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Attorney Kenneth Feinberg testifies during a hearing before the Consumer Protection, Produc stanley cup t Safety, and Insurance Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee July 17, 2014 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The subcommittee held hearing on Examining Accountability and Corporate Culture in Wake of the GM Recalls. Alex Wong鈥擥etty ImagesBy Elizabeth BarberSeptember 16, 2014 12:55 AM EDTA lawyer for General Motors has raised the number of eligible compensation claims for deaths related to defective ignition switches in millions of recalled cars.The death toll from the recalled cars is 19, not 13, as GM had originally indicated. That according to an assessment released Monday by GM lawyer Kenneth R. Feinberg, who manages a compensation program for accident victims and surviving families.The Detroit-based automaker in February recalled more than 2 million of its cars after it acknowledged that switches in the vehicles were p stanley cup rone to shifting, cutting the enginersquo power and deactivating airbags and other safety systems. The company had previously said it believed that the faulty switches had led to 13 deaths.GM has given Feinberg complete and sole discretion over all compensation awards, and has waived its right to disagree with his numbe stanley cup rs, the company has said. GM said on Monday that it accepts the new, higher assessment of the death toll, Bloomberg reports.Ken Feinberg and his team will independently determine the Syrz Marine Who Blocked Soldier From Grenade Blast to Receive Medal of Honor
Democratic presidential candidate, U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris D-CA speaks during a town hall at the Eastern State Penitentiary on October 28, 2019 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Mark Makela鈥擥etty ImagesBy Suyin HaynesNovember 5 adidas originals , 2019 5:37 AM ESTA new analysis of Twitter and news coverage surrounding the Democratic primary candidates for the U.S. 2020 presidential elections shows that female candidates are attacked significantly more often than male candidates by trolls and fake news accounts.The report, published Nov. 5 by Lucina Di Meco, Global Fellow at The Wilson Center, used artificial intelligence in partnership with non-partisan data analytics firm Marvelous AI to track the coverage of six Democratic candidates on Twitter, measuring the volume of conversation around each candidate between December 2018 and April 2019. Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth nike dunk Warren, Kamala Harris and Amy Klobuchar were the candidates included in the study, which forms part of the broader report titled ShePersisted: Women, Politics and Power in the New Media Worl af1 d.These online conversations were analyzed for one week after each candidate official campaign launch between December 2018 and April 2019, depending on the candidate. Marvelous AI also examined the political bias and credibility of Twitter users participating in the conversation, as well as the themes and narratives surrounding each candidate.For each candidate, tweets were collected for a week following their

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Everest Base Camp site on Khumbu GlacierWhitworth Images鈥擥etty Images/Moment RFBy Helen ReganFebruary 18, 2015 2:13 AM ESTIncreased fears of avalanches on Everest have prompted officials in Nepal to change the route mountaineers use to scale the worldrsquo tallest stanley cup mountain.Starting from next month, the BBC reports, climbers will no longer be allowed on the daunting Khumbu Icefall ndash; a treacherous stretch just above Base Camp, full of crevasses and ice towers, that was the site of the mountain deadliest disaster, when an avalanche last year killed 16.Mountaineers will now climb a more central route after leaving Base Camp. It will bypass the Icefall but will be longer and more difficult.We think the risk of avalanche in the left part of the Khumbu Icefall is growing stanley cup and we are moving the route to the center, where there is almost no such danger, said Ang Dorji Sherpa, chairman of the Sagarmatha Pollution Control Committee mdash; a group originally set up to control waste management at Base Camp but which has since taken on a much wider role.Last yearrsquo fatal avalanche sparked a boycott by Sherpa climbers demanding better wages and working conditions. It has not been uncommon for a porter to climb through the Khumbu Icefall 30 to 40 times a season.[BBC]More Must-Reads from TIMEHow the Economy is Doing in the Swing StatesHarris Battles For the Bro VoteOur Guide to Voting in the 2024 stanley cup ElectionMel Robbins Will Make You Do ItWhy Vinegar Is So Goo Ijzp Why Gun-Violence Groups Aren t Giving Joe Biden the Benefit of the Doubt Any More
