 год какой знак зодиака
магия онлайн
1987 год какого животного по восточному календарю мужчина
совместимость по именам в любви
16 мая именины женские
книга перемен онлайн гадание бесплатно с подробной интерпретацией гексаграммы на монетах
когда день натальи
1991 год какого животного по гороскопу
гороскоп стрельца на сегодня
телец рожденный в год быка
гороскоп на сегодня женщина стрелец
таро онлайн бесплатно на отношения с мужчиной в ближайшем будущем
16 февраля именины
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расчет матрица судьбы
дракон лев мужчина
сочетание 3 кубков с другими картами
руна дня йера
гороскоп майл дева сегодня
2009 чей год
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24 апреля 1990
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расклад онлайн на вопрос
весы на сегодня
гадать книга перемен
когда день эмилии
онлайн предсказание на будущее
гороскоп на сегодня водолей мужчина точный
в год кого 2007
2029 год какого
сочетание карт влюбленные
2014 год кого по китайскому
гадание онлайн на мужчину правдивое
какой год 1976
12 февраля знак
гадания по книге судеб
1971 год какой
натальная карта онлайн с расшифровкой
2006 год чего
карты судьбы совместимость партнеров по дате рождения
гадание на одну руну на вопрос
натальная карта с расшифровкой по дате
какое сегодня астрологическое событие
чей год 1984 какого животного
программа 7 6 17
гороскоп дева на сегодня женщина
именины 8 декабря
гороскоп рыбы мужчины
король мечей таро сочетание
гороскоп ракам на сегодня и завтра самый точный
2020 год по китайскому гороскопу
ретро фм гороскоп от павла глобы на сегодня
вытянуть руну
китайское гадание
гороскоп лев завтра мужчина
таро как он ко мне относится
расшифровка арканов в матрице совместимости
1978 год какого животного по восточному
гороскоп на сегодня завтра на месяц лев
81 год знак зодиака
натальные карты онлайн бесплатно
натальная карта лунник рф
77 год кого животного
расчет матрицы судьбы
какой год 1975
какого числа день анастасии
2035 год какого животного
гороскоп на сегодня для мужчины водолея
матрица суд
1992 год год какого животного
любовный гороскоп на сегодня дева мужчина
никита совместимость с женскими именами
гороскоп рыбы мужской на сегодня
любовный гороскоп на 2023 год
руна дня на завтра онлайн
чей год 2030 какого животного
гороскоп водолей любовный
гороскоп рыбы на завтра женщины
таро 9 жезлов в сочетании
туз мечей таро сочетание с другими картами
король пентаклей в сочетании
1960 какого животного по гороскопу
смерть таро на ситуацию
игнио гороскоп лев
книга перемен онлайн гадание бесплатно на монетах с подробной интерпретацией
лошадь овен мужчина
гороскоп на сегодня завтра лев
прогноз зз на сегодня
гороскоп мужчина овен на сегодня самый точный бесплатно
гороскоп на 1
наталья и александр
карта богатства в таро
узнать натальную карту по дате рождения
1997 год чего
истерика во сне к чему
стрелец петух мужчина характеристика
79 год год какого животного
2015 какой год по восточному гороскопу
астрологический прогноз козерог на сегодня
ясновидящие бесплатно
близнецы в год змеи
3 пентаклей в сочетании
карта матрицы судьбы по дате рождения бесплатно
2037 год какого животного
20 января 1976
гороскоп на эту неделю водолей женщина
император сочетание с другими
матрица любви рассчитать
екатерина и андрей совместимость
гороскоп на сегодня майл ру овен женщина
61 год кого животного
1999 год животного
1998 год какой знак зодиака
1986 год какого зверя
гадание онлайн корона любви бесплатно
рамблер сонник
телец гороскоп на сегодня завтра
руна дня манназ
гороскоп на завтра телец любовный
смотреть онлайн гороскоп для мужчины льва
гороскоп близнецы здоровье на сегодня
король жезлов сочетание с другими картами
гороскоп на завтра для скорпионов
архангел ру руны
судьба матрицы расчет
1984 какой год
гороскоп стрелец на завтра любовный
имя татьяна что значит
2009 год год какого животного
гороскоп оракул скорпион
екатерина саша
гороскоп сегодня рак мужчина
козерог гороскоп на сегодня любовный
57 год кого
2012 год кого по восточному календарю
матрица судьбы бесплатная расшифровка полностью
1993г какого животного
гороскоп на завтра львы мужчины
гадания на рунах да нет
1001 гороскоп на сегодня рак
2005 год год чего
лев лошадь женщина
василиса именины по православному календарю
гороскоп близнецы на сегодня точный
1985 год год кого был
формы имени влада
рак змея характеристика
гороскоп онлайн бесплатно натальная карта
руна дня эйваз значение совет
день ангела арина
1987 год кого животного по гороскопу
2002 год кто по гороскопу
1971 год гороскоп
сочетание таро 6 мечей
узнать матрицу совместимости
1979 год по восточному гороскопу
астрологический прогноз на завтра водолей женщина
гороскоп на завтра близнецы астроскоп


рассчитать матрицу судьбы по дате рождения| рассчитать матрицу судьбы онлайн| транзиты онлайн| предсказание| гадание на таро| матрица рассчитать| матрица судьбы рассчитать онлайн| натальная карта онлайн| сотис онлайн ру| гадание по книге перемен| матрица расчет| «Дизайн человека»| да нет онлайн гадание| натальная карта онлайн| онлайн гадание да нет| матрица судьбы это| разбор матрицы| матрица судьба| натальная карта это| натальная карта| совместимость зз| рассчитать натальную карту|

[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

✔️Матрица судьбы . ✔️Натальная карта . ✔️Дизайн человекa

Гороскоп на сегодня - Весы, Дева, Близнецы, Рыбы, Рак, Скорпион, Овен, Стрелец, Козерог, Водолей, Телец, Лев, Гороскоп на завтра.


