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Производитель: Balkan Pharma
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DENVER 鈥?The Aurora Police Department uses excessive force and racially biased police stanley tumblers practices in v stanley canada iolation of state and federal laws as part of its patterns and practices, according to a 14-month investigation by the Colorado Department of Law.The results of that investigation were released Wednes botella stanley day by Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser.The Department of Law recommends the city of Aurora enter into a consent decree to change its policies, training, record-keeping and hiring practices. The consent decree will also require the city to pay an independent monitor to update its progress to courts and the public on how it is implementing changes.Weiser said Wednesday that if the city does not cooperate, his office will seek a court order to implement the consent decree.The Department of Law and the city of Aurora will have 60 days to come to an agreement on the consent decree.Weiser said Aurora police showed a consistent pattern of illegal behavior at many levels of the department. According to his office, the department does not create and oversee appropriate expectations for responsible behavior, which leads to the use of excessive force and the violation of the civil rights of its residents. We want Aurora to succeed in these improvements and strongly believe that an agreement provides the best way to do so, Weiser said in a statement. Over the coming weeks, we look forward to working with Aurora and other stakeholders to create a consent decree that ensures these r Xvry White House Easter Egg Roll canceled over COVID-19 concerns
The Oklahoma City Thunder have reportedly traded All-Star guar stanley termosar d Chris Paul stanley en mexico to the Phoenix Suns.According to ESPN s Adrian Wojnarowski, OKC has reportedly traded Paul and Abdel Nader to the Suns for Ricky Rubio, Kelly Oubre Jr., Ty Jerome, Jalen Lecque, and a 2022 first-round draft pick.The Thunder will most likely look into flipping Rubio and Oubre Jr., with contending teams drawing interest into them both.According to The Athletics Shams Charania, the Suns future first-round pick to OKC is protected 1-12 in 2022, 1-10 in 2023, 1-8 in 2024, and unprotected in 2025.It seems the Thunder are in a rebuilding garrafa stanley mode, having also traded Dennis Schr枚der to the Los Angeles Lakers and naming a new head coach.

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A 47-year-old man has been arrested and charged with murder in Georgia. Police said Richard Sigman got into an argument with a man at a restaurant. The man reportedly claimed Sigman threatened to shoot him. Police said a secu botella stanley rity officer confronted Sigman and told him to leave. The Carrollton Police Department says an i stanley cup nvestigation indicates Sigman walked into a parking deck and began shooting into a parked vehicle, striking the victim who died after being taken to a hospital. She has been identified as Anna Jones, a recent graduate of Mount Zion High School. She reportedly planned to attend the University of West Georgia, where Sigman was a professor. U water bottle stanley WG has terminated the employment of Richard Sigman and continues to work with the city of Carrollton Police Department, which leads this ongoing investigation, university president Dr. Brendan Kelly said in a statement obtained by CBS News. On behalf of the university, we wish to convey our deepest condolences to Anna s family and many friends. .Page-below > .RichTextModule display:none; .Page-below .Link font-size: 12px; padding: 5px 10px;border: 1px solid 005687;border-radius: 4px;font-family: proxima-nova , sans-serif; Report a typo Guwb New FBI crime stats show most crime is down in the US except in one category
TAMPA, Fla.鈥擣rom May 20 through July 15, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is offering free park admission for U.S. veterans and up to three guests. The offer is also good for other SeaWorld-owned parks across the country. The compli garrafinhas stanley mentary entry is a part of SeaWorld Parks and Entertainments Waves of Honor pro stanley mug gram, which has helped to salute active duty military members, veterans and their families since 2005. More than 10 million guests have enjoyed the parks for free through this program. Veterans can receive their single-day free tickets online only at Wavesofhonor. stanley mugg Tickets must be redeemed by June 9 and used by July 15. Active military and veterans can always find year-round discounts for the parks on the Wave of Honor website as well. --------
Pmjf Child sex sting nets 15 arrests