President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, Jack Tretton, is photographed during the Electronic Entertainment Expo E3 , in Los Angeles June 5, 2012.Reuters / Phil McCartenBy Matt PeckhamMarch 6, 2014 4:00 PM ESTFile under Didn ;t see that coming from a galaxy or two over: Sony Computer Entertainment America president and CEO J reebok ack Tretton is stepping down, effective March 31. Sony says this is part of an agreement reached by both Tretton and the company not to renew his contract.The new president and CEO of SCEA, effective April 1: Shawn Layden, currently the executive VP and COO of Sony Network Entertainment International. Layden, a Notre Dame grad, has overseen Sony global marketing, network retail operations and digital entertainment services, according to his bio. He been with Sony Computer Entertainment for over 14 years.Here a little more about him:Mr. Layden was one of the founding members of SNEI joining the company directly from Sony Computer Entertainment SCE , where he most recently held the position of President, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan. His 14 year career at Sony Computer Entertainment also included eight years at SCErsquo London Studio where he managed international software development. Mr. Layden joined Son salomon y Corporationrsquo corporate communications department in 1987 in Tokyo, Japan, and worked for several years as assistan adidas campus t to Sony founder and Chairman, Akio Morita.Tre

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By Olivia B. Waxman and Video by Arpita AnejaFebruary 7, 2022 4:16 PM ESTAt least 19 states passed 34 laws restricting access to voting in 2021, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. In Georgia, Gov. Brian Kemp signed a law limiting the number of drop boxes for ballots; in Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott signed a law banning 24-hour and drive-thru voting. The laws came after record turnout in the 2020 election, including among African-American votersmdash;and the Brennan Centerrsquo research shows that the voter restrictions nationwide are more likely to impact African-American voters and minority voters.Historians say that this wave of laws making it harder to vote echo the backlash to the electoral gains made by African Americans during Reconstruction 1865-1877 , the era of political revolution in the aftermath of the Civil War. The above video looks back at Black politicians who served at all levels of government about a century before the 1960s civil rights movement.I think one of the reasons that itrsquo so timely to l stanley cup earn stanley cup about Black political leaders during Reconstruction is because we have an unprecedented wave of new laws that are mean stanley cup t to suppress votersmdash pecifically African-American votersmdash;in some cases in order to ensure that African-American voices are not adequately heard in the political process, says William Sturkey, associate professor of History at the University of North Carolina.Vintage illustration features portraits of Af Gdvr Will Congress s Chemical Safety Reform Protect Us It Depends
UbisoftBy Matt PeckhamNovember 24, 2014 3:00 PM ESTFar Cry 4 throws a spanner into the narrative that Ubisoft lost its mojo this year, by which I mean the Assassin Creed Unity debacle, though debacle probably overstates the issue.A quick word about Unity: It not a bad game, it just not the series-upending shift we were led to expect. Plus, it shipped with bugs, a glitchy navigation system and a tendency to stutter in game-impacting ways when fighting amongst the game ballyhooed masses. No wonder Ubisoft delayed the game release from October. In hindsight, they should have pushed it off to December, or even early 2015.Not so Far Cry 4, which shipped relatively trouble-free and flush with incremental improvements in accord with the studio modest prerelease claims. If you come to Ajay Ghale Himalayan romp expecting narrative profundity, or a more subversive take on the Westerner-in-exotic-climes trope, you should probably look elsewhere. But if you just want Far Cry 3 8216 elaborate playscape with a better sense of activity equilibrium and all the play systems not so much further sanded as subtly sandpapery offering gratifying pushbacks, particularly in combat scenarios , this is it.It also nike dunk the most af1 Point Break of the games in the series, bristling with utterly preposterou adidas originals s high octane thrills. Here a list of the ones I ;ve managed to pull off so far:Hijack a vehicle 8230;from another

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John Raimer stands in front of his trailer that he lives in as he leads at the West Long Term Recovery team in West, Texas, on April 1, 2014.Max stanley cup Faulkner鈥擣ort Worth Star-Telegram/MCT/SIPA USABy Eliana DocktermanApril 16, 2014 11:29 stanley cup AM EDTNational safety rules governing fertilizer remain unchanged after a fertilizer facility explosion killed 15 people in West, Texas one year ago.The lack of action comes even after President Barack Obama ordered federal agencies to review chemical safety rules in the wake of the incident. Agency officials say they ;re considering revising ammonium nitrate storage rules, as well as changing the chemical handling and processing rules. Any significant changes, they say, will likely take years.Debate over the ideal safety changes to implement remains ongoing. The Institute of Makers of Explosives believes that storing chemicals in wooden buildings, for example, is an unsafe practice, while the Agricultural Ret stanley cup ailers Association argues that switching away from wooden buildings would be too costly. Texas Gov. Rick Perry, meanwhile, has cautioned against adopting new rules before the state completes its investigation of the incident. Perry has not specified when those findings will be released.Texas State Fire Marshal Chris Connealy told the Wall Street Journal that his office has identified 26 facilities in the state that store large amounts of fertilizer in conditions that could lead to an explosion similar to the one in West.Of the 15 people k Izet Paris Agreement Signing Comes at Critical Juncture for the Planet