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где предназначение в матрице судьбы
разбор матрицы судьбы купить
когда день арсения
мужчина змея
телец змея
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помиримся ли мы гадание онлайн бесплатно
ирина и вова
три меча сочетание
год кого 2036
9 кубков в сочетании
юлия день ангела 2024
1997 год какого знака
какого числа день елены
1974 год чей год
день ангела у арсения
света и дима
матрица судьбы полностью бесплатно
январь гороскоп
майл гороскоп рак
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матрица судьбы совместимости онлайн
книга перемен 1001 гороскоп
1984 год по восточному
2019 год кого по восточному
калькулятор цмдц барышникова
астропрогноз на сегодня рак женщина
гороскоп на рака на завтра
знаменитые люди с именем ярослав
весы гороскоп на сегодня любовный
посчитать матрицу судьбы бесплатно
гороскоп на неделю женщина телец
туз пентаклей таро фото
стрелец гороскоп на сегодня для женщин
1995 это год кого
любовный гороскоп лев на сегодня
карты судьбы связи
гороскоп для водолея
матрицы рассчитать
1948 год по гороскопу какое животное
планета управитель тельца
калькулятор матрицы совместимости онлайн
2004 год какая обезьяна
гадание на сегодня
гороскоп на телец
10 мечей и солнце
1988 год животное
ответы таро да или нет
как посмотреть свою натальную карту самостоятельно с расшифровкой
матрица солнце
гороскоп на неделю близнецы
как научиться считать матрицу судьбы
1987 какой год по восточному
как создать матрицу судьбы
гороскоп на завтра для тельца
1963 чей год по гороскопу
гадать да или нет онлайн
предсказание да нет онлайн
гадания да нет онлайн бесплатно самые точные
астроскоп весы
2002 год знак зодиака
любит он меня или нет гадание онлайн
89 год чей год по гороскопу
1985 год какое животное
какой завтра день у водолеев по гороскопу
1962 год по китайскому календарю
сочетание 4 жезлов с другими картами
овен лошадь мужчина характеристика
capricorn знак
расположение планет в момент рождения
2002 г какого животного
гороскоп на сегодня на твц
88 год чей год
дмитрий и анастасия совместимость
1983 в год кого
козерог женщина на сегодня гороскоп
12 октября 1999
на мужчину гадание онлайн
гороскоп на завтра для водолея женщины точный
2004 год чей год
1976 знак зодиака
погадать на кофейной
1982 год кого по восточному
1001 гороскоп лев на сегодня
2017 год кто
гадание да или нет онлайн правдивое
все о человеке по дате рождения и имени
рассчитать матрицу по времени рождения
да нет выбор
гороскоп 365 весы
совместимость по именам между мужчиной и женщиной
77 год чей год
матрица в
программа 7 7 14 духовные цели
27 декабря именины
жрица перевернутая значение таро
матрица судьбы обучение бесплатно полностью
7 октября 1952 гороскоп
год кого 1969
к чему снятся людоеды
87 год по китайскому календарю
гороскоп на сегодня близнецы мужчина точный бесплатно
14 год год кого
1977 год по знаку зодиака
1974 год по гороскопу какое животное
рыбы гороскоп любовный
2003 год кого по китайскому календарю
матрица судьбы калькулятор бесплатно онлайн с расшифровкой
гороскоп скорпион на завтра мужчина самый точный
2005 год кого по восточному календарю
2010 какого животного
на любовь гадание
гадание на кофейной гуще онлайн бесплатно на ближайшее будущее с толкованием правдивое на работу
1982 год кого животного по гороскопу характеристика мужчина
именины ирины в 2024
узнать свою матрицу по дате рождения
настя и миша
да нет ответ онлайн
таро расклад да нет онлайн
гороскоп телец на завтра телец
подбросить монетку да или нет
все сонники онлайн толкование снов бесплатно
9 декабря именины
год дракона для козерога
гороскоп рыбы на завтра красота
восьмерка жезлов в сочетании
супер силы знаков зодиака
1962 год по гороскопу какое животное
рассчитать матрицу по дате рождения и расшифровать полностью бесплатно онлайн с расшифровкой
гадание на парня онлайн
сонник толкование снов юнона
книга предсказания
2006 год какая собака
1956 год кого по гороскопу
водолей любовный гороскоп на завтра
гороскоп рыбы на завтра женщина самый точный
нептун в стрельце
2018 год кого по гороскопу
2019 год год какого животного
код внутренней силы 3 6 9
таро прогноз онлайн бесплатно
натальная карта по дате и времени
толкование снов и сновидений большой
погадать по книге на любовь
гороскоп водолеям
5 мечей и рыцарь пентаклей
точное гадание да нет онлайн бесплатно правдивое
гороскоп скорпион женщина на завтра
карты таро карта дня
расшифровка матрицы судьбы белое солнце бесплатно
гороскоп рыбы на сегодня женщина самый точный
сочетание король кубков с другими картами
умеренность таро перевернутая
365 дней гадания
собака скорпион
1962 год год кого
сочетание 5 мечей
1983 какого животного по гороскопу

карта дня| гороскоп| сотис онлайн ру| «Дизайн человека»| натальная карта онлайн| матрица совместимости| расчет матрицы судьбы| астрология| Дизайн Человека подробно: основы, расчет карты| совместимость зз| гадание на таро| матрица судьбы рассчитать совместимость| гадание онлайн да нет| рассчитать натальную карту| совместимость матрица| матрица судьбы это| астро онлайн| построить натальную карту|

[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

✔️Матрица судьбы . ✔️Натальная карта . ✔️Дизайн человекa

Гороскоп на сегодня - Дева, Водолей, Лев, Скорпион, Близнецы, Овен, Телец, Стрелец, Козерог, Рак, Весы, Рыбы, Гороскоп на завтра.