Americans are eating more cheese than ever - more than 30 pounds a person per year - and their appetite for more variety is growing, a national survey says.In 2003, Americans ate a record 8.8 billion pounds of cheese. That s two and a half pounds a month for every man, woman and child, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Californ stanley cup ia Milk Advisory Board.Most of the demand is being fed by domestic suppliers, and California s mega-dairies are growing so fast that analysts expect the state to overtake Wisconsin in cheese production within two years. California is already the nation s leading milk producer, and with the help of cheese makers like Hilmar Cheese Company -- the largest in North America -- the state has doubled its cheese production in the last decade.In 1995, California made 70 varieties of cheese. Now there are 250 types of cheese coming out of the state - 815 million pounds of specialty flavored, rinsed, aged or fresh cheese per year. The vast majority is commodity cheese, but American stanley canada s are also consuming much more specialty cheeses. Blues, sharps, aged varieties and fresh ones have grown five times as fast stanley cup in the last decade as the cheddars and mozzarellas, the research showed.One out of every 10 pounds of cheese eaten is a higher-quality, value-added cheese such as artisan or farmstead varieties. Ten years ago, only one in 15 pounds of cheese consumed was specialty. People are traveling more, experiencing som Rnqy Threatening Note Diverts Plane
Residents of a mobile home park in Lake Wales say they are living with moldy walls and holes in the flooring, and nothing is being done to fix it.Current and former tenan adidas originals samba ts tell ABC Action News that have repeatedly gone to management with the issues, but continue to get blown off. Nothing ever got resolved. It got so bad, it got to the point where I had to call code enforcement, said Cindy Phillips, who used to live at the Lake Wales Mobile Home park. But the day she called code enforcement she says management evicted her.Lora Donley, who is trying to help some of the frustrated residents, took pictures and video of the property last week and couldn t believe what she witnessed. I ve never seen anything this deplorable, ever, she said. Septic tanks that were oozing waste and t af1 oilet paper, literally coming out of the ground and there were footprints from someone just walking through there like it was nothing. Some of the mobile homes are covered with black mold, according to tenants. My step dad got so sick he got to the point where he was admitted to the hospital, Phillips said of the mold situation.Current residents we talked to say anytime you ask for re nike dunks panda pairs, management blows you off.Bradley Elam would know, since he used to work in maintenance on the property and still lives there today.They can see an open sewer pipe coming right out of the commode and they will say, OK, we ll fix that next week, and never do it, he said.The owner of the mobile home park is Dr. St
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WINTER HAVEN, Fla. 鈥?The family of a young man shot a stanley mug nd killed outside his father s church is now turning their pain into purpose.Early Sunday morning, 20-year-old son Roderick Wilson, Jr., also known as RJ, was gun-downed in the Pentecostal Church of God parking lot in Winter Haven, where his father is a pastor. I said what, Rod What What What He said well, I was just calling to let you know somebody killed RJ. I screamed, said Emily Pringle, mother of Roderick Wilson, Jr.Wilsons family describes him as a peacemaker who loved the Lord. His older brother said RJ kept him focused and out of trouble. It would just be me and him. We would walk around the neighborhood. Wherever I went, he was. People would think I was a teen father because he was with me all the time, said his brother, EJ Dunston.Wilsons killer was arre stanley cups uk sted later that afternoon and identified as 22-year-old Taquion Quan Cotton.According to the Polk County Sheriff s Office, security video shows Cotton shooting Wilson. Investigators said Cotton ran to a nearby residence after seeing a woman entering her house. He put her in a chokehold while trying to get into her home. Courtesy Polk County Sheriff s Office Cottons mother, who lives in the area, ran to help the woman and assist deputies in apprehending her son. Cotton began biting stanley cup spain his mother, so deputies were forced to tase him.Detectives said Cotton lives a couple blocks from the church, but there is no evidence he and Wilson Efgs Landmark opioid trial set to begin in federal court