The Netflix Inc. application app displays the Orange is the New Black series on an Apple Inc. iPhone 5s in this arranged photograph in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Wednesday, July 9, 2014.Bloomberg鈥擝loomberg via Getty ImagesBy Victor LuckersonJuly 30, 2014 12:43 PM EDTDespite its public war against interconnection fees, Netflix has signed another paid peering deal with an Internet Service Provider to improve the quality of its streaming and reduce buffering for its subscribers.We yeezy reached an interconnect agreement with ATT in May and since then have been working together to provision additional interconnect capacity to improve the viewing experience of our mutual subscribers, Netflix spokesperson Anne Marie Squeo said in an emailed statement. We ;re now beginning to turn up the connections, a process that should be complete in the coming days. ATT spokesperon Mark Siegel offered a nearly identical statement. Netflix will pay ATT for this additional capacity, but the payment amount hasn ;t been disclosed.Such fees have become a hotly debated topic among Internet giants this year. Netflix believes it shouldnrsquo;t have pay ISPs like ATT to deliver its video content because consumers are already paying for Internet access. The streaming service argues that these tolls could be used to discriminate aga skechers inst certain Internet companies, and it has conflated the issue wi af1 th the ongoing debate about net neutrality.The ISPs di

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By Nash Jenkins/ManilaMarch 2, 2017 7:41 AM ESTOn the morning of Feb. 24, Philippine Senator Leila de Limaone of President Rodrigo Duterte most outspoken criticswas arrested in Manila on charges of drug trafficking. Her arrest, which she and her supporters said was an act of political retribution, sparked outrage in the Philippines:LOYAL OPPOSITIONDe Lima, elected to the Senate last year after serving for five years as the country Justice Secretary, has led a months-long, largely political fight against Duterte and his so-called war on drugs, a bloody crackdown on alleged dealers and users by police and vigilante groups that has so far left more than 7,000 dead. Her Senate inquiry into the extrajudicial killings failed to bring them to an end, but her campaign has brought the crisis international attention.BULLY PULPITIn August, the President publicly accused de Lima of profiting from a drug ring at a Manila stanley cup prison and also of having an affair with her driver . De Lima fiercely denies wrongdoing. This is undoubtedly political persecution, she told TIME in her jail cell on Feb. 25. What has been done to me sends a chilling effect on other voices of diss stanley cup ent.UNCERTAIN FUTUREWhat happens next to de Lima is an open question. Her legal team is attempting to prove that her arrest was unlawful, but she is up against a system stanley cup many now see as corrupt, and she can ;t count on a lot of popular support: the President clocked Rtaz Ruth Bader Ginsburg Released From Hospital
A customer uses an automated teller machine ATM outside a Lloyds Bank branch, a unit of Lloyds Banking Group Plc, in London, U.K., on Tuesday, May 12, 2015.Jason Aldenmdash;漏 2015 Bloomberg Finance LP.By Robert HackettMay 20, 2015 12:12 PM EDTThat ATM you ;re using may not be safe.As my colleague Daniel Roberts poin adidas samba ts out, citing a report in the Wall Street Journal: withdrawing money from an ATM is more dangerous than itrsquo been in a long timemdash pecifically, the w airmax orst it has been in two decades.The story features some alarming statistics from credit-scoring company FICO. Security compromises of debit card data that have been traced to ATMs on-site at banks rose 174% from the beginning of the year to April compared to the same time last year. And off-site ATM fraud spiked 317% in that time versus the same period last year.In other words, criminals are having a heyday. So how can you remain safe when banking on the go Here are Fortune top tips to keep you from getting ripped off:1. Cover salomon up your personal identification numberShielding the ATM keypad as you type in your security code will help prevent onlookers from glimpsing your PIN. It a simple solution but one of the best ways to thwart so-called shoulder surfers from stealing your passcode. Be careful of video cameras, too. 2. Check for compromised machinesOne of the most popular means by which criminals steal payment card data is through a device known as a 8220 kimmer.