гороскоп дни рождения
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весы гороскоп
1991 какой год по восточному
как самостоятельно рассчитать матрицу судьбы по дате рождения
именины 15 декабря
гороскоп скорпион сегодня
цвет имени настя
никита и юлия совместимость
ближайшие будущие
2008 год по китайскому гороскопу
рыцарь кубков чувства
22 сентября знаки зодиака
руна дня ансуз перевернутая
goroskop na zavtra
астроскоп на сегодня рак
расчет матрицы онлайн
гороскоп майл ру девам
натальная карта бесплатно по дате рождения
совместимость по именам между мужчиной и женщиной
год кого 2007 год
1947 какого животного по восточному календарю женщина
гороскоп на завтра мужчина стрелец
змея козерог женщина
любовь по именам совместимость
год кого был 2018 год животного
гороскоп на неделю рыбы женщина
гороскоп рак майл
2004 это год кого
гороскоп на сегодня овны
его отношение ко мне гадание онлайн таро
гороскоп на каждый день лев
28 ноября именины
гороскоп на неделю овен мужчина
обезьяна женщина
дева тигр женщина гороскоп
гороскоп для раков сегодня
7 мечей сочетание таро
императрица в сочетании с другими
2000 год по китайскому гороскопу
когда день златы
весы гороскоп на сегодня женщина
именины у арсения
1958 какого животного
женщина рак змея
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гороскоп дева сегодня мужчина
2026 какого животного год
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рассчитать карту рождения
сонник поклонник
кармическая задача в матрице судьбы
как найти свой аркан в матрице
желтая крыса
гороскоп дева на сегодня любовный
6 мечей значение карты
1984г какого животного
дева прогноз на завтра
благоприятные дни в июне
рассчитать положение планет
гороскоп на декабрь
1990 год какой год
посчитать матрицу судьбы по дате рождения
год 2010 год кого
числа матрицы судьбы
horo скорпион
весы в год дракона
именины 6 мая женские
близнецы какая стихия по гороскопу
любовный гороскоп водолей женщина
георгий именины по православному
1964 год год кого
туз жезлов 365
сонник юнга
гороскоп овна на сегодня для мужчин
1982 год какой знак
кубик ответов онлайн
карты таро онлайн вытащить карту
шестерка жезлов в сочетании
мужчина козерог гороскоп на сегодня
матрица судьбы с полной расшифровкой бесплатно
смотреть гороскоп близнецы на сегодня
да нет правдивое и точное гадание онлайн
мэйл гороскоп овен
матрица в
гадание на печеньках с предсказаниями онлайн
любовный гороскоп на завтра скорпион
смерть таро в сочетании
2005 год кто
гороскоп на завтра скорпион мужчина любовный
2015 год какой
2 мечей в сочетании с другими картами таро значение
гороскоп на сегодняшний день близнецы женщина
2002 год год какой лошади
96 год год кого
руна один
натальную карту составить
умеренность таро сочетание с другими картами
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[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

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[Bild: human-astro-matrix.jpg]

✔️Матрица судьбы . ✔️Натальная карта . ✔️Дизайн человекa

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A team of researchers say theyve found some building blocks of RNA in a molecular cloud close to the center of the Milky Way. The discovery has implications for theories about how life began on Earth鈥攁nd perhaps elsewhere. The molecular cloud is named G+0.693-0.027. The team of astrophysicists, astrobiologists, and chemists conducted a survey of the cloud using two telescopes in Spain to unpack details of its chemistry. Ribonucleic acid RNA is a molecule present in all living cells that behaves similarly to DNA, though it is single stranded. There is evidence that RNA could have preceded DNA, based on laboratory observations of ribosomes, which are made up of RNA. Whether or not ancient RNA could have jumpstarted life, though, is another matter. The recent team found several organic molecules in the cloud that are part of a group called nitriles, which may have been important in generating RNA in the early universe; th adidas campus beige e teams results were published today in Frontier nike dunk low s in Astronomy and Space Sciences. Here we s dunk homme how that the chemistry that takes place in the interstellar medium is able to efficiently form multiple nitriles, which are key molecular precursors of the RNA World scenario, said V铆ctor Rivilla, an astrobiologist at the National Institute of Aerospace Technology in Madrid, in a Frontiers release. The RNA world hypothesis posits that RNA with genetic and metabolic activity was fundamental in the origins of life. A couple of studies in the 1990s showed that RNA co Uqic Hulu s New Hellraiser Movie Announces Its Pinhead鈥擶ith a Twist
Passengers was one of those films that more people talked about than actually saw, at least in the United States. Everybody knew about the big twist, because it was something that made our stomachs collectively churn. This video presents an idea for how the movie couldve been fixed. Its definitely an improvement, but unfortunately it cant fix Passengers far more fundamental flaw. YouTuber Evan Puschak, as Nerdwriter, recently released Passengers, Explained, a 9-minute video detailing how the 2016 film Passengers couldve been repaired with a few relatively simple changes鈥攏amely, the order of events. In the video, Puschak rearranges a few scenes to have the film start with Jennifer Lawrences character, Aurora, waking up instead of Chris Pratts Jim. That way, the mystery unfolding for Aurora wouldve also been unfolding for the audience, making the traumatic reveal that Jim purposefully woke her up much more impactful. For the record, I agree with this idea. Putting Aurora at the center of the story wouldve given Jim more flexibility as a complex villain, and improved the films ethical questions significantly. Unfortunately, it fails to address one key problem: Aurora i salomon speedcross s a terribly written character. Passengers Aurora adidas originals Lane isnt a person, shes an ideal. A male-d adidas original campus riven fantasy that never has a hair out of place, or a bad case of PMS. Shes smart, but not too smart鈥?she still defers to him for all major decision-making, especially in moments of crisis. In short, Aurora is exact

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It wouldnt be an Apple event without a nod to the companys pro-privacy stance. As part of its annual Worldwide Developers Conference WWDC keynote this year, the company announced somemajor privacy upgrades that will come with iOS 15 and iCloud鈥攈ere are some of the biggest. A More Private Inbox First up is Mail Privacy Protection, which is a new tab in Apples Mail app thats meant to do what the name implies: letting users decide what data the program shares. Under this new tab, users can choose to hide their IP address and location details from email senders, not unlike the recent iOS 14 updates th asics sneaker at keep apps from slurping up details like precise location and a phones mobile ad ID. As an added benefit, Apple says its new mailbox settings will keep people from tracking whether you opened the email they sent you and when that email was opened. In a similar vein, the company also nike sb dunk rolled out Hide My Email, a new service baked into Mail, Safari, and iCloud that lets users create unique, randomized email addresses that forward to their personal inbox. Theres no limit to the number of randomized emails that a person can make at any given time, and theyre free to delete these emails whenever they want, Apple said. Its sure to be useful for people that want to keep their inbox safe from the regular deluge of spam that comes with signi air max 96 ng up for certain offers. iOS App List of Shame On top of the inbox updates, the company also announced new app privacy reports, which will s Titm These Evil Batmen Are Coming to Conquer the DC Universe
The hype around consumer 3D printers has mostly died down, but that hasnt stopped the startup Divergent 3D from barreling full steam ahead in the industrial printing world. The company debut reebok laufschuhe ed the first 3D-printed supercar鈥攖he Blade鈥搕wo years ago and has since continued developing its printing methods. Now, its working with major industry players like Peugeot and SLM Solutions to use its printing methods at mass scale. The reason why Divergent 3D is so committed to industrial printing despite the ridiculously high and costly risks is that the benefits of printing car parts appears to be obvious: Printing components, rather than stamping them out using traditional injection molding or casting, lets carmakers customize every detail of a car part. It also lets engineers turn out ideas more quickly. Printing car components, at least in theory, will reduce the cost of retooling factory machines every time an engineer wants to try out a new idea. That will hopefully lead to more adventurous and more ambitious projects鈥攅xactly like hoka The Blade. One of the big benefits to Divergent 3Ds printing methods is that it allows engineers to customize car components, essentially giving them even greater control over how a car is assembled. For example, they can add more m adidas originals aterial to specific stress points or leave holes in areas where its possible to reduce weight something that makes the car way faster . The benefits can often be startling. Thats why The Blades chassis weighs only 1,40