Among the many guests who had their pictures taken with President Donald Trump at the White House s annual Hanukkah party last year were two Soviet-born businessmen from Florida, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman.In the picture, which Parnas posted on social media, he and Fruman are seen smiling alongside Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Rudy Giuliani, the President s personal lawyer.At one point during the party that night, Parnas and Fruman slipped out of a large reception room packed with hun stanley tumbler dreds of Trump donors to have a private meeting with the President and Giuliani, according to two acquaintances in whom Parnas confided right after the meeting.Word of the encounter in the White House last December, which has not been previously reported, is further indicat stanley cup becher ion that Trump knew Parnas and Fruman, despite Trump publicly stating that he did not on the day after the two men were arrested at Dulles International Airport last month.Eventually, according to what Parnas told his confidants, the topic turned to Ukraine that night. According to those two confidants, Parnas said that the big guy, as he sometimes referred to the President in conversation, talked about tasking him a stanley mug nd Fruman with what Parnas described as a secret mission to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter. James Bond mission In the days immediately following the meeting, Parnas insinuated to the two people he confided

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REFORM, Ala. AP 鈥?Alabama authorities are investigating after former NFL player Glenn Foster Jr. died in custody following a high-speed chase that resulted in his arrest and then a scuffle involving officers in the jail where he was being held. Authorities say the death of the former New Orleans Saints player was reported Monday at a medical facility in Northport, Alabama. Court records say that while being handcuffed, Foster fought against a Pickens County deputy and a correctional officer, injuring the deputy stanley cup s nose and hand. Foster had an initial court appearance before Pickens County District Judge Samuel Junkin, where the judge wrote he was non-compliant and refused to respond to answer any questions aside from demanding an attorney.According to the Associated Press, the exact cause of his death has not been made clear and the Alabama state police said they were investigating.In an interview with The Times-Picayune/The New Orleans Advocate, Fosters parents said their son had been diagnosed with mental problems.The AP reported that a Reform police officer clocked Foster going 92 mph in a 45 mph zone. While attempting to evade police, Gordo officers set up spike strips on the road to burst the tires.Officers said Foster was handcuffed without further problems an stanley polska d taken to the Pickens County Jail, the news outlet reported. According to the AP, Foster was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when he was stanley becher 20 Rpvs 4 people indicted in scheme to sell body parts stolen from Harvard
CHICAGO, Ill. 鈥?Despite COVID-19 testing capacities ramping up, countless people are still uncertain as to whether or not theyve been infected. Thats because kits are still limited, and CDC guidelines require stringent prerequis stanley water bottle ites for testing. For many, that means being presumed positive without actually knowing or being counted. Unfortunately, about a week ago, I developed an upper respiratory tract infection, which introduced pneumonia to my system, said Chicago resident Michael Dolan. Dolan, a healthy 39-year-old who hadnt recently traveled from a hotspot started feeling sick around March 17. A fever of 103, along with severe symptoms associate stanley isolierkanne d with coronavirus, landed him in an outdoor triage tent filled with other patients. I was rejected for a test, but I was positive and symptomatic by my physician diagnosis which put me in the gray area where I ve existed now for the last three weeks, he said. Presumed positive upon immediate inspection. But he cant get a test because hes not considered a priority. According to CDC guidelines, top priority for testing goes to hospitalized patients and symptomatic healthcare workers. Next in line are symptomatic patients 65 years and older, those with underlying conditions and first responders. So, by the CDC guidelines, I m still not a data point, said Dolan. Testing remains spotty and inconsistent due to a patchwork of protocols from state and local decision-makers. More than 17,000 tests stanley termosky are pending as both demand and t

Rvlo The high cost of youth sports causing some families to go into debt
New York CNN 鈥擝oeing said it is in talks to buy Spirit AeroSystems, a major supplier that was part of Boeing until a 2005 sale, and one that was also involved in the Alaska Air doorplug incident.Boeing sold Spirit in 2005, receiving $900 million in cash for the sale. Spirit AeroSystems, which is based in Wi stanley cup chita, Kansas, makes major parts of several Boeing models, including the fuselages for the 737 Max. The parts are then shipped to Boeings factory in Washington state via rail.Spirit has had its own series of quality control issues in recent years that has caused problems for Boeing, and forced Boeing to agree to give it an extra $60 million in revenue for the last year in 2024 and 2025. Latest National News stanley shop from ABC Action News Kennedy Jr. says Trump would push to remove fluoride from drinking water AP via Scripps News Kamala Harris to appear on last SNL episod stanley cup e before election, reports Douglas Jones Company uses AI as a tool to power womens healthcare Scripps News Staff Qfjj Bartow African American Heritage Museum looks to community to help with expansion