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By Flora CarrFebruary 20, 2018 12:47 PM ESTHer Majesty Queen Elizabeth II just made a surprise guest appearance on the closing day of London Fashion Week, appearing on the front row on Tuesday alo stanley cup ngside Vog stanley cup ue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour.It was the first time in her 65-year reign that the Queen has attended London Fashion Week.Her Majesty, who wore a blue Angela Kelly suit, was there to award emerging designer Richard Quinn with the inaugural Queen Elizabeth II Award for British Design.The stanley cup royal family official Twitter account says: The Award, initiated in recognition of the role the fashion industry plays in society diplomacy, will be awarded annually to an emerging British fashion designer who shows talent and originality, whilst demonstrating value to the community and/or sustainable policies.The Queen has arrived at London Fashion Week! LFW @LondonFashionWk pic.twitter/xxYRMkvDpsmdash; The Royal Family @RoyalFamily February 20, 2018Swapping her throne for the FROW, Her Majesty sat next to Dame Anna Wintour to watch Quinn latest AW18 instalment, before the official awards ceremony. She also had a tour of the British Fashion Council BFC .The award was created by the Queen personal dresser Angela Kelly at the Queen request, according to The Telegraph.The Queen appearance comes just a day after she invited fashion designers and artisans to Buckingham Palace for an evening event celebrating the Commonwealth.More Isxd The One Word You Need to Stop Using Immediately
Apple CEO Tim Cook atten adidas campus ds an Apple special event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, on March 9, 2015Stephen Lam鈥擥etty ImagesBy Kevin McSpaddenMarch 27, 2015 2:52 AM EDTAfter paying for his 10-year-old nephewrsquo college tuition, App nike dunk le CEO Tim Cook says, he plans on leaving all his wealth mdash; which today amounts to $120 million mdash; to good causes.But he won ;t simply be writing checks. In an in-depth profile piece featured in the April 1 issue of Fortune ugg magazine, Cook says he wants to approach philanthropy with a coherent, thoughtful, game plan.You want to be the pebble in the pond that creates the ripple for change, he told Fortune.To read the entire profile of Tim Cook, click here.More Must-Reads from TIMEHow the Economy is Doing in the Swing StatesHarris Battles For the Bro VoteOur Guide to Voting in the 2024 ElectionMel Robbins Will Make You Do ItWhy Vinegar Is So Good for YouYou Dont Have to Dread the End of Daylight SavingThe 20 Best Halloween TV Episodes of All TimeMeet TIMEs Newest Class of Next Generation LeadersContact us at letters@time

Gnom How Antitrust Laws Could Kill the PGA-LIV Golf Merger
By Aryn Baker / Cape TownJanuary 15, 2018 1:08 PM ESTAfter three years of unprecedented drought, the South African city of Cape Town has less than 90 days worth of water i stanley cup n its reservoirs, putting it on track to be the first major city in the world to run out of water. Unless residents drastically cut down on daily use, warns Cape Town Mayor Patricia De Lille, taps in the seaside metropolis of four million will soon run dry. On April 22, to be exact. Here what to know:The date is just a scare tactic, surely Nope. Day Zero, as it is called, is real, and is calculated every week based on current reservoir capacity and daily consumption. On Jan. 8 Mayor De Lille revised the date down from April 29, based on a citywide uptick in daily usage. The city won ;t literally run dry; in most cases, reservoirs canrsquo;t be drained to the last drop, as silt and debris make the last 10% of a damrsquo water unusable. City authorities have decided that once the dams reach 13.5% capacity, municipal water supply will be turned off for all but essential se stanley cup rvices, like hospitals. What happens when the taps are turned off Cape Town enters Mad Max territory well, almost . Residents will have to go to one of some 200 municipal water points throughout the city where they can collect a maximum of 25 liters 6.6 gallons a day. Armed guards will be standing by to keep t stanley cup he peace and prevent anyone from taking more than their share. Of course, the truly wealthy will be protected. The Mhqi The Obama Administration Warns Schools Over Transgender Bathroom Access