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Neil Jackson discusses his villainous turn on Stargirl. Legends of Tomorrow confirms that one departing hero is gone for good. Greg Daniels is hoping for more seasons of Space Force. Plus, whats to come on The 100, and Godzilla vs. Kong gets rated fo dunk pand r Kaiju calamity. Spoilers now! Alien: Covenant 2/Prometheus 3 In conversation with the LA Times, Ridley Scott stated hes considering a third Prometheus/Alien film set to reveal the secret origins of the derelict ship on LV-426鈥?and why its cargo bay held thousands of Xenomorph eggs. I still think theres a lot of mileage in Alien, but I think youll have to now re-evolve. What I always thought when I was making the first one [was] why would a creature like this be made and why was it traveling in what I always thought was a kind of war-craft, which was carrying a cargo of these eggs. What was the purpose of the vehicle and what was the purpose of the eggs Thats the thing to question 鈥?who, why, and for what purpose is the next idea, I think. adidas sambarose The Little People Grabbers director Jon Wright is now attached to direct The Little People, a film described as Gremlins meets Straw Dogs for Cornerstore Films. Based on an original script by Wright and co-writer Mark Stay, the story concerns Londoners Maya and Jamie escaping their urban nightmare to the tranquility of r adidas campus ural Ireland only to discover malevolent, murderous goblins lurking in the gnarled, ancient wood at the foot of their new garden. When heavily pregnant Mayas relations Idyx Here s Jared Leto and David Ayer Continuing to Defend Leto s Suicide Squad Method Acting
https://youtube/watch v=bRIV reebok c85 club TEBaLkA File this under cute. A grou crocs winterstiefel p of orphaned opossums have been raised in a rehabilitation facility, and before theyre released, theyre given one final treat: bananas. adidas originals hombre cute

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Maybe the greatest pilot in Star Wars history just got her own origin story and we were ecstatic to sp air max 1 eak with the actress behind the character. On this past weeks episode of Disney+ and Lucasfilms Star Wars: The Bad Batch, the action took place on Ryloth鈥?homeworld of the Twileks鈥攁nd at the center of it all One Hera air max 1 Syndulla, voiced by Vanessa Marshall. This isnt the Hera fans know from Star Wars Rebels, though. Nor is it the one who was name-checked in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, has appeared in Star Wars video games, or turned up after the Battle of Endor in Star Wars: Forces of Destiny. This was a younger Hera. A girl unsure of her place in the world with an almost uncanny love for flying and growing conflict with her parents. A girl years away from piloting the Ghost, meeting Jedi Kana uggs skor n Jarrus and Ezra Bridger, or having a son, Jacen Syndulla. And yet, this Hera is still a key piece of Star Wars history and it was fascinating to see this part of her story. So io9 hopped on a video call to talk to Marshall about returning to a galaxy far, far away. Germain Lussier, io9: I was so, so excited to see Hera on The Bad Batch, as Im sure you were and I know all the fans were. The big question is: when and how did you hear that shed be coming back Vanessa Marshall: Well, it was like most jobs. My agent informs me about them. And this was one of my favorite emails to receive. Ill never forget when she called and told me that I actually got the part of Hera, I fell on the Wlrm 12 Things We Loved About Jessica Jones聽(And 4 We Didn t)
There is a movie called Time After Time. This late 1970s flick isnt a masterpiece, but it does feature Malcolm Macdowell as scifi author and actual Time Machine-owner H.G. Wells, adidas originals hombre who is aghast to learn his friend, played by Jonathan Pryce David Warner, is Jack the Ripper. Hes even more aghast when Jack steals his machine and travels to modern well, 1970s San Francis hoka schuhe co, forcing Wells to head to the future to stop a new murder spree. Its a lot of fun, and its certainly one of the best time travel movies ever made. And now ABC is going to turn it into a TV series. Yes, no longer content to simply reboot classic TV shows and movies, the entertainment industry seems to be picking material toredo out of a hat. In this case, Im all for it, because Ill always watch H.G. Wells battle Jack the Ripper in any era, on any platform. Theres absolutely no news if the show would be set entirely in the present鈥攚hich I dont think is exactly unlikely, as it would save an immense amount of production costs鈥攐r if Wells would actually chase Jack through many different places and times, sort of like CSI: Doctor Who. The show will be run by Kevin Williamson, who created Dawsons Creek, ran The Vampire Diaries, and made many crime procedurals like The Following and Stalker they guy really like shows about people chasing criminals . ABC has already bought the project, so now we onl mizuno de y have to guess which British actors will play Wells and Jack, and who will play the street-smart American cop whose life