WASHINGTON 鈥?A new federal intelligence report warns that adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory could target Democrats and other political opponents for more violence as the movements false prophecies increasingly dont come true.Some in the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol embraced the theory.Many QAnon followers believe former President Donald Trump was f stanley tumbler ighting enemies within the so-called deep state to expose a cabal of Satan-worshipping cannibals operating a child sex trafficking ring.Trumps loss to President Joe Biden disillusioned some believers in The Storm, a supposed reckoning in which Trumps enemies would be tried and executed. Some adherents have now pivoted to believing Trump is the shadow president or Bidens victory was an illusion.The report was compiled by the FBI and the Department stanley cup of Homeland Security and released Monday by Sen. Martin Heinrich, a New Mexico Democrat.It predicts that while some QAnon adherents will pull back, others likely will begin to believe they can no longer trust the plan referenced in QAnon posts and that they have an obligation to change from termo stanley serving as digital soldiers towards engaging in real-world violence. .Page-below > .RichTextModule display:none; .Page-below .Link font-size: 12px; padding: 5px 10px;border: 1px solid 005687;border-radius: 4px;font-family: proxima-nova , sans-serif; Report a typo
Vuyj Deputies: Riverview man yelled Allah Akbar as he carried out attacks on his children, girlfriend
A single-engine plane crashed into a fogbound coastal home where a family was vacationing Monday, killing the two people in the plane and at least two children on the ground, authorities said.One more child was still unaccounted for, officials said, and three more people were injured.City officials in the resort town Gearhart said in a statement that two adults were aboard the plane that crashed before 7 a.m., apparently hitting a tree during conditions that were described as foggy with low clouds. Six people were in the four-bedroom stanley cup website rental home at Gearhart for a family reunion and vacation, city officials said.A mother and two children were flown to Portland for treatment at a burn center, said Michael Griffiths, executive director of the regional emergency transport consortium Life Flight. At the house, the bodies of two children had been recovered, but a third was still missing, City Administrator Dennis McNally said.Names were not immediately made public.Two more people in the family party had gone out for a walk before the crash and were uninjured, McNally said.The plane, described as a four-seat Cessna, was owned by a business in nearby Seaside, Aviation Aventures, which had re stanley becher nted it to the pilot, said the city statement. The name of the pilot and passenger were not made public. McNally said officials believe it had just taken off from the Seaside airport.An explosion w stanley mug as reported about 20 seconds after the crash Hbjn Bus full of construction workers hits fire truck in Louisiana
An Elkhorn, Nebraska man accused of sending prostitutes to his neighbor s house was sentenced to four years in prison.DougGoldsberry pleaded no contest to one count of pandering in September. On Friday, aDouglas County judge gave him the maximum penalty.The judge says Goldsberry s screening process by seeing how far he could get the women to go was a concern for the court.Investigators were called to a homein March. T air force he homeowners told deputies with the Douglas County Sheriffs Office they were fearful because women identifying themselves as escorts or prostitutes had been exposing themselves and demanding money.The complaint says a family with tw samba shoes o small children lived at the house and the women would go on their porch and strip down or lift their shirts off, and one woman urinated in their bushes.Deputies conducted surveillance and brought in two women who were seen exposing themselves at the home. The complaint says investigators were able to determine through phone records Goldsberry, who lives across the street, asics sneaker had sent the women and would tell them to commit the acts so he knew they weren t undercover officers.According to the complaint, Goldsberry told investigators he would watch the girls out of his kitchen window, which faced his neighbor s porch, and sometimes take pictures and would become sexually aroused. He also told investigators he would meet prostitutes at hotels, the complaint says.