By Mahita GajananAugust 28, 2017 1:44 PM EDTIn a letter posted to Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg announced the birth of his second child. Fitting to the month of her birth, Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, named their second daughter August.August, we love you so much and we ;re so excited to go on this adventure with you, the Facebook mogul wrote. We wish you a life of joy, love and the same hope you give us.The name August is a form of the name Augustus, which has Latin origins, according to Baby Center. The name signifies reverence, or holding someone in high regard.Typically, August is a more common baby name for b ugg oys than for girls. In 2016, there were 222 female Augusts versus the 2,076 male Augusts born in the same year. August hit its peak popularity as a baby name in 2016, according to the Social Security Administration.Zuckerberg and Chan choice is similar to the name they gave their first daughter. Maxima, who goes by Max, was born in 2015 and got her name from a variation on the Latin name Maximus.More Must-Reads from TIMEHow the Economy is Doing in the Swing StatesHarris Battles For the Bro VoteOur Guide air force 1 to Voting in the 2024 ElectionMel Robbins Will Make You Do ItWhy Vinegar Is So Good for YouYou Dont Have to Dread the End of Daylight SavingThe 20 Best Halloween TV Episodes of All TimeMeet TIMEs Newest Class of Next Generation LeadersWrite to Ma converse hita Gajanan at mahita.gajanan@time

Govm Sony Wants to Change the Way You Watch TV
By TIME StaffJuly 16, 2015 5:46 AM EDTThis deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction. We should seize it. ;President Obama, hailing a deal with Iran to curb its nuclear program in exchange for a lifting of economic sanctions, and vowing to veto any effort in Congress to block the accord$200,000Sum that fell out of a bag in a tree at a German campsite, largely in 50-euro notesI ask them not to yield to an economic model which is idolatrous. ;Pope Francis, continuing his antipoverty camp stanley cup aign with a harsh critique of capitalism as a system that sacrifices human lives on the altar of money and profitHarper LeeThe author sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird had the most Amazon print preorders since the last Harry PotterGOOD WEEKBAD WEEKAtticus FinchLee revealed in Go Set a Watchman that the beloved Mockingbird character was actually racistI just couldn ;t imagine Minions being girls. ;Pierre Coffin, director, saying the characters in Minions, which had the second best animated box-office opening ever, are all male because of how dumb and stupid they often areI just want to remind everyone that I am just another human. ;Ellen Pao, embattled Reddit stanley cup CEO, announcing her resignation on the popular Internet message boardThis represents 8230; an affront to the Mexican state. ;Enrique Pentilde;a Nieto, Mexican stanley cup President, responding to the escape from a maximum-security prison of Ugps President Trump Left France With an Awkwardly Long Handshake
President Barack Obama replies to a question by Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu L at a town hall meeting with CNN s Anderson Cooper R on reducing gun violence at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, on January 7, 2016.NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty ImagesIdeasBy PeterJanuary 13, 2016 2:18 PM ESTIn 1996, shortly after a mass shooting in which 35 people died and 23 were wounded, the conservative Australian government introduced a series of stringent new gun laws. Since then, there has been only one mass shooting in Australia, gun deaths have gone down, and the homicide rate has dropped, even though there are almost as many privately owned firearms as salomon before the ban. Many politicians who support stronger gun control, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, have pointed to the Australi air max 1 an example as one the United States might follow. Others have cited the country as an example of what America should not do. Here what Peter, an Australian w af1 ho grew up with guns and continues to collect them, thinks about his country approach. Peter has asked to be identified only by his first name out of fear that his collection could make him a target for weapons thieves. I love firearms. I collect them and I enjoy shooting them. I probably have 30 pistols and 20 rifles or shotgun combinations. My family has always had lots and lots of firearms. My father was a shooter and we had a property when I was growing up, so from the age of 12 I had a rifle. Target shooting was offer
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