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The world of Ridley Scotts Blade Runner is a dystopia that just wont go aw adidas campus homme ay. On the heels of the Titans recently-announced Blade Runner comics series, Adult Swim has just revealed its plans for a new animated series set before the events of the recent sequel film, Blade Runner 2049. Deadline is reporting that Blade Runner 鈥?Black Lotus is to be produced by Sola Arts, the same company behind Netflixs upcoming Ultraman series, and will feature a number of characters from earlier live-action films. Outside of adidas samba damen the U.S., people will be able to stream the new series via Crunchyroll. Outside of the story taking place in 2032, specifics about the season are currently unclear, but Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complexs Kenji Kamiyama and Appleseeds Shinji Aramaki are directing all of 13 of the episodes. Additionally, Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloos Shinichiro Watanabe, who directed one of the prequel shorts that tied into the release of Blade Runner 2049, is attached as a creative producer for the series. According to executive producers Andrew Kosove, Broderick Johnson, Black Lotus will, in part, delve into some of the mysteries that the original Blade Runner and its many re-releases initially planted in the minds of fans: The Blade Runner universe is an incredibly deep well for story and character with its world and mythology that audiences have been debating and talking about since inception. We are excited to con yeezy slide tinue exploring that world via this anime series. Blad Jaag 555 Million Years Ago, There Were Creatures That Looked Like You
The Project Apollo Archive on Flickr is truly one of the great treasures available on the Internet. You can easily get lost in the stunning imagery and wonder about what exists beyond our world. Its also an incredible resource for artists to turn those static pictures into gorgeous videos with 3D effects. My jaw is in total awe of this video, Apollo, which shows the magnificence of space travel. We have to go back. Ch salomon wanderschuhe ris Coupland, the photographer who put this incredible video together, writes: Between the years of 1969 and 1972 the human race accomplished arguably the single greatest technologic adidas original campus al achievement of all time, when humans first set foot on another celestial body. This short film is a tribute to the NASA Apollo Program space missions which successfully landed 12 men on the Moon. It was created entirely from still images from the Project Apollo Archive, which has bought together scans of all the original unprocessed images taken by the crews of the Apollo 10 to 17 space missions. SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Faceb reebok ook, Twitter, andYouTube. amazingApollobeautifulNASASpace

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Moderna is asking federal regulators for an聽emergency authorization of its mRNA covid-19 vaccine for those between 6 months and 5 years old. No vaccine has yet been approved for very young children in the U.S., which is a population of approximately 18 million people. The emergency authorization request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will be completed by next week, the company said. If approved, it will be sent off to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Pre air max 1 adidas sambarose vention for a vote and further authorization from the agencys director. The New York Times reported that Dr. Peter Marks, who heads the FDAs vaccine regulation, said in a senate hearing Tuesday he might consider all vaccine doses for people under 18 years old as a whole. Hearings for this and other authorizations likely wont happen before June, according to the Times. In a statement on its website, St茅phane Bancel, Modernas CEO, said We believe mRNA-1273 will be able to safely protect these children against SARS-CoV-2, which is so important in our continued fight against covid-19 and will be especially welcomed by parents and caregivers. The Massachusetts-based companys mRNA vaccine announced back in March that its interim results from its KidsCOVE study, which included 2,400 children aged 6 months through 24 months and an additional 4,200 children aged 2 through 5 years old. The compan adidas sambarose y said results showed positive results for a two, 25-microgram dose series for children younger than 6, with results Tssc Check Out These Incredibly High Resolution Maps of the Ocean Floor
Technology experts have been insisting for over a century that when the robot revolution finally succeeds, everyone will have a life of abundant wealth and leisure. That hasnt been the case. But it hasnt stopped plenty of people from still insisting that it will happen, even here in the year 2017. A new article in salomon sommerschuhe Australias The Daily Telegraph trots out some amazing predictions for the near future. Titled, The robots will steal our jobs, but well be enjoying ourselves, its an article that couldve been written in the 1960s. But allow me to tell you why its bullshit. The robots are coming 鈥?and experts are predicting they will be giving dunks shoes us more time to enjoy ourselves rather than stealing our jobs. Just 8230; no. This prediction has been around forever. It was particularly popular in the 1950s and 60s. But it hasnt happened. Why not Because gains in productivity didnt go to workers. They went to the owners of the businesses. New research suggests a silent robot revolution will affect every job by 2030 鈥?and we will be twice as happy as we are today as a result. Twice as happy What the hell does that even mean The article never explains. But even if the article presented a way to quantify happiness, something tells me that such a prediction is quite a stretch. Weve had an incredible amount of automation happen since 2004, 13 years in the past, jus air force one t as 2030 is 13 years in the future. Are you twice as happy as you were in 2004 If so, do you attribute that to having mor

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Theres a new battleground in the proxy war between MAGA hat-wearing Trump supporters and pussy hat-wearing members of the Resistance, and its the Yelp page of a restaurant in Virginia that asked White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave. The Hill pointed out The Red Hen, a farm-to-table restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, has racked up tons of one-star reviews in the last 24 hours after a server posted on adidas campus Facebook saying the owner asked Sanders to leave. The barrage of negative feedback was quickly countered by five-star reviews posted by pe air max 1 ople who applauded the owners decision. The whole mess started when a Red Hen employee took to Facebook to comment that Sanders showed up at the restaurant. I just served Sarah huckabee sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members, he initially wrote. The employee has since walked back the language of the post. It now says that the owner asked her to leave and she complied. In his status, the employee wrote that Sanders and her family left on their own accord after being asked. We didnt actually refuse service or kick her out, he wrote. That distinction appears to fall in line with the same story that the Red H ugg mini en owner Stephanie Wilkinson gave to the Washington Post. In recounting the events, Wilkinson said she received a call from a chef working at the restaurant informing her that Sanders was there. By the time she arrived, Sanders table had already Bliw Florida s Eleven Year Hurricane Drought Just Ended
Last week, Samsung recalled 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 smartphones. But it seems like every day were hearing stories a dunks shoes bout the defective devices being the potential cause of everything from burning Jeeps in Florida to flaming hotel beds in Australia. Now, authorities are investigating a house fire in Horry County, South Carolina with a possible connection to the infamously combustible device. Wesley Hartzog plugged in his Galaxy Note 7 to charge inside his garage this past Sunday. He then left to pick up his two daughters, and when he got home, Hartzog, who works as a firefighter himself, found his garage in flames. I spoke with Hartzog over Facebook Messenger, where he explained that he purchased the phone sometime around the 20th of August, right when it was released. Hartzog says he didnt notice anything weird when he plugged it in on Sunday. Inv nike af estigators havent determined for certain that the phone was the cause of the fire, but they definitely asked Hartzog about it. The origin of the fire has not been confirmed yet, Hartzog told me over Messenger. And with all the recent stories of exploding phones, its certainly emerging as a likely suspect. Hartzog didnt know about the recall and is now living with hi samba shoes s family in a hotel. Thankfully, no one was hurt in the blaze. Samsung, as weve noted in previous stories here at Gizmodo, didnt go through proper procedures to make their recall official. If they had coordinated with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, the