Hfyf U.S. Voters: A House Divided
Follow stanley website ing his visit to Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria, President Trump said in an interview with Fox News Geraldo Rivera that the island owes a lot of money to Wall Street and the U.S. must wipe out its debt.In an interview that aired on Hannity Tuesday evening, the president doubled down on his criticism of Puerto Rico s debt issues, a comment he reiterated to local officials during a hurricane briefing on Tuesday. They had 72 billion in stanley spain debt before the hurricanes hit and they had a power plant that didn t work before the hurricane so we re going to help them, we re going do something and were going to get it back on its feet, the president told Rivera. We have to look at their whole debt structure. You know, they owe a lot of money to your friends on Wall Street. And we re going to have to wipe that out, he said. Mr. Trump added, you re going to say goodbye to that, I don t know if it s Goldman Sachs but whoever it is, stanley cup quencher you can wave goodbye to Puerto Rico s debt.But just one day after Mr. Trump s remarks to Rivera, OMB Director Mick Mulvaney appeared to walk back the president s comments, suggesting to CBS News Margaret Brennan that we re absolutely not bailing out Puerto Rico. Brennan reports that Mulvaney was not aware of why Mr. Trump referred to Goldman Sachs as the bank to step up in wiping out the debt and was not aware if Sachs did indeed own the debt.Mulvaney, who spoke to Mr. Trump after his Oowp Kerry Blasts Bush On Iraq
TAIBBI ON McCAIN....One of the nice things about not being famous is that it makes it unlikely I ll ever end up in Matt Taibbi s crosshairs. John McCain, however, is not so fortunate:McCain enters the general election in the form of a man who has jettisoned the last traces of his dangerous unorthodoxy just in time to be plausible in the role of the torchbearing leader of the anti-Obama mob, waving the flag and chanting, One of us! One of us! all the way through to November. He now favors making the Bush tax cuts permanent, he s unblinkingly pro-life every time he remembers to mention abortion, and he s given up bitching about torture. With his newfound opposition to his own attem stanley cup pts to reform immigration policy and campaign finance, McCain is perhaps the first candidate in history to stump against two bills bearing his own name.McCain s transformation is so complete that at a recent town-hall meeting in Nashville, when asked to name an author who inspired him, the candidate mdash; who once described televangelists of the Jerry Falwell genus as agents of intolerance mdash; put none other than Joel Osteen at the top of his list. He s inspiration stanley kubek al, McCain said.Standing at the meeting, I didn t write O stanley water bottle steen s name down in my notebook mdash; apparently because my brain refused on some level to accept that McCain had actually said it. Of all the vile, fake, lying-ass, money-grubbing shyster scumbags on the face of this planet, there is perhaps none more loathsome than Os
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Multiple people injured after car crashes into pedestrians near Westlake High School Multiple people injured after car crashes into pedestrians near Westlake High School 00:54 One student was killed and at least four others were injured after a car crashed into them in Thousand Oaks, California, officials told CBS News.The students were leaving Westlake High School when they were struck by the vehicle, which flipped over, trapping the driver inside, according to the Ventura County Sheriff s Department.A 15-year-old boy died. One of the injured is in critical condition and one in moderate condition. Two others suffered minor injuries. Two female students, ages 14 and 16, and another 15-year-old male student are among the victims. The sheriff s department l stanley cup ater identified the suspect as 24-year-old Austin Eis and said that, based on witness interviews and evidence collected at the scene, authorities believe the crash wa stanley cup s intentional, so Eis will be booked for homicide. The driver was wanted for allegedly stabbing a Walmart employee in Simi Valley earlier in the day, the Simi Valley Police Departmen stanley cup t said in a statement. The stabbing victim s injuries were non-life threatening. Photo of the suspect s overturned car after cra Pezj 8203;Robber is shortchanged after coming away with only 35 cents
WESTERVILLE, Ohio- Former Ohio State quarterback and Heisman winner Troy Smith has been arrested on charges of driving under the influence and marijuana possession.Police told CBS affiliate WBNSin Columbus that Smith was pulled over at around 2:30 a.m. Sunday.Police say the 31-year-old Smith has been charged with operating a vehicle under the influence, possession of marijuana and improper display of a license plate. Smith played for skechers Ohio State under coach Jim Tressel from 2003 to 2006. He became the seventh Buckeye to win the Heisman trophy for mos adidas og t outstanding player in college football in 2006 and was named an All-American.He spent four years in the NFL from 2007 to 2010, playing for the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers. A phone listing for Smith couldn t be found Sunday. WBNS reports Smith is currentl hoka y a free agent. ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-dcaa65c4-d551-4aae-99c9-48fb955d4404, right-rail-recirc-item--id-dcaa65c4-d551-4aae-99c9-48fb955d4404 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-dcaa65c4-d551-4aae-99c9-48fb955d4404 ~ .item:nth-child 5 display: block; In: Marijuana

Nuby Officer who told motorist We only kill black people steps down
The Justice Department announced Friday that it s charging 138 people for their involvement in telemedicine schemes and other health care fraud across the country that may have incurred over $1.4 billion in losses.Telemedicine, opioid prescriptions, patient information, federally-allocated provider reliefs funds and sober home initiatives were abuse stanley cup d and used to illegally profit from health care charges and reimbursements, the Justice Department alleges. Many of the crimes targeted in the takedowns focused on components of the health care system that have been put under even stanley cup greater stress during the COVID-19 pandemic.According to the Justice Department, 43 criminal defendants across 11 jurisdictions are charged with telemedicine schemes amounting to a whopping $1.1 billion in alleged losses. Citing court documents, the department said, [T]elemedicine executives allegedly paid doctors and nurse practitioners to order unnecessary durable medical equipment, genetic and other diagnostic testing, and pain medications, either without any patient interaction or with only a brief telephonic conversation with patients they had never met or seen. Medical equipment compani stanley cup es and genetic testing labs then allegedly fulfilled the orders in exchange for kickbacks and bribes.In one example alone, Assistant Attorney General Kenneth Polite Jr. described an alleged criminal act in which the New Jersey defendants used telemedicine to submit over $784 mi Adgl Teen who defied mother by getting vaccinated testifies before Congress
The U.S. this week will begin withdrawing many of the active duty troops sent to the border with Mexico by President Trump just before the midterm election in response to a caravan of Central American migrants, U.S. officials said Monday.About 2,200 of the active duty troops will be pulled out before the holidays, the officials said, shrinking an unusual domestic deployment that was viewed by critics as a political stunt and a waste of military resources.That will leave about 3,000 active duty troops in Te adidas campus xas, Arizona and California, mainly comprised of military police and helicopter transport crews who are assisting border patrol agents. There adidas og also will still be ab af1 out 2,300 members of the National Guard who were sent to the border region as part of a separate deployment that started in April. The active duty troops, numbering about 5,200 as of Monday, were initially scheduled to stay until Dec. 15. Late last month, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis extended the mission to the end of January at the request of the Department of Homeland Security. It s unclear if it will be extended again.The U.S. forces have installed vast amounts of razor wire and provided transportation and protection for the Border Patrol. The troops are not there to directly deal with the Central American migrants, many of whom eventually made their way to Tijuana, just south of California.White House directs Pentagon to let troops use force at the border in some casesOne

Lytp White House says it won t participate in House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing
On this Face the Nation broadcast, moderated by Margaret Brennan:Dr. Christos Chri stanley cup stou, Doctors Without Borders International presidentNational Security Adviser Jake SullivanSen. Mark Warner, Democrat of Virginia, chair of the Senate Intelligence committeeRep. Michael McCaul, Republican of Texas, House Foreign Affairs committee chairIsaac Herzog, President of IsraelClickhere to browse full transcripts of Fac the Nation. MARGARET BRENNAN: I m Margaret Brennan in Washington. And this week on Face the Nation: pressure on Israel for a cease-fire, even a humanitarian pause, increases, while the conditions inside the Gaza Strip continue to deteriorate.Israel s efforts to decimate Hamas continue, but the humanitarian situation and escalating Palestinian civilian death toll have intensified the protests around the world, as some Gazans attempt to flee the hardest-hit parts of the region. Others struggle to stay alive in areas that are under attack and running out of resources. We will have reports from the region, and we will speak with White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Israeli P stanley cup resident Isaac Herzog. Plus, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Mike McCaul joins us from Tel Aviv.Then stanley cup : There are some bright spots for Democrats following last week s off- year elections. Can they win on issues, despite an unpopular president Virginia Democratic Senator Mark Warner joins us.It s all just ahead on Face the Nation. Zgjs Celebrities react to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock on Oscars stage