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Were more than a month out from the official start of spring, but that hasnt stopped it from popping up earlier than expected. The USA National Phenology Network released data Monday showing that spring has arrived across the Southeast earlier than at any point in the last 39 years. Leaves and flowers appearing this early in the year could spell trouble for crops and wildlife in the region. And you know whats likely to blame You got it: climate change. Spring has yeezy come early because, well, temperatures are high, Theresa Crimmins, associate director at the network and research scientist at the University of Arizona, told Earther. The organization created maps to show how early spring has sprung using a model th yeezy at relies on observational data of what temperatures trigger leafing and blooming events among the plants in the region, as well as data on when these events typically happen. When we have warmer than average temperatures, we predict that leaf out and the start to the biological activity in the spring season occurs earlier than normal, Crimmins told Earther. 鈥?Image: USA National Phenology Network The Weather Company forecasted February would see above-average temperatures in the Southeast this year, and the plants are already reacting. Reports from citizen scientists are already confirming the mode nike air force ls predictions. Crimmins said. And the Southeast isnt alone: Spring also arrived early in parts of the West, including Portland and Seattle. Whats troubling about all Liuj America: The Motion Picture s First Trailer Is More Chaotic Than Patriotic
Software updates exist to patch vulnerabilities and to add features, and installing those updates is just common sense. Photoshop will usually remind you on startup if you havent updated, but Adobe has gone the extra mile and created an ad based on phone sex hotlin adidas originals hamburg es. The update includes a content-aware crop tool and font suggestions, which are reebok de pro adidas originals uomo bably a huge turn-on for someone. Maybe it will run even slower on my Macbook Air now, because sensuality cant be rushed, guys. Oh baby, I hope that font suggestion tool is working because 鉂勨檼鈾撯 鈾撯 鈾庘檽猬р檻鈼嗏猝檽鈻犫檻 鈾嬧枲鈾?鉁嬸煋?鈾愨枴鉂?鈻♀枲鈾忦煋?鉂掆檹鈾愨梿猬р檹 猝枴 鈼烩檵鉂掆Й鈾嶁檽鈼烩檵猝檹 鈾撯枲 鈾撯Й馃摤 Gross, guys. Gross. https://youtube/watch v=3oYL8Exo_mw AdobeGrossPhotoshop
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Ddkg Today s coronavirus news: Ontario reports 417 new COVID-19 cases; province s vaccine-verification app appears on app stores
Hamilton police say a man and woman are dead after a suspicious early-morning fire.Police say 64-year-old Carla Rutherford was pronounced dead on the way to t stanley cup he hospital after she was pulled out of a burning home in the city Dundas area just before 4 a.m. Monday.They say 65-year-old Allan Rutherford was outside the house when first responders arrived and he was rushed to hospital in critical condition. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW stanley kubek Police confirmed Monday evening that he later died of his i stanley spain njuries. Officers did not disclose the relationship between the two, but say they lived together in the home. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW They say the families of the victims are requesting privacy at this time.By The Canadian Press Xxux New GM for the Meridian Centre
U.S. Coast Guard press release:A U.S. Coast Guard Station Osweg stanley thermos o, N.Y., boatcrew rescued a man, a woman and a 15-year-old boy from a 34-foot pleasure cr stanley cup aft taking on water about 17 miles north of Oswego, nearly in the middle of Lake Ontario, at approximately 3:30 a.m. Saturday.Rescued are Mark Donelly, 56, Laura Donelly, 53, and their son Cullan Donelly, 15.When the Coast Guardsmen arrived on scene in a 47-foot Motor Life Boat, they found the vessel with water up to the floorboards and helped to dewater it.They then transferred all three people, who were wearing life jackets, safely aboard the motor life boat and began towing the damaged vessel toward Oswego.The vessels are expected to arrive at a local marina in Oswego at approximately 7 a.m. Saturday.None of the three people required medical attention.The mariners contacted the Coast Guard via VHF-FM marine radio after the boat began to take on water.The Coast Guard recomm stanley cups ends mariners invest in a VHF-FM radio as their primary means of alerting distress on the water. Communication via VHF-FM radio provides superior alerting capabilities when compared to cellular phones. When a MAYDAY is sent out via VHF-FM radio, it is a broadcast. Not just one party is receiving the distress call; any nearby boaters can hear the distress call and offer immediate assistance.A 25-foot Response Boat-Small from Station Oswego launched during the initial response but returned to the station once the motor life boat arrived on scene. A Canadian