Ben Jerry s said Thursday it s planning to release a CBD-infused ice cream as soon as it becomes legal to add cannabidiol to food and beverages.The ice cream maker said it submitted a comment supporting the regulation change to the U.S. Food and Drug Admin crocs istration.Congress legalized the sale of CBD-infused topical products, like creams and ointments, but the FDA for now prohibits ingestible products, citing health concerns.Forget your midnight pint of Half Baked ice cream. Ben Jerry s said Thursday it plans to release a new CBD-infused ice cream flavor, joining other major consumer brands eager to add the hemp-derived compound to food and beverages as soon as it becomes legal on the federal level.The Burlington, Vermont-based ice cream manufacturer said it submitted a comment supporting the legalization to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, ahead of the federal agency s first public hearing Friday discussing the regulation o converse f CBD-infused edibles with industry leaders. We re doing this for our fans, Ben Jerry s CEO Matthew McCarthy said in a statement. Unlike cannabis, CBD does not get users high from the THC chemical, and is touted to have me stanley cup dicinal benefits, easing symptoms of anxiety and depression, for instance. Congress legalized hemp production in December in the 2018 Farm Act, permitting the sale of CBD-infused topical products like creams and ointments. However, the FDA has prohibited the sale of CBD i

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Washington mdash; The Supreme Court on Monday threw out a lower court ruling in favor of a black media mogul and comedian who s suing cable giant Comcast alleging racial discrimination.The justices agreed unanimously that an appeals court applied stanley cup the wrong legal standard in allowing business ownerByron Allen s $20 billion suit against Comcastto go forward. Allen has a separate $10 billion suit against Charter Communications that the justices decision also affects.A federal appeals court in San Francisco had said that Allen needed to show that race was among the factors in Comcast s decision not to offer him a contract. But the Supreme Court said that Allen has to show that race was the decisive factor in the cable companies refusal to carry his television channels. Comcast has said it declined to carry the channels because the programming isn t very good. Comcast, which is based in stanley cup Philadelphia, said in a statement it was pleased with the justices decision.Allen s lawyer had said previously he would go forward with the case no matter what the Supreme Court decided Allen needed to show. In a statement Monday, Allen stanley cup called the ruling harmful to the civil rights of millions of Americans. Allen s Los Angeles-based Entertainment Studios has several television networks including Cars.tv, Comedy.tv, Pets.tv, Recipe.tv and JusticeCentral.tv. Allen also owns The Weather Channel and a movie distribution company.The Supreme Court annou Juhk Bogus World Series tickets seized by authorities
AUGUSTA, Ga. --Sergio Garciatugged the lapel of his green jacket with both hands, proud of his prize and how he earned it.His hopes were fading Sunday inthe Masters-- two shots behind with six holes to play -- when his tee shot bounced adidas samba off a tree and into an azalea bush, the kind of bad luck he had come to expect in the majors. Instead of pouting, he figured out how to make par.Complete Masters coverage from CBSSportsFive feet away from winning, his birdie putt peeled off to the right. Usually resigned to fail, Garcia proved to be more resilient than ever. He was a new man with a new title: Masters champion.Major champion. jordan Sergio Garcia, of Spain, smiles after putting on his green jacket after winning t salomon he Masters golf tournament Sun., April 9, 2017, in Augusta, Ga. AP Itrsquo been an amazing week, Garcia said, and Irsquo;m going to enjoy it for the rest of my life. After nearly two decades of heartache in the tournaments that define careers, Garcia finally showed the mettle to win a major. He overcame a two-shot deficit against Justin Rose and won on the first hole of a sudden-death playoff.No one ever played more majors as a pro 70 before winning one for the first time.Garcia got rid of the demons and the doubts with two big moments on the par 5s -- one a par, the other an eagle -- in closin