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As coronavirus cases continue to rise locally, Haltons top doctor is imploring residents to immediately tighten their circles, limit non-essential activities and halt all fitness classes.In a letter addressing the Halton community released Monday Oct. 19 , stanley cup Dr. Hamidah Meghani said shes strongly recommending that residents only have close contac stanley thermobecher t with those in their household and stick to e stanley website ssential activities like school and work when leaving the home. I know that we have asked a lot of you over the past several months and COVID-19 fatigue is very real. We cannot let our guards down, she said. The time to take collective action is now in order to prevent a much worse scenario and stricter measures in the future. COVID-19 has no borders and we need to work together to stop the spread. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Meghani said its become known that many cases are linked to private social gatherings and group activities, particularly where theres prolonged close contact without masks.In light of this, she said shes also recommending that: all team sports are limited to training only with physical distancing measures in place, all indoor fitness classes are suspended, and restaurant dining is done only with the people in your household. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW The measures arent provincial orders and will not be enforced, she noted. We all have a choice to make right now 鈥?between what we wa Sxur Bowling Green cooled off in 9-4 loss to Wilmington
Image from Oswego County website.OSWEGO COUNTY 鈥?The Oswego County Health Department is monitoring 42 people for possible exposure to COVID-19, Public Health Director stanley becher Jiancheng Huang reported March 19 at 5:40 p.m.Sixty Oswego County residents have been tested for COVID-19. At this time there have been no positive cases of COVID-19 identified in Oswego County.The COVID-19 situation is rapidly evolving and more residents are being tested as testing capacity increases.The County Health Department encourages residents to call the Oswego County COVID-19 Hotline at聽315-349-3330聽with questions they may have about the coronavirus outbreak stanley cups uk . Between 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, people will be able to speak with a public health professional or another county s stanley cup quencher taff member.Callers to the hotline after hours will hear a pre-recorded message with tips for reducing their risk of exposure to the virus. This is followed by a list of menu options for health care workers, media contacts and the public.People can also visit the health departments website at聽health.oswegocounty/covid-19聽for detailed information and updates about COVID-19. placement_509781_0_iwidth:100%;margin:0 auto; Print this entryShare this:EmailLike this:Like Loading...Related
Szhq Apple Should Make a Cheap MacBook and I Don t Mean a Tablet with a Keyboard
Apple put up, and then took down, a job posting that suggested the company is preparing to give up on wireless chips manufactured by Qualcomm鈥攁 supplier it is currently in a contentious legal battle with鈥攁nd is possibly cutting out Intel as well for future generations of iPhones. According to a report in Cult of Mac, Apples site briefly had a listing for an individual who would be at the center of a silicon design group, specifically a millim nike dunk eter-wave IC design engineer with a Ph.D. and qualifications perfect to help design the next generation of 5G modems for future iPhones. An archived version of the posting that survived on Glassdoor ment adidas samba adidas ions the following responsibilities: Work with platform architects, system group, and digital design group to define the requirements for mmWave phased-array front-end and baseband blocks based on the product requirements. Work with technology team and foundries o nike dunk n process evaluation/selection for the target device. According to Business Insider, Apple has been testing millimeter wave technology since at least May 2017, when it received a Federal Communications Commission license, and it recently applied for permission to test equipment in the gigahertz band. Milimeter wave is only one of the technologies that will eventually comprise the yet-unfinalized 5G standard, Business Insider noted, though it helps achieve data transfer rates unparalleled by current mobile networ. Yet there are drawbacks with that method, the site wrote: Sjos Heaven and Hell Collide in Our First Behind-the-Scenes Look at Good Omens
The price of communal l samba shoes iving at New Yorks WeLive, the lavish space operated by co-working giant WeWork, is adidas originals hamburg about to go up. According to a report from The Real Deal, the bourgie co-living enterprise sent out an email over the summer explaining to residents that come January, rent would be going up. Heres a look at the numbers, as per The Real Deal piece: WeLive studio apartments will rent for $3,050 per month up from a current $2,000 and 4-bedroom pads air force one will go for $10,000 up from around $6,000 8230; Two-bedroom apartments will now go for between $5,400 and $6,400 per month and three-bedroom pads for $7,350, the email states. In a statement, WeWork described how incredibly pleased the company was with WeLives performance. The test period for the building is coming to an end; the pricing now reflects market rates, the company added. Yet WeWork also disputed some of the numbers in The Real Deals story. It took issue with the $10,000 figure for a four-bedroom unit鈥攊t says the number is actually closer to $8,000 per month. The $3,050 figure matches the number currently listed on WeLives website, though the company told me in April that studios initially started at $2,550, not $2,000 as The Real Deal reported today. When asked to provide updated figures for two- and three-bedroom units, the company hemmed and hawed and wouldnt provide a straight answer. WeWork also insisted that the change in rent isnt an increase, per se, but rather an adjustment that simply moves

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Its no fun being a fan of retro gaming if you grew up a fan of Sega consoles. Emulators and game-bundled throwback consoles have been notoriously bad, but recently things have improved鈥攁s long as youre a Sega fan happy to throw money at your passion. The $190 Mega Sg console plays classic Sega games flawlessly, and theres now a disc-free cartridge that brings Sega CD games back to life. https://gizmodo/the-mega-sg-is-the-only-...uld-buy-18 air max 1 33471663 Released back in 1991, the Sega CD was a CD-ROM drive for the Sega Genesis that not only increased the size of games allowing for full-motion video to be included , it also added proces nike dunk sor and graphics hardware improvements so the Genesis could match some of the Super Nintendos features like the Mode 7 rotating background effect. Despite being an expensive upgrade, the Sega CD introduced a few memorable games, like the controversial Night Trap, which can now be played on modern systems without the need for the actual Sega CD hardware. Photo: Terraonion The MegaSD based on the international name of the Sega CD is more than just a car nike dunks panda tridge slot-friendly flash card that can be loaded with Sega Master System, Genesis, and Sega CD games ripped from the original discs. It features a custom-developed FPGA essentially a programmable chip that perfectly emulates the Sega CDs hardware so that disc games not only play perfectly off it, theyll actually have much-improved load times. The custom hardware helps explain Nzgm All These Gifts Were Given To An 8-Year-Old Girl By Crows
In April, the Federal Communications Commission FCC announced sketcher sportschuhe that the agency would approve the merger of Time Warner Cable and Charter, paving the way for the creation of the second largest cable and internet provider in the country. The companys products are now marketed under the brand Spectrum. Today the FCC denied Gizmodos request for documents about the merger and gave us the FOIA equivalent of a middle finger. On April 25, 2016, I filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the FCC for internal talking points about the merger of Time Warner and Charter. The goal was to gain some insight into th adidas samba og e thinking that has allowed the consolidation of internet service providers in the United States. Charter Spectrum is now second to only Comcast in size, serving roughly 20 million people鈥攎yself included. Specifically, I requested all internal talking points and Q 038;A documents related to the merger which were sent to or received by the FCCs Office of Media Relations Press Secretary Kim Hart. As FCC Chairman Tom Wheelers Press Secretary, her deliberations and instructions would be vital to understanding how a merger like this could come to take place. Perhaps most interesting of all, Ms. Harts internally distributed talking salomon gtx points would be vital to understanding how this merger would ultimately be sold to the American public with minimal blowback. That public, after all, isnt too happy with their rather limited options when it comes to high-speed internet provide

Rcpu Gillian Anderson Has a Tumblr, and It Is Perfection
On Friday, in the latest round of Facebooks whack-a-mole attempts to fix itself, the company launched new requirements for admins of Pages. Todays changes to the admin privileges for Pages has been in the works since April, when Facebook said it would [require] people who manage high potential reach Pages to get authorized to publish on their Page. The rollout has now kicked off in the U.S., and Facebook says enforcement of its new rules will follow shortly this month. In order to get authorized, the manager of a Page with a large audience in the US will have to complete the two-factor authentication process on Facebo adidas campus femme ok and confirm their location on a mobile device. They also have the option of turning on location services on their device. The company also said, in some circumstances, we may ask you to provide a photo of your ID. When the process is complete, the authorization will apply to all pages a user manages. If this sounds familiar, it could be because its similar to policy changes Facebook made in May regarding advertising that is political in nature or is related to issues of national importance. That c yeezy han af1 ge was quickly followed by confusion and accusations that the social media network was unfairly labeling journalistic work as if it were the same as a campaign ad. Confusion about Page administration began before todays changes were even implemented. Facebook announced a purge of users and Pages it claimed were part of a foreign political influence ca Tfzu Why Is An Entire Genre Of Science Devoted To Blindfolding Turtles
Where does gold come from The answer: space, basically. Supernovae, specifically. Alchemy, sort of. So gold doesnt actually originate from the core of Earth but actually from a star explosion that showers the universe with debris adidas originals hombre and well, gold. That means theres not that much of it actually on Earth all the gold mined in history fills only 3 Olympic pools but we can now make our own gold! Too bad it just takes forever. Find out more about the origins reebok de of gold and the future of it in this fascinating animation explainer from David Lunney an mizuno d Andrew Foerster for Ted-Ed. SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. GoldinterestingSpace

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Juey In This Short, Mysterious Lights Bring Famous Paintings to Life
Teal Swan is an internet spiritual guru who produces hypnotic self-help YouTube videos aimed at people who are struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. nike dunk donna Many of her yeezy videos share unorthodox messages about mental health with her hundreds of thousands of fans who follow her on Facebook and Instagram, and in person. In April 2017, I noticed that Teal Swans videos kept popping up in my YouTube recommendations bar. The videos took on a wide variety for topics, from internet addiction to nervous breakdowns to cryptocurrency.聽 When I finally clicked one, I was both transfixed and unsettled. I started looking into the effect she has on her followers, and why shes being accused of promoting suicide and running a cult. I went deep within her online devotee communities and traveled to her retreat center in Costa Rica to try to understand this new spiritual movement taking root on the internet. There, I met many of her dedicated volunteers working for her spiritual startup鈥攂asically a digital media company creating more content to spread her teachings. This podcast ended up going places I couldnt have anticipated. From a decade-old police investigation in Utah to a qigong healing center outside of Be chanclas yeezy ijing, and all the way back to the Satanic Panic of the 1980s. Today, you can listen to the first episode of The Gateway here. https://player.megaphone.fm/PPY5389954534 The Gateway is available wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Google P Zwcf Here s Your First Look at the Newest Cards in Star Wars Card Trader
Um, Marvel We know that artist Phil Noto cant physically draw all the Star Wars comics you publish, because you publish a lot, and hes only human. But can you please make sure he draws the eventual Rogue One comic Because, damn, just look at this. Noto has already blessed the world with two stunningly beautiful Star Wars comics this year: the Chewbacca miniseries, and the brand new Poe Dameron comic, which captures the likeness of the dashing X-W af1 ing pilot so well that it honestly feels like some dark, arcane magic was used to transfer Oscar Isaac to the page for our pleasure. https://gizmodo/the-poe-dameron-comic-is...1769401206 But on top of being incredibly talented, N hoka trekkingschuhe oto is apparently a lightnin skechers g-fast worker. We only got our first look at Rogue One: A Star Wars Story yesterday, and he already created this gorgeous poster featuring the movies cast: I couldnt help myself鈥?pic.twitter/wtCWchFIne mdash; Phil Noto @philnoto April 8, 2016 The likenesses are beautiful. Framing the Death Star and the specter of Darth Vaders mask in the Alliance starbird is genius. I want a huge print of this for my wall. Just marvelous stuff. Speaking of things that are marvelous, Marvel does have that Rogue One prequel comic coming out. Noto should draw that, too. Actually, we take what we said earlier back鈥攍ets make him draw all the Star Wars comics. His hand may fall off and/or he may die from exhaustion, but until then, itd be totally worth it.

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Two sources familiar with the Federal Trade Commissions investigation into Facebook say that Mark Zuckerberg himself is now a target. According to The Washington Post, th air max e agency wants to hold the companys co-founder, chief executive, and board chairman鈥擹uck is all of those things鈥攁ccountable for mishandling Facebook user data. And since Zuckerberg told Congress last year that hes resp adidas samba onsible for what happens at Facebook, the FTCs idea to pin him with the blame for the companys many, many misdeeds actually makes a lot of sense. To be held accountable can mean a lot of different things in these United States of America. The Posts sources say that the FTCs idea for penalties includes heightened oversight as well as a requirement for Zuckerberg and other Facebook executives to ce adidas yeezyslide rtify the companys privacy practices periodically to the board of directors. The paper has also reported that Facebook is negotiating a multi-billion dollar fine to resolve the current FTC investigation. Its unclear how much of this money could come out of Zuckerbergs pocket. The symbolic impact of nailing Zuckerberg himself with penalties is surely more important than money, especially since the 34-year-old has so much of it. Senator Richard Blumenthal, who recently criticized the FTC for taking too long on the Facebook probe, is certainly a fan of holding Zuckerberg accountable. [Zuckerberg] wasnt just aware of Facebooks invasion of consumer privacy, he signed off on it and publicly downplaye Saoy First Republican Joins U.S. House Effort to Restore Net Neutrality
First it was Boaty McBoatface. Now its 8230; Planey McPlanerson I dont know why, but for some reason, everyone wants to crowdsource the names for multi-million dollar projects. Today the US Air Force even got in on the act. Take a break today and help air max 1 us name our bomber for the 21st Century! @AFGlobalStrike https://t.co/tQ6myyGZs6 B21 pic.twitter/DOWMj1Z4HV mdash; U.S. Air Force @usairforce March 21, 2016 What would you name Americas newest bomber I suspect this will go about as well as Boaty McBoatface. But despite their blast to the general public over Twitter it appears that only members of the Air Force, their family, and retirees are eligible to submit names. And the USAF list of rules is pretty explicit that theyre no af1 t going to take your shenanigans: The name must be original and the entry may not contain material that violates or infringes any third partys rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights, or that constitutes copyright infringement. The entry must not contain or be phonetic similar to any third party product names, brand names or trademarks. The entry must not contain material that is inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, tortuous, defamatory, slanderous or libelous. The entry must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against mizuno any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age. The entry m

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