Tgfk 8203;Defense admits Mass. teen killed his teacher, cites mental illness
Flight attendants at United and Southwest airlines on Tuesday staged protests at airports across the U.S. to draw attention to chaotic scheduling and other workplace woes.Airline employees picketed in 15 airports in cities and territories including Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Houston, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles, Newark, Phoenix and Guam. At Dallas Love Field Airport, flight attendants not scheduled to work held an informational picket calling f stanley cup or improved compensation and ways to make life less difficult for themselves and passengers. A better operation will mean a better quality of life with fewer reroutes and technology failures that leave passengers and flight attendants stranded, the Trans stanley cup port Workers Union Local 556, the union for 18,000 flight attendants at Dallas-based Southwest, tweeted on Tuesday. Southwest Airlines has an award-winning culture that respects our employees and encourages them stanley cup to express their opinions. Informational picketing is common during contract negotiations, and we do not anticipate any disruption in service, a spokesperson stated in an email to CBS MoneyWatch.The demonstrations came as members of the Association of Flight Attendants, the nation s biggest union for aircraft crew members, including flight attendants at Chicago-based United, also staged protests. United needs to fix problems that create havoc for flight attendants and travelers alike, according to the AFA. Thi Htif Justice Department announces $88 million settlement in 2015 Charleston church shooting
Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz had swastikas ammunition magazines he brought into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, a federal law enforcement source with direct knowledge of the investigation told CBS News on Tuesday. Cruz has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.Cruz had 180 rounds of ammunition left, a source confirmed to CBS News.Students prepare for emotional return to school for first time since Parkland shootingSources told CBS News that Cruz broke a third-floor window, possibly to fire upon people from above. Sources say he tried to create a sniper s nest by shooting out the window, firing 16 rounds into the glass, CBS News correspondent Manuel Bojorquez reports. But the hurricane-proof glass appeared to have stopped it from shattering, Bojorquez reports. Investigators believe the suspect tried to reload, but after changing magazine clips, his gun may have jammed, Bojorquez adidas campus adds. Cruz then allegedly put down his weapon and left the building, blending in with other students.Police said Cruz told them he adidas campus had brought additional loaded magazines to the school campus and kept them hidden in a backpack until he got on campus to begin his assault. How can we stop school shootings Secret Service has some ideasCruz is accused of opening fire at the high school in Parkland, Florida, on Valentine s Day, killing 17 people and wounding 15 others. On Feb. 15 skechers , investigators said Cruz told them that
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ponen stanley cup usa t--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; stanley cup inline-recirc-item--id-ad69cfd4-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d, right-rail-recirc-item--id-ad69cfd4-8c88-11e stanley canada 2-b06b-024c619f5c3d display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-ad69cfd4-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d ~ .item:nth-child 5 display: block; Djbz Virginia Problems Overblown
The wife of a police officer in a Massachusetts town has been charged with faking a robb adidas originals forum ery at her home and blaming it on the Black Lives Matter movement.According to CBS News, Maria Daly reported a robbery at her home in Millbury, Massachusetts, claiming jewelry and money had been taken. She also said that her house was graffitied with the letters BLM , a com skechers hausschuhe mon shorthand for the Black Lives Matter movement. We woke up to not only our house being robbed while we were sleeping, but to see this hatred for no reason, Daly wrote on social media after she filed the report, CBS News reports.However, a police investigation quickly proved that there had not been a robbery at the home. Basically we came to the conclusion that it was all fabricated, said Millbury Police Chief Donald Desorcy told CBS News. There was no intruder, there was no burglary. Daly has been charged with filing a false police report and misleading a police investigation. salomon gtx Dalys husband, Millbury police officer Daniel Daly, has been exonerated of any wrongdoing in the incident.Alex Hider is a writer for the E.W. Scripps National Desk. Follow him on Twitter @alexhider.
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